How 9/11 attacks changed the world stability?

How 9/11 attacks changed the world stability?

September 11 attacks, also called?9/11 attacks, series of aeroplane hijackings?and suicide attacks committed in 2001 by 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group? al-Qaeda?against targets in the? United States, the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history. The attacks against??New York City and? Washington DC, caused extensive death and destruction and triggered an enormous U.S. effort to combat? terroism. Some 2,750 people were killed in New York, 184 at the? Pentagon, and 40 in??Pennsylvania (where one of the hijacked planes crashed after the passengers attempted to retake the plane); all 19 terrorists died. Police and fire departments in New York were especially hard-hit: hundreds had rushed to the scene of the attacks, and more than 400 police officers and firefighters were killed in the aftermath of the attacks.

After the news hit the world there was absolute chaos in the fedral governments of all the countries trying to assert the situation and get ready for the possible future attacks posed by the terror groups .Twenty years after the attacks of September 11th, the effects can still be felt in the United States in numerous walks of life. These include the endless war, air travel, surveillance and privacy, anti-Muslim sentiment, American psyche, and a changed world.

Who would have thought that when the?US launched airstrikes on??Afganistan within a month of September 11th that it would be almost 20 years before the last American troops would finally leave the country in such a humiliating manner?

The initial aim of the invasion, ordered by US president George W Bush, was to crush?al qaeda?and Osama bin Laden, the terrorist group and its leader blamed for planning and carrying out the attacks, and deny them the base from which they had operated. Prime Minister Tony Blair was a key ally of the US in offering military support.

But Mr Bush had already told the US Congress and the American people that the country was engaged in a new type of military action that went far beyond a few targeted strikes against a single enemy.The ?“war on terror” was born and it would not end, he said, "until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated".

The war in Afghanistan became the longest in US history. Some 800,000 served there and nearly 2,500 died. More than 20,000 are listed as wounded - the true cost of psychological wounds is far higher.

But after 20 years the objectives of the prolonged war of US are still incomplete infact after the US war on Afganistan the terror attacks was simultaneously beefed up the the Islamic organistaion in the countries like Siege of Mumbai 2008 ,?paris ?attck 2015 ?,berlin ?& brussels attack in 2016, sri lanka easter bombings and so on the list countinues to grow longer . The ?Islamic terror groups even targeted the top muslim and arab countries like saudi arabia bombings , Ankara attack ??Turkey ?,Dhaka Bangladesh ?and so on .

Even after ?all these attacks and growing theart after Taliban taking over afganistan on Aug 15th 2021 the world leaders are working relentlessly to completly?eradicate terrisom on the planet. Which is going to be very greater challenge for ??every world leader to constantly maintain the economy and the security of their respective countries safer. ?So its safe to say that ?the peace and stability of the world in future is directly propotional to the peace and stability in Afganistan , Iraq, Syria,yemen .These countries can shape the world into the safe heaven for the people of the world to live or exactly other way?.

In Todays world every country is facing a threat like 9/11 attacks. we the people the country can just hope that there will be no more 9/11 attacks in near future.


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