How to be 3X more efficient
Anadi Sharma
40 under 40 - Marketing innovative minds, India | Alum - Twitter, Tiktok, and Huawei | 13+ yrs of troubleshooting business problems via innovative solutions
It's been an eventful year for most of us. Few of us hit a pay cut, many of us got a job cut and all of us were affected mentally or emotionally at some level. I ain't any life coach but my recent episode with few rooms "as they call it on Clubhouse" taught me a lot of lessons that I would like to build in the future and work towards becoming progressive each day. There are few tacts that you can instill and make you get that work-life balance you have always been craving for:
- Maintain a Journal - Keep a note of things that gives you good ROI, better ROI, and best ROI and work towards improving the "Good" and "better" section. You can even keep a monthly track as to how much time and effort is spent on X or Y activity and just like runners - try and reduce your time without compromising on the quality of work
- Say not to Notifications - Whenever you are working keep your phone (for all personal and leisurely work) at a distance or hide the notifications of specific apps that do not contribute to a faster and better you
- 20-20-20 rule - (especially people exposed to screens and are heavily into desk work) Every 20 minutes look at an object that is placed 20 feet away for 20 seconds. It breaks the monotony and shakes our lethargy from you
- Create a ritual - Every time you experience a win make a ritual, award yourself and appreciate yourself, buy yourself a gift, or just tweet it out. This will help in creating a circle of positivity and remind you about your achievements, reaffirming yourself about your work. Self-love is the key
- Create a worklist - If possible create a yearly, monthly, and daily (most important) job list and strike out the jobs completed or rearrange them keeping in mind the deadlines set
- Maintain a personal calendar - Use Google calendar to park time for your family, friends, and even work. With WFH kickin' in for too long, it is difficult to draw a separation between office and personal time
- Build and fix - keep on improving and modifying your schedule as per the above-mentioned points
All this will show you immediate results and hence keep you content with current conditions. I will be really interested in knowing, what you do in order to be more fruitful. Post your recommendations in the comment below.