How '8' Questions Can Help You 2X, 3X or Even 10X Your Business

How '8' Questions Can Help You 2X, 3X or Even 10X Your Business

?? Did you know that there are ‘8’ specific questions that can 2X, 3X or even 10X your business?

? Here’s the entire list:

Q1) Who is your best buyer?

Q2) What significant problem are you solving that nobody else is?

Q3) What is your solution and does it improve the status quo by at least 10X?

Q4) How are you marketing to where your best buyers feel the most comfortable to engage?

Q5) How are your best buyers purchasing your products/services with the least amount of resistance?

Q6) How are you transforming one off customer purchases into repeat buyers in order to drive down your marginal cost of demand?

Q7) How are you leveraging key partnerships/strategic alliances/joint ventures in order to expand into existing markets and/or create new markets of best buyers?

Q8) How are you maximizing your existing resources (i.e. time, money, wo(man)power and intellectual property) in order to add additional streams of revenue without increasing overhead?

So, tell me - which question will you focus on in Q3?

P.s. I’m launching a small online group coaching and mastermind program at the end of this month.. We’re going to spend 8 weeks transforming the above “questions into cash” ?? so you can 2X, 3X or even 10X your business in 8 weeks or less ??

Would you like to join us? ?????????

Just comment ‘WIN’ below and I’ll pm you all the details.

Talk soon.



