How a 2.25 trill infrastructure plan can raise 4 trill and solve the climate emergency and stop wars. (Part 14)

How a 2.25 trill infrastructure plan can raise 4 trill and solve the climate emergency and stop wars. (Part 14)

HRH. Prince’s William and Harry.

In some ways we are the next evolution of our parents. In some ways our parents are the next evolution of our grandparents and they of our great grandparents. There is knowledge, widom experience that comes with age. There is also fresh insight and perception that comes with youth. Frequently though it is the knowledge and experience with age that helps shape and define what is acceptable percpetion and what is not.?

?There are qualities that our grandparents have that are traits and evolutionary nudges in understanding and awareness that our parents do not have. The world seems to make us human beings in such as way so that our parents only provide a part of the puzzle to understanding ourselves, our grandparents a substantial amount more and our great grandparent substantially more which we tend to really know of particularly well as their cycle on this planet occurred beyond the time of our own memory, awareness and understanding. So therefore, if for part of our own personal evolutionary path learning of, being aware of and having an understanding and awareness of our ancestors is clearly very important to helping us in life, helping us position, know how to cope with all factors in life better.?

It could be very true to say that the next generations will be more self realised as people not due to technology, business or thinking but actually mostly due to the fact that they are able to see their grandparents, great grandparents and great, great grandparents far beyond just grainy old photographs but actually be able to see them talking thinking and being themselves on film and from that we can obtain a better awareness and understanding of where we have originated from and who we actually are by way of the improved capacity to be able to make comparisons.

If tracing the family tree helps us see and understand better who we are, there is an advantage that Roya Families have over every other type f family. They have very detailed biographical accounts of their ancestors. They have paintings, photos film, comment, and a much clearer understanding and awareness of their own sense of being than any other people. Whilst the constant media noise can be seen to be something of an asset. The problem with media is that the person the media represents is very different from the real person. So when a person becomes famous they effectively become an exaggerated form of two people. Well you know what George Michael was like, not that’s just it, you don’t, neither do I and neither did many people. George Michael clearly found it very difficult himself to be able to reconcile between the real George Michael and the publicized version of who George Michael is.?This is the same with any person in the public spotlight. However, in the contexts of Prince William and Prince Harry they from their earliest ages were having to try and understand and reconcile between the outer version of themselves, the inner version of themselves and added onto that who they are expected to be and become through birthright and in addition to that they had one of the greatest loses they could ever have had, their mother at such a young age. In such a publicly observed way.

Their mother would Princess Diana would not only have been their trusted guide and confidant, she would have been their greatest link between the world inside and outside of the Royal Family as Princess Diana had led a relatively normal life prior to being courted by Prince Charles.

With Prince William and Harry having gone through the structure of school. The structure of University, the structure of military training and military deployment. Having again had the paradoxical environment of one hand being Princes, known to everyone and yet having to find a way to be able to relate to people whether they were officers, soldiers or advisors which would have had such a different life to them. Such profoundly different life experiences. People who would have been able to have made a thousand mistakes in their lives and never actually been held to account nor observed.?The truth is the differences between the people who served with both Princes in actual fact could not have been more different. Those that had come from a more privileged background and been officers may have been actually less able to really relate to and actually really understand the Princes. In fact, the soldiers that would have had repeated life challenges and overcome these in order to have joined the army will in many ways have had more similar of emotional experiences that they would needed to have dealt with and coped with, although of course very different indeed.

The underlying truth is that the earliest most formative years of both Price William and Prince Harry’s life there was the incredibly close although publicly observed relationship with their mother and the sense and the capacity to be able to have dealt with and coped with extraordinary experiences, yet in a way that is fitting, viable and appropriate would have been learned at an early age. Yet uch of the training would have been how to present how you feel rather than how you actually feel and finding ways to reconcile that within. So with so many pressures that were hidden, unknown, could not be openly considered and discussed in some ways with anyone in order for those people to be able to understand and effectively respond too will have been a deficit that in some ways would have been missing from their lives. So in a way no mater how hard it is for a music or entertainment ?star to be in the public spotlight and whilst they have good or bad days, any adverse reactions they have are frequently ust put don to the excessive rock star lifestyle. The fact that musicians and entertainers tend to be adults before they are put into the situation of having to have this dual identity of who the public think they are and who they really are starts usually when they are much more fully developed in terms of people than Prince William and Harry were as children. If we are to draw comparisons to ‘child actors and entertainers’ that were in the spot light, that had similar behind the scenes pressures on them from an early age then in most cases, perhaps in every case their is a lifelong legacy of being affected by this. Some of these people go on to have some of the most troubled lives.?This?is all known of, publicly considered and discussed.

?However, in the context of Prince William and Prince Harry they have been and are expected to continue no matter what. Yet, when it’s appreciated that the Queen and the late Duke of Edinburgh also were young when they had so much responsibility and pressure from the outside world due to the time of the war years, which again is something that we can watch on films throughout our lives and never fully relate to or understand. At that time the whole nations safety and wellbeing was looking towards guidance from the Royal Family. The entire stability of everything we have known since that is known as British was protected and saved from the pressures that had brought most other European countries into being not much more than colonies for the Third Reich. The guidance and support and sense of camaraderie that George VI, The Queen Mother, The Queen,?Margaret and Anne provided during World war two was to effectively align to the way the people were in the country in presenting, contributing and inducing a united front.?

This was very evidently represented with the war effort which ranged from Speeches to providing and creating information for the purpose of misinterpretation by the Nazi’s. This ranged from rallying troops to motivating housewives, pulling pints in the East End to repairing vehicles. The capacity to be able to inspire, motivate and propel the war effort forward by The Royal Family was instrumental and essential throughout the war. It could actually be debated that without their multitudes of different actions in that time the country would not have been as equipped and motivated to have been able to transform effectively enough into a single fighting unit both on the home front and abroad. There could be a thesis to be written that the one secret weapon that the Allies had that actually gave the UK an advantage over all the other countries that fell was a Royal family that were active participants themselves in the war effort and this was one of two advantages the UK had over other countries in Europe, another factor being The British Channel, another factor being innovation with both radar and the decoding of the Enigma. Another factor being the SOE operations.

?Another factor being the subterfuge that was used on so many occasions including for D-Day in order to get a hold in occupied Europe.?Whilst the sheer scale of effort in the East and the weather were factors in the East. Then the fact that the double successes in both Europe and Russia helped undermine morale in Asia. There were many factors that turned the tide of the War. However, each and every one of those was underpinned by their being a synergy of thinking that the situation was of the greatest challenge and the chances of success were everything other than guaranteed. The change in mindset required towards cooperation has been cited many times since in the context of climate change.?

So if there is truth in that, then it’s clear to also say that both the balance tipped back in favour of democracy and freedom both for Europe and then as a result of that in Asia was the result to a greater or lesser extent on the conversations and the positioning and the inclusion, participation that then occured.?Even if that is only a small part of the truth however, it’s absolutely evident to say that the circumstances at the time of the Blitzkriegs in Europe, Russia and the UK were at the time something that no country could cope with well and all countries came either very close to falling or did fall to this. So it may not be an exaggeration to say that the freedom obtained fifties and sixties that swept Europe and the USA may only have been obtained by the efforts during the war years by so many people, particularly and including the Royal family.

However, what’s also interesting to see and to note that whilst there was a capacity for the Royals to adapt once very quickly in alignment with the needs of the country, Europe and the world in the 30’s and 40’s. By the time it had gone just one decade on there was a situation that had occurred that actually required the opposite.

The freedom creating results of the war resulted in so many changes to society. The advent of the Rock and Roll era and all that continued on from there. At that time the next generation that of Prince Charles could not readily adapt to how attitudes and the world was changing and needed to maintain Royal traditions. So by the time the 50’s had arrived. There had been a transfer in terms of priorities. The 40’s was save the country, the 50’s was to preserve tradition amongst changes brought about by saving the country. A time leading to the time of unrivaled social and technological changes occurred. So the Royal family on one hand needed to remain in alignment to both the changes and yet paradoxically provide the stability of tradition.???

So there was a contrast between having a monarchy maintain the traditional and yet embrace the modern. This in a way was represented most clearly in the marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson.?The media near obsessively followed them for many years. The pressures that this must have caused them cannot be even appreciated or realized however, this resulted in their being a generation of the Royal Family who’s lives had all been very much affected by the relentless media attention. Again, I refer back to how this affects so many people and families. The result of this however, culminated in the death of Princess Diana.

The reality is that even during and after that the media continued. The Leverson Inquiry showed just how far the media would go and even after that, Leverson 2 inquiry was cancelled without explanation as to why.

So with such a clear pressure from the media affecting these people’s lives it’s not surprising at all that mental health charities have been very much supported and pardoned by Prince William and Prince Harry.?It’s of no surprise that the relationships that they have had with their partners have been exceptionally important to them in helping them reconcile with a life that is of such incredible emotional contrasts.?The fact that both of them have both served the county in the armed forces and continued to do such exceptional charity work, they have both embraced and supported many good causes and are both people that are able to get on with and relate very well with all types of people from so many different backgrounds and countries.?They have got this far despite so many obstacles in their way that they have had to deal with, overcome and move beyond in their own ways the best they can, whilst maintaining a sense of duty.?

The pressures that have been on them and how they have managed to get through these is something that nobody can actually really relate to other than each other and Princess Eugene and Princess Beatrice.?In terms of Prince Charles, he perhaps of al other Royals had the most similar situation, as he being heir to the thrown and at the same time followed by the press from a very early age. He however, having the responsibility of needing to maintain tradition in such a fast changing time would have had different pressures and this may have partly resulted in him in a way becoming one of the most outwardly visionary members of any Royal family.?The values and interests that he presented and spoke of became very much the norm twenty or thirty years later. He was a pioneer in healthy organic foods, local farming, in terms of architecture were far ahead of their time. The values that he presented were values that many people learned from and later also considered of value and helped influence their lives. They are interests that people can only alone arrive at through having had a profound inner journey themselves or having been influenced by others before them showing them a signpost to thinking in a more whole way.?

So what can be seen from all of this is that there have been so many expectations and duties and yet there has been an inner journey. An inner journey that has helped and shape the thinking, the mindset and the frame work of how others think and relate to the world to worthy and important causes in the world around them.

Another aspect is that only the Royal family themselves?know and understand the pressures. When Meagan Mercal and Prince Harry got married there again was a new change, a modernization to the Royal Family. The UK and the USA have always been seen in the past seventy years to be aligned and so similar an yet culturally they are so completely different. In some ways opposites.?

I went to an American school at the age of twelve and what I learned there was that there really is a different culture to the UK. So much so, that too was a massive adjustment I made. Yet this was also a major adjustment that American children made when they came to live in the UK.?

Whilst it’s very clear that the relationship between the Cambridge’s and the Sussex’s had pressures and exactly what those were and how they occurred and played out. What I believe is important to consider here firstly is that the relationship between friends and brothers quite often changes when there are new partners introduced and whilst that can be a factor that changes and influences relationships afterwards. What’s essential to consider is that actually no two other people in the world can actually fully really understand what the life and the early loss for either William or Harry was actually really like. There are no points of reference to anyone in such a public place at such an early age having had such a traumatic experience as they had. So the fact that they both had that experience then and whilst there have been so many other events in their lives since and since then there would have been so many different relationships. Their marriages that they have had may be exactly what has helped heal the past. Yet the past itself, what that actually was and how they got through that, that particular experience the only people that will ever be able to really understand and appreciate what that was like is each other.

In terms of therapy frequently the therapist takes people back to the original traumatic experience in order to reconcile, heal, progress and move beyond that in a new way. During the course of their lives, there will be a cast of millions of people that come into their lives. They will all be different, yet the only person past present or future that will ever be in their lives that has had the most similar experience is their own brother. Whilst there are aspects of ourselves we can retrieve by knowing who our grandparents, great grand parents who our most distant ancestors are. We can position ourselves better by considering how they would have considered themselves in a particular situation. However,?whilst we can learn from, draw from and obtain so much from having the opportunity to have this family heritage awareness, understanding, knowledge and appreciation. It’s only those that have shared the same experience, when it is the most profound experience that we can ever fully relate with, within that situation.

There are situations where two opposing view points can be right, there can be conflicting truths. Their can be subtle levels of truth and there can be justices and injustices that mix together in ways that influence and affect how we and others think. The fact is that brothers are different or very different and yet a great many of the experiences that they have in early life whoever they meet, whoever they find during their journey through this world, nobody else will quite understand and appreciate the events that they experienced themselves in childhood in the same way. As children we generally find it easier to have arguments, disagreements and full fights and then the next day recover. As adults sometimes it’s simply words that are said or impressions given that cause so much hurt that seems irresolvable. The ability to rip up the last events, the inability to be able to take a 3d perspective and not just mark our own justifications and injuries, but see how this has affected and is affecting others too is really a great challenge.

?For ordinary people to put their own needs and their own ego to the side for the moment for the higher good is not easy. Just look at my landlord, convinced that he is fully justified in writing out the amounts of money people pay for their electricity and simply sending it to his own bank account.

Generally it’s really not easy consistently relating to the needs and the sensitivities of family, friends, business associates, partners, the community and the wider world particularly well all of the time or even some of the time for many or even most of us.??To get it all right on an everyday ongoing basis is just not easy. There can be one good reason never to want to talk to someone again or there can be one hundred. Yet, there can also be one or a thousand good reasons to talk to someone again. What’s more interesting is that we can know very clearly in our minds why we should not talk to someone again, yet we do not know fully the reasons we should, as we do not know well enough what the future consists of. Sometimes it’s best to forgive people, not due to the fact that they deserve forgiveness, just due to the reason we deserve closure on a situation.

?If I had one penny for every time I had to forgive people that really did not deserve it in the situation firstly and secondly were not sorry for what they had done in the first place then I would have enough money to buy a very large note pad write all my complains and frustrations down ?in long form and then throw it into the dustbin. The point is that one thing is very evidently clear in this world. Those that we consider do wrong to us do not experience in the same way what it really felt like to have had that wrong done to them in the same way their actions were felt at the time.?Even if they do momentarily relate well to that, the chances are this does not stay with them for long, they blush off the ‘accusation and then move on, or even question why this is such an issue of concern to you.’ The effects of what’s termed PTSD, people simply do not consider or align with clearly enough.

There is an interesting dynamic that occurs in people so that people so frequently will not go on the side of the victim as they themselves find it easier to be able to relate to the person that did the wrong doing in the first place.?This is a well observed dynamic that occurs in fights on the playground ten or twenty people will observe frequently before one or two step in to say stop this. So humans are intellectually wired in ways that’s not easy to understand, yet on a global level we have seen the same. We have seen the voices of reason saying stop the destruction of the environment before it not only causes the greatest extinction of species since the dinosaurs, it causes our own extinction and yet for forty years of this message being said and explained in so many different ways. Even with clear evidence today from all corners that confirm this assertion, even with figures that align in the same way with studies of the Oceans and fishing. Even when there are clear signs outside, too frequently people agree with the theory and then continue to not find ways to factor their own lives into the situation and form a part of the answer. However, Princes William and Harry the situation has been different. They both have, as has their father and late Grandfather.

Prince Charles and princess Diana were also keen supporters of Live Aid and attended the original 1985 concert for famine in Africa. A famine at the time that seemed so out of place in a way in a time of mass consumerism and the power of we only just being discovered. The first time in the worlds history the world got together to try to do something together. The real importance of that cause and that dynamic of getting together to do something big is not an idea of a bygone era but an idea that has been reborn again in many different ways since. Band Aid was the first ever globally viral media event, long before the internet was even discovered.

The theme of helping the soil stayed with Prince Charles and his interest in agriculture and providing a model company for other to emulate that respected the land and the soil in the UK was emulated many times over by many and social enterprise is not only the new norm of most companies it’s the clearest and most evident template to realign many human activities in alignment with the needs of today.??

The alignment of social enterprise to the needs of today are clearly evident, it’s only government, business, Unions, Universities, Colleges, Schools, Residential homes, seed planters and tree planters united that can provide the leverage required to turn around the 500 years where we forgot to add the needs of nature into our transactions and into our lifestyles. Now is a time where endorsement and support can make all the difference. It’s as if the Queens generation cited the need for conservation and animal protection with The Duke Of Edinburgh taking such a prominent role in promoting and pushing Conservation, long before it was fashionable. In an effort to help make it fashionable.?The next generation took this one stage further with the linking of the issues to products that help maintain and preserve the countryside. The next generation in the way of Princes William and Harry have been engaging with young people and also drawing the link between helping the environment and improved education and the planting of seeds and restoration of nature in areas including inner cities. ?Whilst Prince Harry participated in one of the largest Elephant transmigration projects in history in Malawi. Harry has been very direct in speaking out about the need for conservation to guarantee our survival on this planet.

The new dynamics of the Royal Family

Harry and Meagan have been in the USA this is a change in the Royal Family that is a first in history. Whilst this may have been seen as a result of relationship issues in the UK. The truth is strategically from a perspective of wanting and urging and needing to ‘save the planet’ This in some ways could not actually be better. The Royal family for generations of Americans has come to be an institution that they have admired, respected, appreciated and loved. They have travelled by their million to the UK to see the Royal Family.?However, the Royal Family has always been unofficially a part of the USA, now it’s a part of the USA. So with the healing of relations between the Prince William and Harry and their spouses there is today the chance and opportunity to make the connection between three generations of the Royal families Conservation values and both the UK and the US public.?This is particularly fortuitous at a time where President Biden is absolutely serious about creating a green economy that really works and brings together the infrastructure and the government and private contract side that enables this to be able to progress in the USA.

Whilst Royalty do not engage in politics they have on so many occasions engaged on issues that help protect the country, The Commonwealth countries and further afield. Their work during the Second World War being one example of many. Being good parents and protecting the interest of your family is not politics, it’s natural instinct.

Prince William and Harry, have had so many experiences, so many challenges. They are worldly wise people and in the context of the risks to the world and in fact to the legacy of civilization itself they are acutely aware and active. The legacy of royalty throughout the ages was through birthright alone, and yet it seems evidently clear that for the past three generations of Royal Family in the UK they were aware that there was and is another factor today that has never been a consideration or voiced even until recent decades. That being the need to preserve the legacy of all. The tactics used to protect the UK in the 40’s. The vast array of methods, ideas, the universally inclusive, the integrated approach applied then it s the same sort of dynamic required today. We will only be able to save the planet or more clearly save the people and civilization by bringing this into our lives much more so than ever before. By refining and improving tactics and methods and by all doing our bit to help.?

From here to saving the Planet or losing the planet’s viability to support us.

50%of the trees are lost and require replacing. Trees are being sold and planted at an unprecedented rate, yet supplies are almost gone of trees and that’s not enough in any case. There are choices and we can turn empty space and fields into tree nurseries, If we cited that 1% of the land or sea was being used in the optimal way for conservation we would be exaggerating. We know more, much, much more today than we knew even five years ago. The methods and tactics to make a campaign go viral more than a decade before the?internet can be seen as a starting point, the telethons, the innovations to fundraising, the donor fatique and the austerity measures that in some ways reduced ad diverted progress.?The truth is though that all tactics used in the past to focus effort on the greatest priority of our lifetime and even more so the next has to be used and considered.?We need to get incredibly smart in how we sustain efforts and yet do not burn out but build. We build momentum in the directing that makes saving the planet not only accessible but easy. We incorporate it into our living systems, our businesses, our entertainment. We need bankers that no longer permit or allow the separation of economy and ecology to occur. They are both put back into their rightful place as being a part of the same with the root of ecology and economy both coming from the same word in Ancient Greek. We have the chance to go to work and to ask each other and our bosses, how can we green our operation? How can the company do better, and be greener? How can we fit this new necessary into our lives? How many more trees can we fit into our garden? Do we need so much lawn space or do we diversify the activities that can happen at home by planting fruit trees and then picking the fruit and making preserves and jams. What buildings are we seeing that can become used in urban agriculture, urban farming. We can ask the question of how we can save money in civic areas by introducing wild flowers where there were grass only areas previously. Whilst the need for grassed play areas is clearly evident. Do we need roundabouts that are grass or could they be adapted to being wild gardens? Is that pavement too wide? If the pavement is reduced and we plant trees and shade how much cooler can we make cities in the Summer? If there is waste metal, the question can be asked if that can be used to help create artificial reefs??Do hanging baskets make blocks of flats viable for vertical gardens? If we allowed everyone on a block of flats to grow in a vertical line baskets, then how much would that help bees? Could trailing tomato plants in a succession of five or so baskets provide for the fresh tomato needs of the residents of a flat?

How much more of our own food can we supply for ourselves simply by seeing our plot of land, our garden in a slightly different way??Our small front garden can we put a statement there to our neighbours in the form of an upcycled pallet planter. Is there the space? This is the age of the flower pot revolution. We can plant them out to help calm the climate, yet if in need of heating due to the failure of the grid due to climatic disasters we can empty the flowerpots and if they are ceramic put a tea light in them and a metal plate underneath the tealight and use these as emergency heating to heat a room, if the pots are placed on the side. This is a time of innovation, it’s a time where together we are either going to get ingenious enough to be able to all provide a part o the answer or we are going to couch potato ourselves into?and our civilization into near irrelevancy in a similar way to how so many civilizations did before us. The economy in Ancient Rome, to the Ancient Egyptians was also really important. So?importance that they were unable to perceive how a convergence of issues?would destabilize, undermine their own pyramid structure.

We can learn so much from building. If we build for strength we use squares and triangles in the construction. We can build on sand and soil, yet only when we have reinforced the ground. The roots of trees hold together hills in a forest, take away the grass roots and the forest falls down the hill. We cannot dream, talk and opinionate our way out of this climate crisis any better than we can dream, talk and opinionate the dishes being washed up after dinner. There is decisive action that is required and not only that, there is coordinated, strategized, multi-tactically,?coordinated action that combines like a global force to turn around our odds of survival. The go-slow in terms of the environment is not an option that can do anything other than lead to the rapid downfall of every civilization, every legacy of our generations of human evolution and development.

The only possible way for us to turn the heat down on climate is for their to be a vast coordinated global effort. An effort that gets better and stronger each second of every day and this has already begun. Every second of every day we are moving towards better, stronger and bigger efforts.?To take this to where we need to be, to have the momentum and leverage required we need landlords to put people and planet before or at least in alignment with profit. We need development companies to be unyielding in considering the fruit supplies that tenants can enjoy. We require investors to become far more opinionated in advising of their investments towards companies that are a part of the global answer. We need editors of magazines such as Forbes and the Financial Times to admit what is evidently true that the power of cooperation and competition has superseded the power of competition in the way that ethics have reshaped the economy of the West towards industry that does share a positive vision that does engage humanity. We require crypto currency investors and entrepreneurs to make outrageously large donations to tree planting programs. We require entrepreneurs to see that the UK has run almost completely run out of mature trees to plant as a direct result of the need to plant trees that’s occurring in the hearts and minds of people bored stupid by lockdowns. We require gardeners to advertise and re-sell off trees and shrubs that people want removed from gardens. We require the dot com boom to continue to become the bloom where green innovation takes form.

We require people to upcycle their gardens redo their gardens designing them in the interests of bumblebees and birds as much as people.??We require a replication of the successful no to plastic straw campaigns that spread around the whole world even to the outer reaches of reserve areas and into villages and towns worldwide. We require musicians to factor nature into songs, we require future concerts that double up as ted talks so we can become educated on something we thought everyone else would look after for us, nature. We require design agencies to keep factoring in nature, we require the most environmentally unfriendly companies in the world to do their bit for nature too. We require land that can be made available for tree planting. We require housewives and house husbands to collect seeds and plant them in their window. We require people using the word upcycling more and recycling too.

?Looking to ways to not throw our resources but seeing the wisdom and intelligence in giving them a new use. We require people to get up ten minutes earlier to plant a few seeds and water them and we require people to see what concrete areas they have around their places of work that can be greened more. We require people to plant a little more native biodiversity for nature here they can. We require company directors to realize that if they create green incentive programs within the work place they add value to their own companies in the perceptions of their employees. We require take away restaurants to copy Morrisons and give away free Sunflower seeds. We require construction companies to consider what new items they can source more ecologically and locally.?

We require the environment factored in everywhere, because it is everywhere. Not just the big issue of climate change, but actually the actions of regenerating the environment. We require App makers to make more green apps, we require more fathers to take their children out and plant a tree a year and watch them grow as children grow up. If it’s possible to organise almost a whole country to go to a place and make a little x in a box for an election, it’s feasible to organise a similar amount of people t go to a place and plant a tree or three.?We need flower pot revolution, flower pots planted the right way up for the bees and used upside down in terms of the grid going down and there being no heating available.?How we go from here to a better world very quickly, there is a plan all we require is leaders to keep calm and everyone else to use their minds and figure out how they can join.




The tactics used for meeting the planets needs, how many from all walks of life, can participate can be what’s presented. If the above plan is instigated then more can be achieved in one event than all the events combined. Paris Climate Accord sets out what needs to be done, COP26 can set out how it can be done and COP27 can be to refine progress and share the results. We have an opportunity now to save the planet. If events on the World stage play out negatively then we do not have the chance to save the planet. We will have destabilize the Earths natural functioning systems too much. We would have disregarded the methodology and ways of maintaining peace and order. We would have angles all human development in the wrong way and voices of corruption and greed would have won the battle and we all would have lost the war to save our civilization and humanity. We will have pushed the Earth too far, been too inflexible to change.

Our civilizations will simply become more inconsistent, more disorderly, more cracks will show and the temperature in a city will go beyond 50 degrees and depopulate cities one at a time. There is no such place as a place on this Earth that is not affected by climate change. Everywhere is there are no cold places better than others.??In the next twenty years we either will experience a massive effort globally to totally change the way we have lived for hundreds of years, back into balance with nature or we will experience an effort for survival both on a societal level and then on an individual level. There is no subject more important in the world than how we stop, prevent and solve climate change. The strategy, findings and the theories within this document are mostly twenty to thirty years old.

So the truth is that the reason that the climate issue has been neglected is not due to the fact there were not answers it’s due to the fact that not enough people were prepared to properly listen and people in office simply stole ideas to benefit their own careers.?I have written and rewritten this in too many ways to count. This is the last time I’m writing a climate change strategy document or a peace strategy document if my work is not fully properly acknowledged and listened too then you had the chance to create peace and save the planet and chose not to listen. Your choice. The need and requirement to finance the regeneration of the planet is obvious, yet economists have not factored this in due to the fact they are directed and programmed like robots to not actually recognize, appreciate and factor in what it is that economics, all economics is based upon.?With credence given only to the bottom line, yet the real bottom line is the Earth we stand upon. Economists not factoring fully the environment both in terms of costs by neglecting to consider it and in terms of costs of regenerating the 50% of trees absent from the planet are undermining the Earth underneath the pyramid of all human civilization.

They are destroying the viability of life itself on this planet and themselves and everyone else in the process. As long as these people are given centre stage and not the needs of the Earth and all of us, the planet and human living systems are effectively in freefall towards a collapse. To rebalance the world requires a near herculean effort from a great many people. It requires people put themselves out there in the world and take up a position in alignment with their day to day activities in saving the planet.?There are no next chances left. Here is the answer of how to adapt either the USA or the UK. This can also be adapted as a model to any country, yet what’s required today is expediency in delivering this plan or something very close to this, the like of which I do not believe exists.

We have to work harder to solving climate change and we have to work harder for peace in order to do so. These are the two factors that make life viable for humans and whole lot of animals in the short, medium term and long term future. This is the right choice, the best choice and the only choice.

USA and China

They both have different perspectives on different issues, yet the middle ground is climate. Coherent and effective action.?The USA has shown it’s capacity in this by innovation. China has showed it’s capacity in this by introducing laws on plastics.?The Uk in terms of hard power is a strong country, yet in terms of soft power. In terms of being able to innovate and reframe the world of business, the UK is invincible. If world politics go the best way they can there is a great future, if it goes the way a few can cause, yet nobody really wants then we risk going into rabbit holes in terms of world diplomacy. It’s so important today to find something to agree about, anything to agree about always makes for a better narrative than what is not agreed upon.?What we do not agree upon pitches ego against ego, when what we need is eco and eco. The UK Royal family have three generations that all think along the same lines when it comes to the environment. If policies can align with that and the Uk makes the very best use of the innovation it has then all the answers to the world’s largest issues relating to peace building, environment, economic recovery, development, aid and stability in the future are there to be used fully and properly.

The Queen of England, Common Wealth and much of the world.

When two partners, two life partners of a dozen or so years part company through death it’s always very difficult. When they have been together for more than 70 years it is then something that most people on Earth cannot understand or relate too.

Most people living in the world today have never had a friend or a legacy of anything for seventy years, let alone a partner. It’s perhaps impossible to really know just how influential Prince Philip has been to everything that has occurred in the UK for decades and decades.

With the UK having had such a prominent role in terms of International issues, G7, ?issues of the Commonwealth countries to name just a few of the influences, the death of Prince Phillip is significant to world affairs. Whilst the public tend to see people as people in terms of how they communicate who and what they are to the world. This is only a small part of the picture in reality. It’s the balance and the influence of the work that they do towards shaping the positioning of thinking, attitudes and practices that in many ways is the deeper structural effect on the influences of what they communicate and instigate in the wider world which it the real content of what they actually do and have done in the world. So when The Queen says that Prince Philip was her rock, then that really is of greatest significance as effectively he was providing stability to the Queen who was providing stability to the country and the country was providing stability in the world and to the world. ??So on a far beyond family basis the loss of Prince Philip is very significant perhaps much more significant than considered. However, the implications of this do not stop there. We have to look to the family effect. Whilst the Royal Family in the eyes of the public and the world are seen as one unit made up of many interesting and different people within that. Prince Philip would have been a security and role model to all of them. Whilst the UK having a Queen is effectively ‘matriarchal’. The dynamics of the family being traditional would likely have been behind the scenes ‘patriarchal.’ In everything other that title the Queen having had a consort for seventy years effectively the relationship in reality was about as close to having a Queen and a King could have been for that seventy years that it’s possible to have without actually having a Queen and a King.

The real relationship between the Queen and Prince Philip is something that those outside will only be able to ever get an impression of, however what’s clearly evident is that anything that works so well for seventy years in the time we live is clearly special. Like with everything change has been a part of that from the first moment they met and adaption to that change was an integral value of the give and take of any relationship built on true genuine foundations. So the loss of Prince Philip will have been the greatest change and require the greatest adaption and greatest change.

The reportedly stoic representation of the Queen in the press is interesting and having been able to have weathered during the time of this monarchy more changes than any other previous monarchy has ever had to endure in history remaining consistent in terms of the presentation of the Head of State will clearly require and take a lot on inner discipline and effort, which clearly would have been helped and supported by a lighter relationship behind the scenes with Prince Philip. His steadfast support and humour at times were quite possibly what actually enabled them to be able to attend so many events that were clearly mostly duty lead.

Dressing up in Sunday best so frequently to attend another inauguration, another ceremony, another celebration and yet feeling responsible to presenting a clear and disciplined presentation of oneself in order to portray a sense of continuity, order and discipline must have been a real effort, to do that so consistently for seventy years clearly required a formula that worked every time. To have had the worlds media analyzing, questioning and judging every single word, move, gesture made at every event consistently for seventy years and to have managed to get through that is in itself an extraordinary ability. To have got through a lifetime of this without making a mistake, managing to keep a straight face at times when during the course of seventy years there clearly would have been serious occasions where funny things would have occurred. To have maintained that level of discipline and of duty.

To have provided a sense of being their for that occasion, even when that occasion would have been so similar to so many others. To have provided an air of freshness and a sense of being in the moment is an extraordinary feat. To present and portray that level of consistency amid all of the chatter within each and every rank and to have done that for seventy years is a near super human achievement. What makes it more superhuman is the fact that it’s appeared to be, and presented as being simply consistency and the norm.

?To be in a relationship and yet to put the relationship issues to the side is something that many leaders have been unable to do even for a short time. For there to have been so much consistency publicly for seventy years is extraordinary. Yet, to look at this in another way requires looking at ‘restaurant theory’.

We eat in restaurants and expect the menu to be interesting and diverse. We expect the waiting staff to be efficient, polite, well dressed and friendly. We expect the lights in the restaurant to work properly, the door handle to function correctly. The decoration to be nice, the seats to be comfortable, The food to arrive at the table on time. The food to taste excellent to very good and then to pay and leave. In order to have had that type of experience requires hundreds of actions in the background. It requires the pots to be washed, the bills to be paid, the staff to be recruited and trained. It requires the chefs and waiting staff to be listened too. Great choices made in stock buying. Manager not be too distracted by people ringing up trying to sell him products he does and doesn’t want or need. The kitchen to be clean, well organized, the bills to be paid. There are so many background actions that make the performance of the people and the food in the restaurant even feasible.

?The Queen and Prince Phillip have had to direct and create an entire infrastructure that covers all the different roles of the Monarchy. This they considered their duty. They put duty before their own personal interests inevitably many thousands or millions of times during the time of them being the Monarchy together. In the world we are moving into it’s as if we all have to think in terms of the background work, the personal and collective sense of responsibility and duty there is just to be able to continue. Just in the same way that there are so many logistics that require being covered just in order to be able to continue for the Monarchy or a restaurant. It’s?the same today with all of us, with Climate change. We can adapt very badly to a world of climate change or we can adapt well together to shifting the world away from climate change. We can stretch the time we have in a habitable climate enough to be able to develop really effective answers. This is what we really need to learn to do, to create structures, processes and methods that enable this. We can start to have the sense of responsibility we have not ever needed before. Yet to have this does not only require leaders think more in terms of the interests of all, but that we all do. So everyone can draw upon the sense of duty the Queen and Royal Family have and have had and apply this type of thinking towards the consideration of what can I or we do to help progress climate progress???????

Prince William and Prince Harry.

In order to be able to understand a person as cited earlier requires also understanding their parents, grandparent and beyond. Prince William and The Duke of Sussex have family on one side which has been very progressive in their lines of thinking beyond themselves and towards the wellbeing of the country and the planet as a whole. Memories of Lady Diana that then became Princess Diana are still recorded in all of the press.?Her entire journey from being unknown to being one of the most media reported people in the world.?Whilst one of the main narratives that recalls?lady Diana is of the press endlessly pursuing her every move.?At the time of that occurring one of the customers in my cafe bar Ecotec Dreamtime in London was one of those Paparazzi.?He was a friendly man in his early twenties. When myself and others spoke with him though we asked him how he felt about doing what he did to all the Royal Family. He said he did not like doing what he was doing however if he did not do that job then someone else would. He said he sometimes had to climb trees to get photos, hide behind trees. He had a fast motorbike and would go anywhere and everywhere he could to get photos. He admitted that he personally felt very bad about doing what he did, he was very uncomfortable with it. I asked him the question once; ‘Do you feel like what you and so many others are doing is a type of seemingly ‘socially acceptable’ bullying?’ He was very uncomfortable with the question, yet affirmatively nodded that he did. So it was actually years later with The Leverson Enquiry that the public again found out some of the tactics and methods the press had been using in the collection of media stories. The overreach of the media and of self employed people like that paparatizi photographer that had been taking the need to get the next story too far. A normal person having people so relentlessly on their case from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed everyday would consider that a form of harassment. ?

So what’s occurred is that for every moment that Prince William and The Duke of Sussex have been on the planet amid all of the advantages and benefits of being members of The Royal Family there has been a type of harassment that has been occurring. Despite that they have in their own families tradition just got on with it and led outside of their Royal duties very productive lives. They have both been there in championing so many good causes and helping other people. They have both in their own ways also aligned very much to mental health charities and have both at times cited the fact that they themselves have been helped too, very much understandably and have helped improve understanding and awareness of the wider issues. In response to how their early lives were shaped there were without question extraordinary contrasts for them.

A very close relationship both to their Father and Mother. Yet, to understand the relationship of the children requires understanding the relationship of the parents with their grandparents. Prince Charles relationship with his father at an early age has been cited in the press as not easy and to some extent distant. From what I understand including the time he went up to boarding school in Scotland as a young child. It’s been cited by psychologists that boarding school does affect and influence people and their development throughout there life.?For a young Prince to have been told from his earliest memories that he is a special person, yet put into a boarding school, which has little form of emotional support. The attitudes of that time were very different from today, the concept of emotional intelligence at the time did not exist, duty was all that was keeping the country progressing in the way it had through such difficult times that Prince Charles was born into with the trauma of the wars, the background to everything at the time. The national healing of the second world war is what created consumerism both in the USA and the UK. Each and every aspect to life in the UK changed so much particularly as the UK although on the front line of WW1 and WW2 did hold the line. Yet, the after after affects of both WW1 and WW2 were in many ways not only found in the shell shocked victims returning from the trenches, the trauma was in the entire psyche f the county and typs of collective post traumatic stress disorder and so whilst the sensible, the only way to continue to some extent to just ‘get on’, In hindsight today we can see there simply was not the levels of knowledge known nor available to appreciate and understand the emotional trauma and backlogue that had effectively been put into the generations of children born just before, during and after that wars.?The repair of the buildings or the country the pulling togetherness, and the joy of winning the war was one aspect, yet from the vantage poit of today we can see that there are other levels of healing that were required in the hearts, minds and the psyches of so many people. ?

Whist Prince Charles relationship with his father clearly evolved and developed throughout their times together. There can be again a clear pattern to son’s learning and modeling their own fathering abilities from their own fathers and their own childhoods. So whilst I have no way of knowing this, there is a possibility that there was a more distanced, a more strongly intellectual relationship that both Prince Phillip and Prince Charles developed and similarly a similar form of intellectual relationship that Prince William and Harry developed in their earlier years. This being due to the fact that the intellectual link between Prince Phillip and Prince Charles may well have evolved more from the time of Prince Charles having left school and through military service. So the relationship between the Duke and the Prince was evidently very good in adulthood, as they both grew to share so many interests. Frequently in the 1980’s both voiced publicly such similar views in many ways, the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, The Princes Trust, Issue of the environment, the protection of nature, agriculture, opportunities for youth, natural medicine. They clearly did have the same and very clear parallel ideas in what was said publicly and therefore clearly had similar interests and in many ways much more of a similar outlook to many areas in the middle and later part of The Duke of Edinburgh’s lifetime than had occurred in the earlier years.??

The Next Generation of Royals?

The close relationship between William and Harry would have been there from the start, and whilst this may have got them through the most difficult times of their childhood, and whilst there may have been parallels also in terms of military service, they may in some ways have drifted apart in some ways simply by having slightly different perceptions of exactly what and how they see their duties, their relationships, their marriage. Whilst in early times they would have had the same perception and attitudes to the press.?As time progressed the truth is that the Press have been much kinder to William that to Harry, although they both have been presented as having had a few nights out of youthful enjoyment. The relationship between the press became for Harry consistently more difficult to deal with in the context of his relationships with partners early on. If I was to put this into a single phrase, all press in the context of Prince William has been very much ‘in-group press’ whilst for Harry, it’s not always been that. ?

Princess Diana was well aware of the affect and impacts of the press and she made it so clear that here priority was to protect her children from the press at times. The press are a reflection of effectively how well ‘The Royals are behaving as Royals’ and when this goes wrong, it must be a great pressure on the Royal family individually and then within the family too. This pressure, being something that no other family can either understand or relate to, every other family in the world sees that from an outside looking in perspective. Which is always very different from an inside looking out perspective.

The very well recorded, incredibly emotionally strong and supportive relationship they had with their mother ended so early for both William, yet even more so for Prince Harry and therefore. Whilst they would have grown up knowing the fact that the media pressure on their mother and on themselves had been a constant, the emotional support, and the?way of them learning as children to being able to best cope with the?emotional pressures of being Royalty would have been lost in part, yet more significantly that anyone else can actually perceive from a very early time indeed for them.

Whilst their is no question at all that the emotional help and support the Royal Family would have provided would have been the very best possible. Without question there would have been other people specifically there to do their very best to fix and maintain and help nurture what had been lost. However, there are inescapable truths to human life and that is that the loss of a parent particularly a mother for any being that is new to the world is a very major loss that does affect any person’s life.

?There was in a way a dynamic where Prince Charles had emotionally strong relationships which grew in later childhood and adulthood with his father. His emotional connection to his mother, the Queen would always have been so different to anyone elses relationship with their mother would be due to the fact that the Queen was effectively through her job and duty rebuilding the entire spirit of the country, she was the emotional rock for all British people after the trauma of the war. Her job in terms of rebuilding Britain at such an early age for her was a responsibility that nobody could have related too fully, yet everyone required that to some extent without knowing. However, to the young family of the post war years, this would not be known, nor perhaps even considered during their early lives. It’s perhaps only with twenty, thirty or even forty years of reflection and consideration can it even really be properly considered just how much of a vital role that the Queen and the Monarchy had in terms of helping rebuild what can only be described as a very damaged country, together with so many other damaged countries after the 1940’s. The impacts and the effects that would have had on so many people throughout their formative years cannot be even imagined by people born later. The saying of the 60’s and the 70’s said by parents to children you just don’t know how good you have got it, actually does have a very strong element of truth in it in comparison to what the war generations went through.

However, in the context of Prince William and Prince Harry there would have been a great deal of nurturing that would have occurred from an earlier age than the generation before as they were both born very much into the peacetime years.

In the context of Prince William and Harry they had a very close relationship to both their Mother and Father. Their relationship with their father may have been more like the more intellectual relationship that Prince Charles in likely to have had with his father. Whilst the emotional support, that Prince Charles found in Camilla is another aspect of this that a headline grabbing press could obtain a reductionist perception of, yet the more profound truth is likely to be that there are parallels in terms of thinking and understand that Prince Charles has perhaps only ever found in his relationship with Camilla. It’s clearly evident that in life we gain different qualities from different relationships and that this is not always easy to navigate through or for other people to be able to appreciate. The press though taking snapshots on what they see on the outside though and then presents as being exactly how things really are though is never really exactly how things really are at all. So the truth is that all media is actually story telling in one form or another and to live through any experience from a subjective perspective and for you to tell the story of that is not possible, so when it’s occurring from an outside perspective looking in the story telling is never exactly how it is . Yet there is the collective shared belief that what is in the press is just how it is, when it’s actually everything other than exactly how it ever really is.

So to be in the press, to have stories told about you every day to everyone else is not easy, many struggle with this on social media and even social media is effectively a tool, an attempt for people to want to present themselves to the world how they really are and that in itself is never really how it is. We are all so much more than the smiling face standing next to the tourist attraction or what we ate for lunch. We humans put out stories to the world in so many ways and other than that we just get on with life. Yet, the two are really never the same and not in many ways even very much similar. ?

So our perceived perception of other people’s perception towards us and what we do affects how we feel about oursleves and our perceptions of other people and the world as a whole. There is a whole lot of unreality going on in terms of all this story telling that the human race does. Yet, it’s so important too as the telling of news, of information and the obtaining of good information has always been a part of our survival strategy from the earliest times, throughout our development until now. It’s the effective story telling that is the most important factor in how we got here in the world and where we are going next. Te effectiveness and quality of our story telling of which the news is one part of that is a survival plan and yet when it all goes wrong it can make us feel like everything is wrong. The fact that soo many celebrities seek therapy is of no coincidence when there is effectively a misrepresentation of them as people that is the dominant voice in the world. The who really is the real you is the secondary voice to the fact that this or that celebrity made this or that error, mistake or did this or that seemingly outrageous thing. There is an element, a strong element of their being disingenuous perceptions about us, in much of what any of us do or who we are in the world. That is something that we all simply accept and rarely even spend any tie at all considering at length. For some though this is more of an influence on them than on others. Those in the media spotlight in general actually do a very good job in actually even going along with the idea that all that they do is so closely monitored, observed and commented upon. This type of reality in terms of the human experience barely even existed one hundred years ago, yet it’s a part of everyone’s lives today, yet more so celebrities and much more so than that for reasons mentioned later on for the Royal family.?

Princess Diana said various times that she wanted to shield her children from the pressures of the press. The truth is though that in a way there is nothing that can actually change the inner dialogue of what it must be like to be in and out of the press each and every day. There is the public persona, the persona that is projected out to others ‘who really know you.’ Or believe that they do and then there is the deeply profound and sometimes seemingly almost unfathomable inner journey people have. There would have been the ‘dutiful requirements’ perceived and considered everyday. Yet, there would be a natural reaction to want to be known for who the person really actually is. A desire to be able to communicate and really relate beyond media reporting of ‘this is what they are up to now and what they have said and done and what we think about that.’ To be ble to develop a seeming indifference to that and to just being able to carry on and be consistent in every way regardless is actually what The Queen and Prince Philip both were strong enough and mutually supportive enough to each other to have been able to do.

The capacity and the strength a person obtains in life to be the best we can be comes through role models and whilst The Royal Family are role models in many ways for the rest of the country and very substantially for the world. Part of the inner capacity, knowing, resources comes in any case from their parents, to be the best they can be with the resources they have been given. The capacity to be able to adapt the inner resources, the outer support structures, the ideas and opinions of advisors, the influences of so many outside forces creating different conditions and circumstances. These all requiring a search, a quest, a path through the inner landscape of the person to find and define a way to respond and react in any and every given situation.?The consistency in the way in which both The Queen and Prince Philip throughout their seventy years together managed to cope with all of that to manage life as Royals and as head of the Commonwealth and heads of the family. To do so during times where there has been more changes than at any time in history. Debatably there has been more change since this Monarch was on the thrown than there have been changes for many of the other previous monarchs combined.

To have been able to do that and to play all of those roles so effectively, so aptly and gracefully no matter what the situation and circumstances of life created is a extraordinary achievement. This particularly so as The Queens own journey towards being an active member of the Royal family began during the country’s most traumatic and yet pivotal of times, that of WW2. Every member of The Royal Family played an essential part in counteracting the threat of invasion and defeat together with so many other countries. Let’s be absolutely clear here the track history of the Nazi’s in invading countries in modern times was unequaled in modern times and they had their sights very firmly on the UK. Royal Family were an essential part of the UK’s war effort. This has only come to light in recent years. However, clearly had there been a loss to Germany at the time, then everything British would have been lost. So the sense of duty and responsibility that all the Royal family had during that overtly traumatic time cannot even be comprehended in the light of where we are today, where it’s just accepted awareness that we won the war. Yet, the time of The Queen taking up her first Royal duties, the win of the war was unknowable.

So the sense of determination, duty and the need to contribute and muster every ability and strength to see of the Nazi threat was hardwired into the Royal Family and the Queen. The need to survive and to thrive under such oppressive conditions, to turn around the seemingly continual bombing of the Blitz, to be the resistance to the challenge of losing seemingly everything. The Queen and the Royal Family as a whole were effectively the leaders of the British resistance to what seemed at the time an almost foregone conclusion that lie the rest of Europe the UK would seemingly almost inescapably fall in the same way or similar way that other countries had. It was only the very most effective use of all resources, all people, all technology that together provided enough momentum to swing the victory to the UK. It was the allies, the relating to others, the communications the mustering of a shared goal and purpose reaching out to the Commonwealth and worldwide that provided the capacity and the hope the vision that the UK would not ever be defeated.

So this?sense of purpose and duty was an integral part of how and when the Queen first began her role as Monarch to be. At that time there was not even the question of whether or not to participate, whether or not to be an active part of everything to do with saving the country, there really was no other choice at all. The wellbeing of anything and everything Britain is or has ever been was at stake. ???It really was a life or death scenario for everyone in the country. The Royal family would have been also very much aware that the symbolism and method of Nazi Germany upon invading was to place the whole Nazi propaganda thing of flags, posters, leaflets, soldiers nazi infrastructure in the capital cities they invaded. Any form of cultural identity a country had prior to the invasion was the first target. The most central buildings, people, intellectuals etc were all at the greatest risk in every prior case to invasions. So the need to control both adrenaline, concern, fear, panic and all emotions, the need to remain calm composed and in control, without even giving an interpretable?hint of being anything other than unshakable, unbreakable was the working remit of The Royal Family and the entire government as a whole. A sense of balance, control and of being able and capable amid the most tense and testing situation imaginable was a daily working practice.

To have taken the country through that collective trauma, to have then carried the country forward at the time of and after the coronation. To then have taken the country into peacetime. To have effectively invented the idea of the Royal Family travelling the world and taking an interest in the countries of the Commonwealth to have seamlessly adapted from times of the greatest concern to times of the greatest hope, advancements, improvements and opportunities. There will have been the thought in the minds of the whole war generations that you younger generations just don’t know how good you have got it. The continual life reference back to a time where gallant efforts were not an option, the were a collective norm. To have so smoothly gone beyond the greatest difficulties, the possible loss of everything and yet the winning of the war, the liberating of Europe, the liberation of Asia and the creating of the free world as we know it today. The continuity of everything being just seemingly?more ‘normal’ since those times has been maintained through much effort in the past and in the present.

There could be a sense of not understanding between the generations of the Royals as Prince William and Prince Harry’s generation for their own wellbeing, happiness and mental stability have had to do things in a way that worked for them. The pressures on the earlier generation being very much litteral, in terms of concern for invasion of the country. The pressures on the next generation being more media generated pressure and the pressure on the next generation being a very much more media based pressure, combined with social media based pressure. The pressure of being continuously observed is very real and certainly does affect mental health. The dismissal of this notion is wrong.

Therefore, advise just to put up with that is advice that is not actually fully founded on the same type of experience as the experience that formed those opinions in the first place are so very different from the type of experience of modern times media and social media pressures. Whilst social media has made the Royals more accessible to people, like with so many people it’s taken away a type of privacy too. It’s led to microscopic analysis of anything and everything. When that type of analysis is effectively gathered and used in put downs or to discredit or to provoke responses. Then when that is all used to analyze and assess and measure and draw comparison from this must create a sense of entrapment.

??The military roles, then giving over more to Prince William’s Air rescue work, the night he spent on the streets,?his tour and connection to Africa. Prince Harry in so many ways following a similar yet different path. Yet, both of them having a really clear connection to helping good causes and to Africa. That’s interesting and when I think of this from the perspective of having travelled much of the world myself, albeit in a completely different way. If I consider the cognitive, the emotional differences between going between different countries and continents. If I’m to ask myself what Africa is that no other continent is. What Africa is, is inescapably authentic. It’s real, it’s honest, it’s beautiful, it’s awe inspiring in just so many ways. The experience of Africa puts you so much into the place and so much outside of your own thoughts, ideas and perceptions.

It’s this in such as timeless and in such a magnificent and truly vast way. Yes, it’s a continent of great difficulties, yet it’s also the continent of cohesion of people where it’s really one of the most clearly evident places on Earth were when given the harshest of conditions in some ways, that the ability to work together to cooperate, to find a way to work together enables survival to be possible amid the most difficult challenges. For both Prince William and The Duke of Sussex, from the moment they have been conscious it’s they that have been the continuous source of fascination and interest to other people. They have been on the receiving end of the camera. In Africa it is one place that really gives them the chance to turn the camera around and to see, perceive and appreciate the wonder, the extraordinary and the full wonder of nature and the natural world. For them to be for those moments they are there in their own grounded reality, and not actually having to be reactive to the narrative, the questions the interest the intrigues of the media. The vastness of Africa and it’s wild landscapes in a way can provide a sense of the most wonderful distraction. A place where they know for certain when they are out in the wilds of Africa that they are free from the camera lense and in many ways the more intrusive thinking of the press. They for that moment are able to be there real true and unique authentic selves. Walking around vast open areas in National Parks enables them to know that anyone with them, is really with them, there is little chance of press intrusion.

It’s little wonder that three generations of the royal family have found so much peace and comfort in the natural world. The opportunity of being able to be exactly who they are as people when immersed in nature is something that cannot be found in perhaps anything else.

The inner comfort that was lost at such an early age in many ways will have been replaced by the clearly inseparable relationships they have found with their life partners and with nature too. The authenticity is respite from performing royal duties.

Both Prince William and Harry would have had the exceptional role model in terms of relationship that their grandparents have. There are few families in society today that have had marriages that have been so strong to have been able to work so well for so many years. A thirty year marriage in a relationship today is considered special.

Yet, they would also have been very aware from the earliest of ages of their own parents broken marriage. Any children within a marriage that failed to some extent take on board a sense of questioning, a sense of ?consideration or misplaced sense of responsibility in terms of considering if the marriage breakup was due to them in some way.

Of course in most cases it’s rarely to do with the children and even much more rarely due to the way that the children are or behave in any way shape or form. However, the enquiring, growing, learning, sensitive mind of a child does not know that at the time.

It’s only much later that when we mature and are more grown as people that we appreciate that there really are so many other reasons for marriages to not work out. In fact, it’s frequently only through having relationships ourselves that we can understand in a really meaningful way the relationships our parents and grandparents have or have had.

So I believe that both princes really wanted to get there own relationships right, that was there intention very much so.?They both had immediate family references to when a marriage and relationship works and does not work. Yet, there would also have been the need to find a partner that in some way filled up the vacuum, the vacant space of having had an intensely close relationship to their mother and then this changing and being lost.

What is though frequently not considered and is in fact essential to consider is that at the time of when Charles and Diana, Andrew and Fergie adorned the front pages of the newspapers for many years. The reporting and the interpretation of the news, the photographs, the ups and downs the intrigues and the complexities of all of that would have been all putting pressures on the Royal family. Particularly on the Queens generation of the Royal Family. The Queen may not be able to actually understand why when she provided such an extraordinary example of a successful marriage why since then there have been various marriages that did not work well eventually.

That strain cannot really be understood or appreciated at all. That is the one really important part of media analysis at that time that was absent from the press. A sense of self reflection by the press themselves of how much pressure they were putting onto the Royal Family and all members within that simply by seeking to go from one news story to the next. With the consideration that until the time of the 80’s and 90’s. The Queen and Prince Philip had managed to not only have enabled the country in many ways to have got through it’s greatest crisis, they had enabled there to be a flow into a time of seamless stability and yet change, the most significant of changes in generations. The most significant changes there have ever been have come during the time of this Monarch.

They had enabled the country and their family to grow and to get through that and now all of a sudden in the 80’s particularly there was a focus in the media that was both much more intrusive than ever before firstly, secondly there were two marriages that were being built up and in many ways buckling at the time, the people within those marriages feeling pressure themselves or seeking out comfort outside of the focus of the press.?It’s clearly evident that the 80’s and early 90’s would have been a difficult time for the Monarchy and yet they continued, just carried on.???

Whilst for William when seeking out his partner, he found Kate who came from a background very different from Prince William. The very fact that she came from a different background is not surprising when considered. There had developed such a vast gap missing in William’s early life that he sought to reconcile with, appreciate and fill that. In one way a deeply emotional bond with his mother, and on the other hand a life in the Royal family on another hand being observed and interpreted in the press. Prince William likely inwardly would wanted to have found balance, an intellectually aligned, yet uncomplicated, complimentary emotionally supportive and just a very real relationship. ?

This would also be true for Harry. When it’s fully considered the sense of continuity that the Queen has provided as a Monarch and as a figurehead is actually unequaled in history. Never before has a person provided so much of a sense of stability, reason, permanence, comfort, continuity and balance during times when literally everything has not only changed, it’s changed on a continuous basis. From the time of the greatest upheaval to more steady times, and into times again in many ways of upheaval. The balance the Queen has provided not only for the UK and The Commonwealth countries and beyond that to the world is unequalled. In fact there is not anyone else to even be able to make comparisons.

Everything around the Queen starting with the reducing Empire she inherited, to the crisis of the second world war, participating in the war effort and then the winning of the war. The long time of recovery from that. The development of the Uk towards better times. The birth of consumerism, the nuclear family, the cold war, the changes in Westminster, Beatlemania, the Anti Vietnam war movement, the Silver Jubilee, countless recessions, The Millennium, the London Olympics, the war on terror, Brexit, the pandemic. So many outer issues for the country and yet family issues too. In order to have provided a sense of balance and continuity through all of that is an extraordinary almost super-human feat.?Yet Prince Philip very evidently played a very important supporting role within that. ?

The changes that she has helped guide the country through are unequalled.

?The Queen was born just after the 1918 flu pandemic had abated. Her youth saw the rise of fascism in Germany as a result of WW1, yet the implications of all that lasted for generations.

The Queen is a Taurus, and the traits of Taurus are parallel to what she provides, a sense of stability and continuity.?Her journey has been throughout maintaining balance and order amid some of the most changing and at times turbulent of times. Her sense of purpose has helped kept balance and order in ways that are far more involved and complicated for anyone to fully appreciate and understand.

So in recent times, it will be with a sense of sadness and a sense of perhaps not really being able to easily join so many dots up in order for her to be able to understand the actions of The Duke of Sussex in moving to the USA.?The steps towards reconciliation between William and Harry, the passing of The Duke of Edinburgh, who she described as her rock. The Queen would have been using the great mind of The Duke of Edinburgh in order to navigate and generate decision on in the context of many issues. Whilst the importance of the supporting role provided may not have always or actually ever been front page news, it’s really quite evident that such a long relationship enabled relating to occur to so much of what was occurring in terms of the formula, the methodology the Queen has been applying and using to create and generate so much balance for the country. So there will have been a loss far greater than widely considered most likely with the loss of Prince Phillip. He will likely have been one of the only people, possibly the only person to be able to actually be able to say to the Queen exactly what he really thinks. This was in a way picked u by the press with the press citing ‘another gaff by Prince Phillip.’ However, in real terms the clear honesty and being so upfront with all considerations, is almost certainly exactly what the Queen would have wanted and perhaps needed to have been able to have a second perspective on issues from which to be able to draw upon in order for her to be able to make the very best decisions of her own.

When there are two people so close to each other they borrow each others reasoning ability alot and that is what makes the best relationships work, there is a partnership occurring in so many ways, ways that are usually not cited and considered fully.?So there clearly would have been a very complimentary interaction between the Queen and Prince Phillip that is irreplaceable, yet if there was a single word that could be given to what strength the Queen would have gained from that it could possibly be the word, ‘authenticity’.

To provide the presentation that everything is in order, everything is in control, balanced and working absolutely properly and correct in any sphere, requires a substantial amount of background work to be accomplished and that is what Prince Phillip would have provided, perhaps more so than any other person or factor.

The recent issues.

The recent issues of the Royal family such as the differences between William and Harry. Harry leaving for the USA would be factors that hard to fully understand and appreciate. They are very deeply cathartic issues that are occurring both for Harry and for Meagan and a sense of belonging in everyone of us is quite simply so important. So much so it does affect each and every aspect of our lives. The press were never very, very kind to Meagan and in y opinion they really needed to be. There in my opinion should have been some form of real concerted effort to make Meagan feel as welome as possible and that did not occur.?

Harry and Meagan

The cultural gap in understanding between Meagan and The Royal Family. Yet, not just that, the very different types of thinking and of lifestyle between the UK and the USA. Meagan in any ways will have been influenced and molded by her life in Hollywood and her successful career. ?There would have been such a difference both generationally and culturally to Meagan coming to the UK.

The differences between the USA and the UK during the past one hundred years particularly is that the UK has on two occasions been very much an island. It’s been a?place that had to button down the hatches, look to all the inner capacity and the inner strength. A place and a people that had to be like any islanders very self reliant and resilient to external pressures, demands to protect the country from what could have been a situation of the same levels of oppression occupied countries in Europe experienced. Whilst the USA was very much committed and involved in WW2, fortunately, logistically at the time the USA’s mainland was never affected in the way Europe was. Whilst this does not take away in any way what the Americans did for the world.

The difference though is that the USA itself was not under siege in the same way Europe or the UK was. The war was mostly outside of the USA, whereas in Europe it was outside the front door and at the most 20 miles away. So there was never as much the sense that in the America’s. Therefore, the fear levels in Europe and the UK were heightened. It’s perhaps the sense of security that both the USA and Canada had at that time that has helped more so than anything to help rebuild Europe in more ways than just in terms of bricks and mortar. The USA was rocked in many ways by WW2 in ways that cannot be easily put into words. In Europe much of the continent was brought to litteral collapse or near collapse or at best fear of collapse. So the journey of healing the wounds of WW2 in Europe may have been a longer road to have travelled for Europe.

The fear and insecurity of having your country invaded at any time during the course of years, that thought going to bed with you each night is a thought that is perhaps not easy to be able to understand for those of us that have not experienced that.

However, what Warren Buffet, said recently ?is very interesting in terms of the pandemic and that being ‘that the pandemic has taught us that we are not that good at actually dealing with emergencies.’ This is a very interesting statement and something that I would agree wholeheartedly with. Perhaps a part of the reason for that is due to the fact that 100 years ago there were such great emergencies being dealt with on both sides of the Atlantic that in some ways we have in the decades since been lulled into a false sense of security that nothing like that can happen again. That inherent weakness in thinking could also have come from the fact that we have learned wrongly that everything in the world can be answered and solved in sixteen word statements about anything and everything. Or perhaps it’s due to so many stories being told from all media especially film that whenever their is a threat to civilization whether it comes from Martians, monsters, or whatever threat to civilizationn we always find a way to cope. The list of ways include all the superhero’s supported by science and technology.

?However, the pandemic has shown that we can and do struggle to cope and that adding on sixteen word statements is not the answer. In fact the best answer is to keep looking at the situation on a continual basis from a St John’s Ambulance perspective of Stop, Think, Act. The protocol to all emergencies. Being able to look with fresh eyes each day at the evolving situation is a skill that has been lost and to some extent has to be remembered. It’s this type of mindset that enabled the Western world to survive and get through the trauma of the second world war.?

However, today with the pandemic there is a secondary concern that is not yet being talked about widely by either medical professionals nor government. What are the risks when and if various strains of Covid19 affect the same person simultaneously. This has occurred in Belgium and the first person to have tested positive for both strains died soon after being tested positive for both strains. She was 90 years old, however this does bring into focus the fact that everything should be used against this virus if there is any scientific evidence at all of it being of use, the weaker the virus anywhere the stronger we are and the counter is true as well.

?Whilst Americans have written into their constitution their rights, their powers, their security as free individuals. The British people have had to fight tooth and nail to gain and maintain their freedom. That is within living memory of many people. Therefore, there is a sense of very realness about British people a sense of being survivors and not allowing for vague thinking. That is certainly how it is with the older generations that lived through the war or were born and grew up during that time.?I hope this does translate into full information provided in the context of all knowledge known in the context of Covid. ?

There can though also paradoxically be a sense of saying exactly what you mean by saying almost anything other than what you mean. The sense and the refinement of innuendo and implying this yet saying that and so much that has needed to be said and yet is implied or hinted towards. All of this type of communication is what kept the UK as a country as a place and as a people alive safe and secure. The skills of using language and the subtleties of this to communicate a message, yet to do so subtly so as not to cause disruption or over reaction has been a part of the UK’s strategy.

Hollywood never needed anything like that type of survival strategy. Hollywood is all about being open, expressive, saying what you want and think and if it all comes out a bit wrong then just adding a bit more of whatever. Hollywood is all about expression, and the talent and the openness and the creative dynamism found in Hollywood is extraordinary, unique so much so it’s captivated the world in terms of so many forms of artistry and creativity. It’s rough and raw, beautiful, it’s communicative, it’s with empathy, it’s with passion and compassion all mixed into one. Hollywood has told the story of who we are and how we think as much as any news channel ever has done.

It’s the type of expressiveness and authenticity perhaps that is integral to Meagan and her experience and is probably also exactly what Harry craves and wants. ?The sense of real that William sought out and found in Kate, is similar or the same as to what Harry sought out and found in Meagan. They were perhaps seeking out the same, and yet found it in two very different people and ways.

What he believes are some of his earlier unearthed aspects, that could only be brought out by someone else, to the inner Prince Harry he can find in such as straightforward and expressive person as Meagan. However, he is so clearly aware of his own path and duty those beyond himself. So whilst the Queen may interpret duty as being duty to your own people, Prince Harry may interpret duty to people. Meagan likely interprets this in the same way too, as the cultural norm in the USA. Particularly in Hollywood is to be very much open to all, the more different the better. However, in the UK the differences between people are more clearly considered than in other countries.???

What is abundantly and evidently clear is that Harry has a deep sense of duty. Yet, how he sees that sense of duty playing out he is interpreting on his own terms. Putting a different emphasis into balancing loyalties between people, the royal family, his own family. He considers it a great importance to be true to himself. To be a role model that is of intrinsic intellectual value to people. Whilst this may be in perceived contrast to how Price William sees his sense of duty, how others see there sense of royal duty is that first and foremost no matter what. It cannot be distracted from the truth that Harry is a thinking, feeling, wise and well balanced person. He has managed to maintain balance when issues from the earliest age for him in his life, the external factors were so complicated.

?His time in the USA may be temporary or longer term however a very significant part of Harry will always unshakably be in the UK.

Whilst it’s easy for the media to define Prince Harry as ‘The Rebellious Prince’ in their story telling, remember that these are the same press that were sending people up trees and would have been photographing him reaching for his first cup of tea in the morning if they had the chance. There have been almost no-limits on the level of press intrusion in the lives of Prince Charles, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward and many of the Royals. Yet more so for William and Harry at the earliest of ages. Whilst the media have called him out on at times playing up to the media, it is the media that created Prince Harry to be a bit different, a bit of a showman and in many ways he has played up to that.?What is the correct way to behave with thirty noisy photographers following you around all the time you leave your house? Do the press really know themselves? So whilst they can give a shopping list of mistakes, and Gaffs that Prince Harry has done, have any of them ever had an experience like that? Has anyone ever had an experience even anything like that? Yes, the only real comparison being Michael Jackson, a super star from the age of five years old and look how wrong that went. In the context of Michael Jackson there is another comparable too the star studded celebrity life on the outside looking so glamorous, yet a deeply painful childhood journey due to too much pressure. Therefore the outer Michael Jackson and the inner Michael Jackson could not be more contrasting. The perceived public image and all that depended upon that and the innocent under pressure person within struggling and trying to find a way to cope. The self righteous piety of the judgmental media reporting and interpreting every fault and yet trying to prescribe exactly how a person should be and behave when all they have ever known is a type of is representation of their persona.???

If there is something that all celebrities and people in the public spotlight have is there is a public persona of them all and then there is the inner person within.

That inner person within is not, never has been and never will be represented anywhere close to accurately in the press and it has to be said, neither will anyone else. The very clearest observation of any Celebrity biography that is made into a film is just how completely different people’s lives were to the perceived version of their lives as presented in the press. It’s the same with every film made of every celebrity whether it’s Charlie Chaplin,?Laurel and Hardy, Tina Turner, John F Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, James Brown, Ray Charles, Elvis Presley, George Michael, The Beatles, George Best, Johnny Cash, Elton John and so many others. It’s little wonder so many end up in therapy trying to rediscover who they really after having been described and represented in many ways that they are not. Celebrities in fact spend their lives trying to reconcile between who other people think they are and who they think they are themselves. The whole concept of celebrity is?only a hundred or so years old and in the way in which we know it today only thirty years old. Of course there are going to be crisis’, generally people do not handle celebrity well. Those that are observed the most, handle it the least well so frequently. There is a need to get beyond that though and to be true to yourself, which is what Harry has been seeking to do. Whether that is possible whilst staying true to tradition is effectively a work in progress.

?Any of these people and so many others, the same is found that that who they are or really were is very different to who they were presented as being.

There could be an up close and personal interview everyday of each of these and yet the real inner people that they are, both strengths and vulnerabilities would never been fully known, understood or appreciated.

The difference and the process of being able to reconcile between who you are and who you are presented as being is a very difficult issue that simply did not exist in people from ten thousand years ago up until a few decades ago. So there is so much to have to navigate through and beyond that is not widely considered, nor factored in. So the inner journey of anyone is not easy for people outside to be able to appreciate or understand. It’s not easy for them to be able to reconcile with. It’s not easy to properly interpret how they are trying to reconcile with that.

This can lead people towards excessive behaviour in one way or another. Yet, that in itself is an observation perhaps they are simply trying to better understand themselves and using external mediums in order to do so.?

So people are complicated at the best of times, add to that cultural norms, expectations, contradictions. The Royals as they go from childhood to adulthood are expected to be the epitome of conforming and good balance, yet paradoxically every detail of their lives being observed and interpreted and misinterpreted. Effectively, the paparatzi are trying continuously to observe them and find any errors in anything and everything they do.

The exact behaviour of both Prince William and Prince Harry observed and interpreted during the time of the unveiling of the statue of their late mother, Princess Diana. The gestures, the body language, the facial expressions, the positioning of their bodies, the number of times Prince Harry touched his ring, the positioning of their hands. Everything found it s way to being interpreted in the press somewhere or other. If that level of scrutiny is not enough to make anyone feel like they are continuously under a microscope, unable to put down their own personal guard down then nothing else is.

?So the reality is that there are evidently so many benefits to royal life and yet there are pressures on all members of the Royal family continuously that no other people today have to experience to such an extent and actually no other people ever have had to experience in the same way to such an extent.

So the fact that Prince Harry and Prince William to have chosen to experience their life experience with the people they have chosen to be with is something that was clearly only ever to be their own decision making. They have the experience of both observing the closest marriages to them as having been both the most successful and lasting and marriages that have not lasted. Yet, more so than that they have grown up in times where the practice and ideas surrounding marriage have changed more in a few generations than some twenty generations previously.?From a distance with all factors considered it seems like they have both tried to make their own situation work in a way that they believed would work.

The truth is that both Kate and Meagan were put into a difficult situation the moment the press began making comparisons it was then soon back to the Diana and Fergie story telling narrative in the press.

So to present the impression of being happy and balanced and at peace every day is what the Royal Family do. In order to obtain that internally, emotionally and requires effort and that is obtainable with a sense of balance. That sense of balance though can only come from a very compatible relationship and marriage.

What however in this unique world of every single breath being observed perspective though perhaps is different on the outside as it feels on the inside. To have been able to be with partners that are both really right and appear to be right to the family and to the press and then for the partners then to be able to then have to withstand more analysis and expectations and scrutiny perhaps some fair and some not fair than any others. To then from all of that to be able to just carry on as if everything is wonderful as it could possibly be is perhaps more in reality than various generations of the Royal family have been able to actually fully adjust to and reconcile with. The fact of the matter is that the people that are the Royal family have had relationships with their marital partners that have been unlike any other relationships in previous times.?The amount of criteria required to get everything right from what feels right to what is presented as being right and continuously analyzed on a continual basis is quite simply more unlike anything else.

What’s more there are similar dynamics to relationships and how they are interpreted as there is with Geo-politics. In other words one person is put into a position of having to act and consider how to respond due to the actions of another or of two or three others on a continual basis. So the skill in being multitask in so many ways in terms of human relations makes keeping everything appearing to be very simple, actually very complicated.??

Yet, to have been able to traverse so many complexities, to each time generate an answer, a solution a sense of ongoing balance or union of being united is nothing short of a wonder.

?So I believe sincerely in a great many ways that the Western world particularly, yet in reality the world as a whole has benefited in ways that cannot even be measured by the sense of purpose and duty the royal family have given to the whole world for decades and decades. The sense of their needing to be a fair, good, logical and practical outcome to so many issues has found it’s best reference in the stability that’s been created and maintained through their being a Royal family. So it can be debated that civilization itself in these and earlier times of relative turmoil have found balance and continuity in part due to them.

Anyone else in the public eye and spotlight may have good and bad days. Yet, generally they have been a consistent provider of good judgment and stability for the best part of one hundred years.

So what is it we can learn from every family. Every family is different. Yet, when it’s considered that in some way amid all of those differences within families, within countries, within countries interrelationships, somehow we need today to find a way to build a strong enough bridge from a world that has worked well for a few thousand years, yet today needs some majorly significant new ways introduced to progress.

Yes, we do have the optimism the hope the freshness and sense of optimism of Los Angeles. Yet, paradoxically the temperature in Los Angeles and California today is as greater concern in reality than any films in terms of science fiction has addressed.

We have potentially the alignment of the USA, Russia, EU and China towards win-win in terms of climate. We have the Uk and Iran talking. However, any talks with opposition groups in Iran which has been recently cited is a very bad idea. There are proposals from the new government towards improved diplomacy and wider peace.

We have a plan and a way for North Korea and South Korea to be able to find a new way forward in terms of progress. There is a 2.25 trillion infrastructure plan that can be put on the table. A new green economy can boost that up to 4 trillion or more. There are tens of trillions in terms of money within investment houses that can go on to help build the foundations of the next one hundred years for trade and commerce in a way that works. There is the Royal family with for the first time a voice both in Europe and in USA.

Not only that the issues that the members of the Royal family consider important by way of three generations are issues the President of the USA considers important too as do China as does Russia, the Uk and the EU. All that’s required to progress from here is that they all learn the most important rules of any ball game, keep your eye on the ball and the ball is the world. ?

We today are potentially laying the very first foundation stones to a world that works better than it’s ever done so before. It’s not a world of conquest over other people. No it’s more a world of conquest over our own limited thinking, our own limited thinking that has taken us too far towards not being able to clearly see the constraints of the physical world itself. Just as a child’s first desires are ‘me want’, we learn through life that to get to the ‘me want’ frequently requires obtaining that indirectly. In order for us to get to the ‘me want’ we need to firstly do the ‘we want’. Internationally, the people, the needs of the people need to a very large extent be all of the people, what’s good for ‘We the people’ and ‘the people’ is actually the same lasting peace and stability.

We need a philosophy that can adapt and work with the confines, the limits of the Earths balance and resources and there potentially is one, yet it’s not being heard and known fully for what it is and can be and therefore, is appreciated only in terms of aspects of it that get interpreted and heard. Central to that philosophy is putting the needs of people first and that requires peace.

We are on a journey to discover not what’s missing in terms of our thinking that can help us bring balance not only to some people but to all. The journey towards our own inner lost selves, our own inner selves that was misplaced for so long with must have items needs to find love and reassurances that are found in the way of our inner journey. It’s an alignment with both our needs to be understood and yet more so to be able to really properly better understand ourselves. Both in terms of perception and in terms of constraints in terms of what really is outwardly obtainable and the limits to this in the world around us. The journey through life is about remembering aspects of who we are that were lost, our deepest selves are so much more knowledgeable, profound and wise than ourselves when in immediate conscious thought. This is why everyday we are blessed with the insights obtained by both reflection and sleep.

What seems so important late at night can seem insignificant the next day. So when we consider other peoples projected conscious thought, so frequently made up of their own delusion. We can see that the thoughts we have of almost everything are projections. Some of them ours, some of them other peoples, some of these are cultural, some of them from our families. Then in addition to that there are our own inwardly perceived ideas of what we consider to be other people’s, our families, our cultures perceptions.?Having lived fourteen years in the dessert I learned to be able to differentiate between what are my surface thoughts, my real thoughts and the thoughts that come from outside. Maybe some of the greatest mistakes that have occurred in history have been from the ‘mind talk’, the projected thinking of other people. Yet a very big perhaps, perhaps the very best decisions, the decisions that kept the world save in the past few years came about in a similar way. Projected thoughts, ideas and thinking may have already saved the human race without the human race even knowing. What’s true to say, without question and without clear statement is that the type of slow thinking that the world has got used too is required again and again repeatedly to get through these difficult and uncertain times.

?There is in this world a bus full of people that do effectively control the world. Yet, we live in a world where they are in fact controlled by people that could fill up a single car in terms of the thinking paradigms at any one moment. Whilst the drivers and the passengers in the car may change from time to time, the journey is the same and the quality of decision making so frequently is made by just that few. If anyone of those people had a particularly groggy day and decided to grab the steering wheel then some 7.9 billion could lose just about everything. There is a balancing act and that balancing act is within us, around us, it guides our decisions and actually defines how our lives are by the balance found in others too. Whilst it does make some sense to examine these possibilities the real truth is that every word here is written to try and encourage the best types of mediation, talks and re-talks as there is simply too much to gain by talking and too much to lose by bad decision making.

Today there is a path to a better country and world for more people than ever before. There is a way for countries to align, consider differences secondary, mutual and universal interests first. There is a way for businesses to think the same and yet be different.

When we ask the question what’s better Mc Donald’s or Burger King there is a discussion and a debate to be had all the time up until there are temperatures at 50 degrees plus outside. Then the conversation is more like I don’t really care, I’m just trying to survive. The tie we live in is defined by how able we are as people to see what was always considered to be competitive and find a way to make it more complimentary. Whilst on one hand you have Pepsi and Coke, the truth is that they are both products from a similar style, similar age, have similar manufacturing processes, ideas, are run by structures that we call companies. These are made up of people that live in things called houses, that have things called garages, that have things called taps, water, kitchens, toilets, lounges, that are lived in by groups of people called families that have both tall, short, thin and wide members, that all have their own complex own outer and inner journeys in life. That tend to spend a considerable amount of their time looking at screens whether they are the screens of television, computers or phones, whilst if we try hard enough we can find the 99.9999999% of similarities between the concept of Coke and Pepsi in many ways we have to do the same with everything and then from that find a way to factor in centrally the needs and the rights of the planet itself to be able to be an inclusive and valued part of all of that. ?

?Somehow we need to go beyond where we have been and beyond where we are to keep the good things of the past and to progress forward to a place that puts what’s always been consistently forgotten, the planet and its needs and factor that in centrally not only to our own lives but to other people’s lives too.

Of all the films that presented the real emerging emergency where new perspectives are required the film we produced and screened in Los Angeles Ecoplaza Paradise Oasis presented that story in Los Angeles in 2009.?The narrative of that film, that story which can be found on Vimeo is now playing out in real time in California today.

The answer presented is in the film, its in this document too and that is to find a way to agreement in terms of climate, all get onto the same side with the problem. Whilst that may not seen so easy to do, the fact is we are all on the same side with the emergency if we do not firstly get onto the same side with the potential answer to that emerging emergency of these times.

We are so fortunate as we never need to take ourselves to that place of a world and a humanity within it that have such contrasting ideas of what survival for the Earth or survival for people really looks like. We do have the means to get onto the same side today if we want.

We have the vast immediate advantage of having between us all the money, resources, ideas and innovations to prevent ourselves from ever getting anywhere near to that place. To do that though we do need governments that align, which we have got, we do need companies to align which we have almost got and more importantly than that we need people to align.

Yes, have your own views and ideas, yet please do make them similar, the same or different from mine. Please though do agree enough with the overall idea that yes it does make sense for us all to really want to have a sense of ‘continuity’ in the world.

Yes, this may require many minor actions in alignment that are unconsidered and unacknowledged. Yet, the reward of us being able to all perceive and all be part of a big picture as the greatest reward its possible to obtain in this world and that is the continuity into what human civilization actually is and consists of. What is it about our own journey in the world that can help us find and identify a way for us to be able contribute to the big picture. No to the really big picture of nothing less than human existence? What does this really require of us as individuals and as leader ourselves? Does it require that the USA says we were only barking at North Korea now we want to talk? Does it require China saying that we can think in new ways regarding India and Taiwan? Does it require Russia to say let’s talk with Ukraine or the UK to put out many more theoretical peace plans, roadmaps forward.

Perhaps in some ways the most important issues of our time actually need to be put into their correct and proper place and that is that they are in fact the least important issues of our time. Does it make a difference at all if China is the ruler of Taiwan, add to that half of Japan, add to that a good measure of Indonesia, Malaysia, and half of India. Oh go on have Pakistan and ok lets just take this a stage further we will even throw in South America and half of Africa if there is a climate that is five degrees more than it was in earlier summers. One degree above average is doing to the USA what it’ doing to the USA currently.

The truth is that any country, would actually be better, more stable and more balanced if it was half the size with a balance of world temperature than if it was ten times the size with a temperature that is for an hour or few a year too hot for human beings to be able to survive in.

The entire concept of national territory was the guiding principle of the 18th,19th, 20th centuries. Yes, more so than anywhere it came from Europe. Yet, Europe has learned from its colonial past mistakes in the age we are in today. ?In the early 20th Century that paradigm still held on. In the early 21st Century that thinking took us to the problems and the responses caused by The War on Terror. Yet, this put back progress in terms of climate and anyone that does not think that a fire cyclone is terrifying needs to look quickly on youtube. These are what are going to destroy our cities in future, unless we solve climate change. This I can say with certainty. These fire cyclones will destroy even the concept of human having cities with monuments in the same way we have today that mark and celebrate the successes of human development. These fire cyclones are what the world will see more and more of in the next years unless we find a way to get onto the same page with climate in the way my work does present in terms of climate and our optimal adaption to it. These fire cyclones, fire tornados are considered a newly recognized phenomenon today unless we act fast they will become a norm. The nor will be for cities that have been established for centuries will become changed irreparably by these fire tornado’s going through.


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