How to access your intuition: A blog about using your intuition to make better decisions.

How to access your intuition: A blog about using your intuition to make better decisions.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift. ”

Have you ever had a feeling in the pit of your stomach, a deep knowing that things weren’t right? Have you ever done something that felt uncomfortable, but you ignored it because it made no sense? Or how about being convinced a business idea wasn’t going to fly – and then watching as it took off like wildfire? Those moments are your intuition at work. All ‘high-achievers’ use their intuition. Even if they’re not aware of it. You’ve probably heard that it’s important to have a good gut feeling. But how can you train yourself to trust it? And what do you need to do to start noticing and following the signs?

What is intuition and why do we ignore it?

The word intuition comes from the Latin word intueri, which means to look within or to contemplate. Intuition is not just a gut feeling—it is our most ancient form of knowing and understanding, going all the way back to our primitive survival days when we knew danger was near without even knowing why. Intuition helps us process information quickly and has nothing to do with being intelligent, educated, or even having an extensive vocabulary. In fact, there’s no rational explanation for how it works; it’s one of those unexplained phenomena you can only experience. Intuition is simply knowing something without knowing how you know it. It gives us clarity in any situation and guides us toward what works best for our own lives, regardless of outside pressure or influence. It’s more like a hunch than anything else... and because these hunches feel right on some level, doesn’t mean they should be ignored. When we ignore them, problems arise later on. When we listen to them, our lives become easier and less stressful as a result. Yet most people don’t pay attention to their hunches—they are too busy worrying about what everyone else thinks or about looking foolish if they follow their heart rather than their head. So how do you learn to tune into your gut instincts? How can you train yourself to develop them further? And finally, how can you use them to improve every aspect of your life? This post will answer these questions and many more.

The dangers of ignoring our gut feelings

Your gut feelings are there for a reason, so it’s essential you understand what they mean and pay attention when they kick in. Ignoring them can lead to some major regrets down the road—you know, like taking a job at that money-sucking company or refusing your best friend’s birthday party invitation because you wanted to watch Grey’s Anatomy alone in bed. We need our gut feelings more than we think, which is why tapping into them is paramount if we want to live happy lives. Here’s how you do it! A few reasons why ignoring your instincts won’t work out well for you: Sometimes, we trust ourselves to follow our instincts but don’t always realize their power. Learning when to listen to (and ignore) a gut feeling will take time, especially since not all of us have learned its significance during childhood development. When trying to tap into your intuition as an adult, first ask yourself these questions: Is my decision logical? Does it have any potential consequences for others? What does logic tell me? Next, look into whether your decision aligns with who you really are deep down. What values do I hold dear? What morals guide me through tough times? After considering both options, ask yourself if neither option feels right. If both choices remain ambiguous in your mind, then go with your gut! It’s okay to pause and listen to your feelings sometimes; after all, they could save you from making a serious mistake later on down the line.

How to develop intuition?

Intuition is really just based on a lifetime of experiences and observations, so if you don’t yet have it, there are some great ways to develop it. Start paying attention when you have an internal sense that something isn’t right or someone is telling you their feelings but they aren’t sure why. You can also practice meditation or deep breathing exercises, as well as mindfulness techniques, which will help you focus on those gut-level intuitions. You can also play around with different tarot decks until you find one that resonates with you personally. With enough practice, any of these methods will give you a clear mind-body connection. Finally, check out what psychic medium James Van Praagh has to say about learning how to access your intuition. It may seem strange at first, but getting a psychic reading is actually a very straightforward way of tapping into your intuitive side. He explains that communicating with spirit comes naturally; we’re born knowing how to do it—we just forget over time! Luckily, through spiritual connections like readings, our innate intuitive powers can be brought back into focus. And having an instinctive grasp of what makes us feel comfortable, confident, and secure means putting ourselves out there even more confidently. When you know who you are inside and feel secure in your own skin, everything becomes more manageable; relationships improve, business deals go smoother. It’s no wonder many entrepreneurs consider psychics such a secret weapon for success... They’re offering a little bit of magic, without any sacrifice at all.

How does intuition work?

Intuition is defined as a faculty of knowing or perceiving without conscious reasoning, and recent scientific research has discovered exactly how it works in our brains. In other words, we’re hardwired for gut feelings. What’s more, we can learn how to read these feelings—and even how to take control of them. Learning how to understand and develop your intuition leads to better decision-making skills (which in turn means you can come up with more innovative ideas). But what if understanding your intuitive brain is just out of reach? That’s where listening to others comes into play...

 When you’re focused on a particular thought or activity, it inhibits messages from being transmitted from your gut to your conscious mind, explains David Gelles in his recent book The Telomere Effect. So if you start feeling uncertain or uneasy but then brush it off, that message doesn’t get through — and you don’t even know why. Maybe what you feel isn’t true for everyone, so you don’t act on it, says Amir Levine, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center and co-author of Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—And Keep—Love. But if someone else does something that makes us think about our own situation, we may gain insight into ourselves that we didn’t have before. We are all connected, he says. When I pay attention to others, I can use their example as a mirror for my own behaviour. Sometimes I discover things about myself by paying attention to other people first! This is called "social referencing," where I look at another person as a reflection of myself. Paying attention works both ways (the more other people pay attention to you). In fact, some researchers believe that paying attention is essential to developing a fully functional conscience.

Intuition and decision-making

You can begin training yourself how to be intuitive by being more aware of your body’s responses—that deep-down feeling, that twitchy muscle, or maybe even a word coming into your head that you don’t quite understand—these are all signals that you’re on track with what you need and want to do. Intuition is an often-misunderstood part of our lives, and one most of us never really stop to think about. But if we learn how to tap into it and use it as a tool, it can actually lead us down very productive paths. After all, we create ourselves from within our own minds. So why not get in there? It takes some time to learn, but anyone can train themselves for greater awareness of their bodies and minds. Practice listening to what these signals tell you; work toward trusting them over time so they will inform your decision-making process. Pretty soon, it will feel like second nature! This practice isn’t just useful for entrepreneurs, either: It also leads to better sleep, healthier eating habits (no late-night binges!), and a whole slew of positive effects that affect every area of life! Be sure to check out my previous blogs, Intuitive Eating: Why Mindful Eating Is The Key To Weight Loss and Dream Guided Meditation for Manifesting Your Dreams.

Some quick tips for learning how to trust your intuition:

  1. First of all, consider that you have intuitive abilities; we all do! Next, start to pay attention when something comes up for you—a thought pops into your head, a deep desire arises, or perhaps something simply feels off. Ask yourself, "What is my body telling me?"
  2. Trust your gut. That fluttery feeling isn’t just in your stomach for no reason! We are usually born with some sort of ability to read people and situations, but most of us stop listening as we get older and begin to second-guess ourselves more often instead. Still unsure? Just ask yourself: What would someone I really admire do?
  3. Don’t let doubt stand in your way. Intuition thrives on creative ideas and action, not fear-based thinking. If you find yourself questioning whether or not you’re making the right decision, run through your reasoning again and then check back in with your heart (or gut if that doesn’t appeal to you).
  4. If it still doesn’t feel right after running it through a few times, don’t force it. It will likely come around later, once you’ve had time to think things over.
  5. Follow your instincts. Doing what feels right is an excellent way to tap into your intuition! For example, maybe you need time alone after work instead of going out with friends—go with it! Not only will taking care of yourself help inspire even greater levels of self-awareness, but being true to who you are ultimately allow others to recognize who they truly are as well. This builds trust, compassion, and confidence; it helps you live happily while also inspiring others to be themselves around you.
  6. The most important thing is to accept those feelings as completely valid! Do not judge yourself by them; doing so makes you untrustworthy of your own body. With practice, though, we can learn to read our own minds better and follow our intuitions every step of the way, which leads to clearer choices about our lives in general. ##Write a professional blog post based on the following description: Asking yourself these questions may sound silly-after all, who am I? It seems like such an obvious question, right? Yet, answering it takes much longer than one might think.

How to access it?

While it’s easy to assume that what we feel is just coming from our emotions, a lot of times there is more going on than meets the eye. The reality is that you are receiving massive amounts of information through a variety of senses at any given moment; you just need some help sorting through it all—and your gut is one way for you to do just that. It’s important to note that not every feeling or sensation you get is actually a message from your intuition—but over time, you can learn how to sort out which feelings are worth listening to and which aren’t. Sometimes it might seem like an obvious choice: I should go with my gut when I know in my heart something isn’t right. But you also have to be willing to listen if things aren’t clear—your intuition doesn’t necessarily always tell you what to do, but it can point you toward opportunities. And finally, don’t be afraid to ask for guidance. Your gut may sometimes have strong opinions about things (especially if they relate to your core values), but it also understands that sometimes balance is needed between instincts and emotion versus logic and reason. Ask yourself questions such as: What am I missing? How else could I look at this? Is there someone who could give me another perspective? Who has been where I want to go and can share their experience and guide me toward the next steps? And remember that trusting yourself means believing in your ability, even when you encounter bumps along the road.

Connecting with nature and visualization

Find a quiet place in nature where you can be alone, without distractions or disturbances. You might find it best to do it outside or near a window where you can look out into nature and think about how it makes you feel. Closing your eyes will enable you to focus on feeling relaxed and being aware of what’s going on around you rather than looking at specific things in front of you that could distract you from connecting with nature itself. In these moments, try to let go of any anxieties or stresses that are within you and try not to judge yourself for these feelings; just let them pass through your mind like clouds passing by in the sky. Visualize yourself being more confident and strong, knowing that whatever comes up, however big or small it may seem, you have the strength inside you to deal with it as well as an understanding of what needs to be done so that others may benefit from it. While sitting there imagining these things, take deep breaths, breathing in relaxation and breathing out tension. Listen to your surroundings, hearing all sounds calmly and quietly while gently placing your hand over your heart chakra area of your body (it’s right above where you would normally wear a necklace) as if trying to calm a butterfly that was fluttering its wings rapidly against your skin; concentrate on both slowing down those movements while also calming down any negative thoughts or emotions that you may have been having before beginning meditation. If you notice your mind wandering, simply bring it back to focusing on your breath, until some time has passed; ideally ten minutes. If during these times, something comes to your attention that feels urgent, then don’t ignore it, but instead remember why you are doing this exercise and know that once you finish meditating, these worries and problems won’t be forgotten but instead become minor in comparison to everything else we feel every day throughout our lives.


Learning how to tap into our intuition is something that most of us try to do in our lives, but it’s difficult because we get so caught up in thinking everything through or doing what others tell us is right or normal that we tend to forget ourselves and lose sight of what makes us who we are. When you trust yourself and follow your gut, you usually end up in a much happier place than if you had just done things like everyone else. Taking some time to be quiet, relax your mind, and spend time with people you love can help re-align your focus on the things that matter in life. But remember—you can’t run from yourself forever; you have to take steps towards healing before real change will come from within. Be patient with yourself; it may take time for positive changes to become apparent. It doesn’t mean you haven’t made progress. To figure out how to access your intuition, close your eyes and think back to when you last felt calm, contented, or connected with others. What did they all have in common? What mood were you in? How did that impact how you approach situations? How could repeating these experiences help inform decision making now? Don’t rush it—this process takes time! Take one small step at a time until feeling good becomes second nature again. Being intuitive won’t come overnight, and sometimes following that inner voice might seem downright scary at first (especially in big business or life-changing moments). If you choose to listen to your instinctual feelings, though, chances are you won’t regret it down the road. Trusting yourself is essential, even if you feel awkward or uncomfortable doing so.

Niloy Roy

Regional Head - Business Development at U & I Interiors PVT LTD

2 年

Wow ...this is amazing sir ????


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