How a 2.25 trill infrastructure plan can raise 4 trill and solve the climate emergency and stop wars. (Part 10)
We save the forest and yet every 48 hours a person is being killed who is protecting the forest.
?The tactics used in countries where the forest exist are simply being killed off. There is a genocide of people occurring which is no different to other genocides in history. Each being similar, yet different from the others.
?The way in which the blocking of saving forests is occurring in the developed world is more subtle and less well known. The destruction away from the agenda to save forests and create effective climate action is occurring by politicians avoiding the subject. By copying, changing climate change strategy work. It’s happening in countries by the politicians, by media not fully representing, not reporting fully ever and properly the people working to prevent the downfall leading to the extinction of people including ?journalists through the neglect and over exploitation of the Earths most vital living systems. Saving forests is not newsworthy, yet after extinction of species comes people and then of course nothing is newsworthy anymore. ?
The prevention of effective answers is coming from the media being interested only in reporting the effects of the problem and not using their global voice, their global communications network to effectively crowd awaken humanity to not only the problem but also to the multitudes of different answers and personal and systemic models that can realistically be instigated.
We know that these ‘Integrated Strategies’ that are the main fruits of that vision from 32 years ago have been successful in adapting mans path away from conflicts and wars. There have been peace processes instigated as a direct result of these. However, not yet with a complete and honest representation of how Integrated Strategies were a part of the peace that was brought. Leaders drew attention to their leadership and not to the ‘roadmaps written that provided a way for their to be a win-win in terms of peace for all.
The world we have and you are experiencing right now today is a world that is mostly peaceful. What has enabled it to be like that so that you have the chance to do the things you want to do like raise a family, go on holiday, watch the football, have the chance to run your own business or organisation is due to the fact that peace was obtained in the context of the situation in The Korea’s, Syria and Iran. The fact that there is today a more measured approach to some extent being taken with all the major conflict issues in the world today or at least a start towards that.
These Integrated strategies provide viable answers in theory and yet the capacity of them to do anything is currently down to the way in which these are considered and applied by leadership. Each one of them has the chance and the choice to make either good decisions or not even when good information, roadmaps ?and advice is provided through these ‘Integrated Strategies’ that shows a way through for all.
Integrated Strategies can map out an answer, they have already mapped out more answers to more human development related issues in writing than any other methodology, knowledge or science bases system ever has in the history of the written word in any language. These Integrated Strategies provide a means and way to solve diplomatic impasses, increase peace reduce wars. They provide viable answers to all the issues in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
They provide means and ways of adapting and solving climate change systematically and through creating a human society where we can all get onto the same side in dealing with the both climate and peace, these alone are the most challenging aspect to our healthy evolution and development in this age and only by seeing both these issues as being pivotal issues of our futures, as valid and important to our own security as any other factor in our lives can we re-prioritize within the context of what the priorities are today rather than in an age we are no longer living in. The age we are in is that we either make peace with peace and make change with climate or we face a climate of war then a war with the climate. Whilst all of the implications and the complexities of how to unravel all of the trillions of inter-related actions which both the stimulus that leads either to an out of control climate or an out of control war, both of which create the other. There is really only one effective course of action in order to be able to get all in to perspective and find a clear and effective way to progress in a viable and sustainable way within the timeframe we have. That is the science of Integrated Strategies. What has enabled us to find answers and roadmaps through the most complicated conflict based issues of our time and the past five years are Integrated Strategies. These were sent to the White House, and were to some extent listened too. That is in the context of Korea’s, Syria, Iran. They were listened to in the context of providing answers for Refugees and to a lesser extent Covid19, yet significantly in terms of viable theraputics that have been found to be of use. They were listened to, to some extent in creating an International peace frame of mind that helped the USA to disengage from more conflicts abroad with less loss of life and more troops able to find a way back to the USA than at any time in US history and from more conflicts and diplomatic impasses than the USA had even been in, in history.
President Obama inherited 9 diplomatically complex scenarios and conflicts, President Trump 10. Of these most of these within a four year term were able to be disengaged from successfully. President Trump most of the time interpreted Integrated Strategies very well, better than they had been interpreted previously at times in the UK. However, in al scenarios the peace strategies were not carried through to completion and I was never invited to assist in the full and correct instigation of them.
The world during the Trump Presidency was very close to a war that would have been on unequaled proportions in human history even if past wars were actually combined together in order to create comparable statistics. Integrated Strategy Roadmaps created the means to avoid these by providing a helicopter perspective from many perspectives at once. So the reality is whether you want to admit it these Integrated Strategies have already helped you. If they had not been written then there is a very good chance that a worse or a far worse outcome from many situations that affected The White House, the USA, Europe, Russia, China, Russia, Syria, Pakistan and Iran would have occurred.
What prevented that were the strategies and insights having been written and leaders wise to taking on board the insights within them and using them for the benefit of their entire populations.
The case of Julian Assange I have written before about in various documents. I believe the case of Julian Assange from 2010 thinking was wrong from a legal perspective. However, having said that at the time. I can see that various authorities wanted to stop what Wikileaks was doing at the time. So I can appreciate the reasoning, yet not the real case and in fact when it’s been proven since then that the prosecution witnesses have been lying, on that alone there is the grounds of the case to be thrown out and for Julian Assange to be aquitted. However, the authorities would question that if that occurred would Mr Assange go back to doing what was being done before? The answer to that most likely is actually no. Why? The reason is that Julian Assanges two main issues were the release of documents in the case of wrongful and illegal wars firstly and secondly climate change and protection of the environment. From the time of Julian Assange going into the Equatorian Embassy until today the world’s consciousness has progressed and peace has found a way through, just in time for us to be able to hold back climate change. Whilst the 175-200 year sentence cited is absurd if we don’t today actually have the same values that Julian Assange had woken up to before so many others and effectively deal with climate change then none of us, nor humanity itself will remain on this planet with the types of civilizations we have today for that long. In fact the only way we are going to make it past the?next thirty years with the societies we have is for there to be continued great results in bringing peace firstly and secondly a reversal instigated on such a scale to climate change that the only way to achieve that is through vast global cooperation.
The Assange issue is an issue that is just so far beyond him as an individual. It’s a major diplomatic issue, problem impasse between the most powerful countries on Earth. Not only that it’s an issue that paces the people and the authorities on opposite sides to a large extent if there was a long term conviction given to Assange. So in fact the issue of Julian Assange is on one level about free journalism and the publishing of data, on another hand it’s about where the line is drawn in terms of the protecting of documents from publishing, yet it’s much more than that in the context of today.?The Assange issue is an issue about whether or not win-win politics can continue in a viable way on a global scale. Julian Assange is a celebrity and to many on the right that are peacemakers and on the left too he is not only a hero. He is the man that stopped what they considered the most important wrongs from occurring ie wars and a man that was starting to help bring the narrative of global politics away from the direction of wars being the main focus to climate. Isn’t that exactly what the Earth has done too? Canada’s greatest threat today to the welfare of it’s people does not come from any form of foreign or domestic threat in terms of people, it comes from the weather. Julain Assange is a visionary that could see this. Julian Assange, I believe that there is a middle ground with the Julain Assange situation. The truth is that he never signed any official secrets act. He published information that was given to him.
So the middle ground I believe to be found is to release Julian Assange on the basis that he signs an official secrets act. If he is extradited to the USA then it has to be considered that the case and the problem of Julian Asange is simply passed on fro the British people to the American people. Who in the USA would likely defend and protest against the incarceration of Assange? I believe that the demogrpahic of people in the USA that are appreciative of what Asssange published is wider in the USA. UK and US politics does vary between what is considered left and right to some extent between the USA and the UK. So I believe in the USA there would be as many people on the right as the left that would want to see Assange given freedom. However, aside from whether that is true or not the case of Assange if in the USA would bring into question very much so the issue of press freedom in terms of press analysis and this is really not helpful at a time when the press are actually an essential part of the infrastructure that can help answer both climate change and help communicate what exactly a green infrastructure can actually be like that spans between business, government, NGO’s, Universities, Schools and throughout society in order to bring about the improvement and the changes we need to get this outrageous extreme weather back to a more normal human survival based level.
There is another factor here too in terms of the generational gap that imprisoning Assange would have in the USA. Whilst there have been so many divisive issues between generations. The enviornment being one of them. The reality is that it’s the younger generations that have won that argument. Every person that is displaced by climate anywhere is a vote for Greta. The temperature reading each day is another piee of evidence that shows in no uncertain terms that we really did and do need to change our perceptions in terms of what we do in our lives and how we can best help keep families, all families save from this ongoing heatwave problem.
So what I believe is that yes individual human rights are vitally important. Calling out something when it’s wrong is a part of what the USA constitution says, there was no official secrets act signed. The US through the US population knowing the truth, the full truth has been able to see that foreign wars abroad were wrong and actually in the end had nothing at all to do with in the end 9/11. They may have begun that way, yet simply became a regime change based idiology which in the end had to stop and did stop in terms of the first win-win through peace and talks agreements when the disruptive nad destructive nature of these wars got to the stage of causing world leaders to one by one see just how much damage these wars were having both to countries abroad yet also in home countries too. The results of these being a loss of faith in government, enquiries like Chillcott, a refugeee crisis that put the EU into disagreement among it’s own countries for the first time, the rise of popularism, the wrong allocation of funds towards wars causing austerity and higher living costs which culminated both in The yellow vest protests in the EU, Refugee issues worldwide, Brexit in the UK and a very un-worthwhile distraction away from both preparations that could have otherwise gone into planning for a pandemic and a distraction that could one day have proven to be a vital mistake by all societies away from Climate change, a threat even greater than any other concern to all of us.?
So with all of that considered that rights of Julian Assange are one part of this, yet the other part of this is if Juain Assange was locked up would the protests to free him stop? Of course not. Would there be a greater sense of security in the minds of journalists when reporting on any issues that are not the government line? No. Would there be more coherence, cohesion a sense of all being on the same page to some extent is International politics? No there would be a sense that Julian Assange, a representative of the people, of all people that do not want wars. DO not want wars for any reason at all has been made an example of. This would pitch people against politician as people would feel like the politicians simply did not do enough. This would take away the moral authority of leaders. People would see that they are only in it all for themselves and if the rights and freedoms of people to even have a fair analysis of what is actually going on in the world is taken away then why bother having any faith in politics and leaders at all?
So I believe that the extradition of Julain Assange to the USA to face charges is out of touch with the times we live in. It is disruptive on a global scale to world diplomacy. It is divisive not of the left against the right but more the people against the system itself. I believe it undermines the concept of modern journalism, it brings fear into journalism. A journalist will think to himslef do I write about issues that people care about and affect their lives or do I write about passive subjects who’s place is really only in the Sunday Supplements and not actually relevant to the real issues we face today.
The relaity is in order to be able to get through these times the people, the society, the government the countries and other countries made up of the most diverse political systems need to at least be on the same page with two issues 1 peace and the need for it. 2. Effective climate action. These two issues Assange is a representative of and by extraditing him cresates a Pandora’s Box of divisive politics that will go on and on. The truth is that even if Julian Assange was given a 200 years sentance, this woudl cause protests that would likely become the next topic of conversation in the next election and or the one after that and or the one after that. When it’s considered that President Obama did make a reprieve towards Chelsea Manning. When it’s considered that the UK court throwing out the case of the extradition last time of Julian Assange, which was so much the right thing to do there was not even one single protestor from any political party saying that that decision was wrong.?However, if the verdict went the other way there would have been plenty including A List celebrities speaking out about this again.
So the fact is that there is no political, no moral, no practical reason at all to extradite Assange It would be seeen only as revenge from the Hawks of a bygone era from being exposed.?I genuinely believe that President Bush did exactly what he believed was exactly the correct action in response to 9/11. Americans were very much justifyably angry at what had occurred, it was the largest attack on US soil in US history. However, the war on terror created terror and a response to that, a continuity of twenty years of fighting in the world. President Bush did make very wise decisions towards the end of his Presidency on trying to slow down what had occurred and the world really should be very greatful to the best decison I believe he made during his Presidency which was to say in no to extending the war in Iraq into Iran which would have been an irreversible disaster and wrong in every way. This again was seen as vital to bring peace under Obama, under Trump to some extent where he did change course thankfully and under Biden now where he is wanting to really bring into place and make stronger a true peace agreement that works for all sides once again.
Peace making is not always easy when the history of mankind is quite frankly so messed up. FOr our geenerations today to pick up the pieces and try and find ways through to a better more peaceful world, to a humanity that is both as much in touch with it’s true higher potential yet also aware and part of the solution to bring balance back to the world and to oursleves from so many centuries of upheaval. This time is our time, and we can do better in some ways or in many ways than all of those that went before. Yet, one lesson that has to be learned is that revenge is not something that is usually worthwhile in any case, in the context of global diplomacy in today’s very finely balanced world it’s a disruptive factor to anything and everything realted to the healthy development of our people, whoever our people actually are. The fact is that we cannot undo the past, we can create a better future and that new future begins just one second forward from now. ?????????
The truth is that for the past five years many International issues have been resolved by win-win strategies presented. Some of the best diplomatic decisions ever made between countries and leaders have been made in our lifetimes, that is something that everyone should be proud of as every voice in politics is leading towards overall a better future for us all.
I do not believe that there is a single more disruptive issue to their being an increasingly coherent response to the problems we all share and the release of Julian Assange. As I have written in my documents before a reversal of policy that is a reversal in the direction of a very popular democratically desired outcome is a you-turn that receives so much more praise than critique. If Julian Assange is released then I do not see how any journalists can really be opposed to that occurring. The proof that Julian Assange did not endanger lives is the fact that there is not a daily death tool of troops cited in the media everyday like there was then. The evidence is in people who have been able to have a more assured family life with the awareness that their loved ones are no longer in such dangerous situations simply by doing their duty. ??What needs to be considered is that the world has changed so much in recent years in the way of peace. The fact is people who have helped bring peace in these times in a world that has never known peace in the way it’s now a logistical requirement to our healthy continuity and survival no matter what in future will never be seen as having been bad people. In fact. It’s true to say that of all the peacemakers this world has ever known they have been seen in a positive way, when all factors were considered. Humanity are natural peacemakers and 99% of the actions we take in the world are more on the side of peace and conflict. So I believe the legal case with Assange at best is a discussion, yet the moral case with Assange is already settled. Assange is a global hero to millions of people. As we progress with Climate Change, then the full awareness of just how required peacemaking was in that process will become ever more evident.
So the fact is that Assange is on the right side of history, no matter what. A decision to extradite him to the USA would actually be a reversal on decisions already made both by Swedish and British courts. Europe to a very large extent has already given him a reprieve. Since the court cases did rule in the favour of Assange. The case against him has not been bolstered by further evidence against him, no the opposite, very much in favour of him with reports of deals done with witnesses. Therefore there is the question that would be central to this, are people baring false witness to this man that will be seen forever more as a great peacemaker? Well the answer does appear clearly evidently to be yes. So I cannot see in any way, trying to consider this from a legal, media, practical, climate, world progress based perspective how there is any advantage at all to actually continuing the proescution of Julian Assange based upon the evidence that people actually know and that is in the public arena and discussed. He would be seen to be the new Robin Hood and Robin Hoods legacy caused the writing of The Magna Carta, a document that influenced 800 years of history, so even if Assange was given a 200 year sentence, the legacy of Julian Assange the hero would live on forever. If climate change is solved and we adapt beyond that then the sociological studies in the future will cite that without Julian Assange that would not havebeen possible as humanity would have been pre-occupied with wars without the published work of Julian Assange and therefore would have completely missed all hopes of actually saving the world. I believe even when considering this from ‘An Integrity Initiative perspecitive’ IE ‘Is it worth breaking or manipulating the law if this is secretly considered by some to be in the interests of society or a country as a whole’. In the context of Julian Assange, most certainly not.?The fact is that there is not a societal interest in seeking to pitch the system in the US IE The People and their representatives in government in opposition to Julian Assange. The reason is that too many of the most vocal people both on the right and the left would be receiving the message by a prosecution of Assange, that they do not have the right to freedom of information.
When that is added to by other ‘big brother’ types of laws and practices put into place like the overreach of internet companies, the collecting of data on people, and all the other measures that actually perpetuate a culture of conspiracy theorists. Any outcome in contrast to the rights and the freeing of Julian Assange would simply confirm the fears and concerns of so many. Fears that the system is not actually working in their interests but in the interests of a tiny few that want simply more power, wealth and control over their lives. This then creates a justification for suspicion in Western societies of their being a globalist agenda to create problem, reaction, solution, false flags and whatever else in order to take away peoples rights and freedoms. So these types of narratives may have some or plenty of truth in them. However, in the context of Julain Assange, when so many people in Europe and the USA do not even percieve or understand what he has done worng, particularly in the context of today’s thinking in terms of wars then ther eis no way that any course of action other than the reprieve of Julian Assange is anything other than the most sensible course of action when all facts are considered.
Yet, no tall facts are considered, not yet. Jeremy Corbyn. Whilst few British people would consider that Jeremy Corbyn would have actually negotiated the Brexit situation better than Boris Johnson, There are a great many people that do like Jeremy Corbyn. The fact that he began his time in opposition in reading out letters from people in Prime Ministers questions, the fact that he was chairman of the largest protest in British history, Stop the War Coalition. Corbyn to the media was not treated well, yet to many who see beyond the media he is a voice for Julian Assange, so too is John Pilger, so too Vivienne Westward the lady that introduced us to Punk.?So too Roger Waters of Pink Floyd who helped bring down the wall build bridges across the world. Has said no in no uncertain terms in opposition to censorship and control on Facebook who control content on Assange.?
?Assange has endorsement from the same people that governments are best on the same side if we are to be able to create a narrative of all working towards the same direction. That narrative and direction being the fact that freedom is maintained by people that are best on the same side with climate.
When we consider the concept of divisiveness in politics, this has come from issues that both sides see as wrong for different reasons ie wars and all the influences these have had both in our countries and in other countries around the world. The main aspect of this where there is non-agreement between people is mostly about what the right course of action is to take to go beyond these issues. The policies of Blair in Iraq for example are equally unpopular with both the right and the left and many people did say they would never vote for Labour again as a result of that war. Whilst UK politics has moved on so much since then through the changes in Labour, the simple fact remains that people are in massive opposition to war for two very good reasons. 1. It takes away so much from all of us. Until the time of these wars the world had been in relative peace with issues being resolved from the 70’s to the 00’s. There were many generations that knew only mostly International peace. ?The images they had grown up on of these wars like WW2, The Korean War, The Vietnam war were something of the past. To have then brought that back into peoples lives with 20 years of the most horrific images imaginable each night on the news is trauma enough, let alone the trauma experience by so many soldiers and their families that still feel the post trauma of al that today.
Julian Assange and Wikileaks through the work they did that helped bring about awareness of what was really going on will have helped many who felt that there was a need to know not from n observational perspective but from the perspective of young people being drafted into armies to fight wars as their duty yet with such an ethical quagmire within the entire situation. Wikileaks and the publishing of all the data that came out in all of the major media outlets in the world gave the world an escape root out of a downward spiral that so many countries and people were pulled into.
The fact is that the trauma of those wars in one way or another is something that has affected and changed the lives of tens of millions, if not billions of people worldwide in one way or another. The fact is that its’ only the truth being put out into the world that has enabled the world to see just how much of a wrong move was made in ever wanting to interfere in other countries in the way in which those wars did. Where effectively cities, towns and villages were bombed in order to bring Western democracy. Well if given the chance a great many people in the Middle east would say we valued our families and our homes more than the right to vote. Whilst this may be an assumption what is not an assumption is this that the world is a much safer place without these wars and through these wars being more resolved earlier the world was in a better place to have been able to cope with and deal with the pandemic.
So the truth is that Julian Assange is a giant in the world of peacemaking. That is how it is and there is no power that any media in the world have to be able to change that in the minds of so many. In fact, the case against Assange if extradited will only very much validate and increase this and when his case is considered in terms of where the world is today there will be simply more confirmation that he did what so many would consider was right in the way of publishing the wrongs of what had occurred. I believe that the case against Assange has been perpetuated only due to the fact that some influential people were exposed and embarrassed by the truth being known. ?
Being exposed of double standards is embarrassing to those that say freedom and then do the opposite, Embarrassment of some leaders is not a good enough of a good reason and justification to take steps to banning free media, which is the result of anything other than the freedom on Julian Assange.
Julian Assange is someone that will ever disappear from the human consciousness and awareness, no matter what. There is simply too much known about him and too much film footage, interviews etc. The imprisonment and containment of Julian Assange is not too dissimilar to that of Nelson Mandella. He too under the racism appareled regime went into imprisonment on Robin Island.
His?Freedom was one of the most joyous days for the world in a very long time and the wisdom of that decision also brought about by public pressure in and outside of South Africa, by the band The Specials making the song Free Nelson Mandella. By polticians from London and around the world who at the time had been seen as mostly being on the left, winning the debate. Nelson Mandella was freed and as a direct result of that peace came to South Africa. There was a fairer system created there was forgiveness for all and there was a Rainbow Nation created that helped improve Africans and in fact world politics. Whilst Julian Assange has not been incarcerated for as much time as Nelson Mandella and whilst Nelson Mandella did his work for peace after being released from prison, whilst Julian Assange did his before. The fact is that Julian Assange went into the Equatorian Embassy a relatively young man and is now a relatively old man.
He has only helped people, you, me all of us know a bit better what was really going on in the world. The changes that have occurred as a result of Wikileaks have affected a US election, the most referenced website. If what Wikileaks were doing was really so ‘morally wrong’?then what were two Presidential candidates doing using this as a reference for so much of the US election debate in order to morally justify their own position and morally question the position of their opponent?
Is it not very hypocritical to try and win an argument on moral grounds based upon content that at the time is purported to have been made available on morally questionable grounds.?
Yet, the truth is that no matter what the situation with Julian Assange is a quagmire. The reason that it’s so much more of a quagmire than people even realise it is, is due to the fact that many of the International peace making decisions that were made during the course of the Trump Presidency could not have been so easilly made had it not been for Wikileaks. The reason that there was a way designed and presented to be able to bring US troops home from Syria was in part due to information published by Wikileaks. Had it not been for that, for Julian Assange the Stuation in Syria would not be as improved as it is today. With that there would be more pressure on all political leaders. As it turns out Julian Assange was actually vital, instamental and pivotal in the course of events that played out that enabled US troops to go bakc home and for the most complicated war in history from escalation.??
?It is if we are to progress beyond foreign wars in other countries to focus on the needs of all countries, climate has to be priority and Assange has helped progress the world more towards that more so than any of those heard, discussed and interviewed in the media. In reality anything other than the realease of Julian Assange simply proves the lies and the hypocracy, the double dealing and the cronyism that Assange helped many others to perceive. The policy to release Julian Assange with conditions I add, I believe would be one of the most popular decisions ever made by a leader.
Julian Assange’s work was instrumental and the only resource that could be referenced and used to save the USA and the world from a major war.
To put this in another way Julian Assange has been one of the most important factors in keeping the world largely as it is. If there was a major war then one of the first parts of human civilizations to go would have been the world’s economy, the internet, stable governance and therefore effective food supplies. These were all in jeopardy during the time of the peacemaking that occurred in the Korea’s, these were all in jeopardy during the time of the negotiations with all the countries of Syria, which both the USA and Russia played essential roles within. These were also in jeopardy at the time of Pakistan and India and at the time of the Iran siuation during the Trump Presidency.
It was the work of Julian Assange which not only enabled people to realise that the wars had gone wrong, adding to the narrative and the truth that they were wrongly judged, inappropriate and that there had been so many wrongs, war crimes etc. They had not created freedom and democracy but civil wars. The concept of these wars had had more resistance in the countries going to war than any other issue had ever done and that was simply the starting place. The protestors had been right in every way and the 50-50, should we go to war discussion in the press eventually became 100% not we should not once it was too late. The local people had not felt liberated, they simply had their counties all but destroyed with weapons including chemical weapons that caused so many birth defects and deformities. The local cultural traditions were ignored completely where there was at a later date the acknowledgement of having to win hearts an minds once it was already far too late.?The War on Terror, Shock and Awe and all of the great wrongdoings of creating a blitz on countries due to false accusations, lies, manipulated data and public relations lies, humiliations. The lies and the deceptions that occurred during these years were so misjudged they positioned the human race so far removed from the development trajectory that we should have been on so much,?Namely the dealing with climate and all the implications of that, which is a far bigger threat to every man woman and child on this planet that Saddam Hussein and the imaginary weapons of mass destruction that he never had. Whilst the Western countries were bombing their way through the middle east on an imaginary flight of fancy that was destroying village, towns, cities and countries the real threat and danger to every village, town, city and country and civilization on this planet was not only ignored the issue was treated with mockery and delusion by the leaders.
The implications of twenty years of war have created a population that do not trust leaders, where there were refugees, popularism, brexit as a result. The most substantial issues of division in people, the increase in violent crime and today an inherent mistrust of mainstream media and governments. ?It’s only now when there is so very clearly a problem with Climate change that people are dying in their hundreds, soon to be thousands and then millions unless new perspectives are taken that it can be even seen and recognised by some that the lies that caused the distraction of twenty years of disfunctional politics only began to draw to an end when the public became aware of just how wrong all of these wars had become. The impact of those wars made the people fall out with the governments and that is what has created a vacuum by social leaders that do say question everything. What Assange and Wikileaks have actually done is in fact the greatest favour they could have done, they helped all including govermeet reflect on exactly just how much of a wrong course the world had gone on, that being a prerequisite in order to be able to get back onto a path that is conducive for the ongoing continuity of the human race.
These wars killed millions, caused many to suffer and bullets and bombs in one place caused added and created violence in other places. The limiting of laws, the use of wrongful information given to the public in misleading ways then is the cause for governments today to not be believed. The USA where such a vast amount of the population do not believe the government on vaccines, what caused that? Decades of lies, spin and manipulation which took away the ability for people to be able to believe their governments.
There are sites like and whilst some may question some of the angles taken on some of the stories. What’s very clear is that there is certainly no shortage of stories on infowars that cause you to question the angles taken in all the mainstream media. It really is a case where today people do not in many ways know what to believe, there are simply journalist sales people trying to sell their version of reality and people have had enough of being sold too.?What the media fail to actually appreciate and understand is that human beings are incredibly sensitive to information to news to stories. It’s our most fundamental survival instinct, it’s hardwired into us as more important than even the need for?food. Information, news is the first instinct we have towards survival. Are there twenty friendly or not friendly hunters with spears after the same herd of Wooly Mammoth, avoid contact or engage with the hunters. The need for good news, correct news is so central to our survival as human beings the bible and religions even use the term ‘Good News’ so what creates bad news is lies and manipulation of press. By politicians doing this and doing this continually they may be looking towards their own next four years in terms of career, yet they are undermining in fact even the concept of having and believing in a government at all by people that are attuned to their very most central survival instincts which is to be able to effectively understand and interpret information and news.
So Infowars, David Icke, religious and spiritual sites are all creating information that are helping people see information not covered by the mainstream. It’s this that effectively demonstrates and proves to people they are not getting the full truth, not ever from politicians nor the mainstream press. Peoples link to the mainstream press is more frequently than not which channels align to what they really believe more fully which can be described as the alternative media. Both Alternet and Infowars may appear to sit at what has been traditionally considered the opposite spectrums in terms of left and right political constructs, yet what has to be considered is that these constructs are not even much more than one hundred years old. The want and need for good information is a fundamental inherent instinct that goes back to being a factor as to whether or not you got food, whether or not you survived predating agriculture as a concept.
So not only is our press completely reductionist in terms of the news they are providing, they are reductionist in terms of how they even see the value of the press, of news of media, of themselves. People are influenced by the media and there are a great many people that do not listen to any news or media other than what they see in social media groups and websites. So people are attuned only to the information that they trust and where that comes from could be overtly single channels of information. What I have found is that in order to be able to do any of the work I do I have to look at both right and left media, CNN,?RT, BBC, EuroNews, CCTV plus other channels like Democracy Now, LinkedIn, Infowars, Alternet and Care2, plus petition sites like Azaaz, Sum of US and 38 Degrees,?to even be able to get a reasonable idea of what is happening in the world. This requires alot of time and effort. Yet, what’s clear is that the narrative for the wars that was presented to the press in the past twenty years was everything other than the full story and that without Wikileaks actually helping the media to be able to see irrefutable evidence that things were wrong, so completely wrong we would not be as prepared today to be able to progress, heal the past and get on with the issues that Wikileaks was also championing and that being effective action for climate change.
Leaders of countries have known of Climate Change and it’s implications since the mid 1980’s. It was around 1985 the first mentions of the Greenhouse effect. That is thirty five years of kicking the can down the road in terms of properly addressing the problem. That’s 30 years of the best and most viable answers being ignored.?Today Canadians are dying by their hundred. In one months time it could be thousands or millions. Environmentalists have been treated as fools and idiots, cranks and idealists for too long. They have neveer had the levels of subsidies going into their work that those creating the problme have had. They have never had the big million dollar a skud missile military budget types of figures put into the environment. In fact the level of incompetence in the way in which all governments have dealt with the climate issue it could not have been more inefficient more faulty, more wrong.
The reality of the situation is that wars are dangerous for many and lethal for some, climate change is lethal for all without question unless coherently seen for what it really is and that acted upon. So Wikileaks and Julian Assange published the data on where humanity was going so far wrong and gave direction to where we need to go in terms of climate. The only people that want Juian Assange punished are the same people that were lying in the first place. Who’ lies of then do potentially jeopardise the netire future of all of human civilization and every person that makes up that civilization whether they are a homeless person or a billionaire. It makes no difference at all an ambient temperature on this planet into the 50’s jeopardises all human life and puts the humble Earth worm into a category of being better adapted to the planet that we are creating than us or many of the species that are unable to live on the surface and keep their bodies cool enough to survive. So Julian Assange today and forever more will be seen as being the bringer of truth, at a time when there were th most dangerous lies to the welfare of all humans ever being told.???????
?In a nutshell the war did not only happen in one location, it happened in every location. Twenty years of war has created a traumatized humanity.?A PTS based humanity that plays out in so many ways whether it is not believing a single word politicians say, whether it is not believing in coronavirus, whether it is no people no longer believing there is a chance to a good future, The Earth itself, the thing we stand upon is telling us through it’s actions that our leaders for the past 35 years have had their priorities completely wrong.?Julian Assange helped everyone on this planet prioritize what is actually important and that is putting an end to these humanity debilitating wars and getting on with fixing this planet up.
There just is not enough thread left for any media to be able to spin the fact that Julian Assange is anything other than a hero to a very significant majority of people that in 2003 amounted to what was then a 50-50 split of people believing war was wrong to what has become today a majority of almost 100% that now know it was wrong. There is no pub, bar, cafe in the world where you can announce the fact that the wars in the Middle East were of benefit to the world and not either be told to shut up or leave the bar. Whilst there is what could be considered moderate vocal resistance today to the extradition of Julian Assange in the way of just a handful of A list celebrities and protests of a few thousand, if it actually did occur then I believe there would be a scenario where the entire concept of their being morally balanced governments in charge of people would be lost forever. There is today just about enough leverage to get the idea of people and governments back on track, however in my opinion anything other than the release and full pardon of Julian Assange would not only potentially bring down governmets, it would destroy even the concpet of governments being able to be trusted.
There could be a scenario where the representatives of governments are seen to be the biggest problem to a very significant minority of people. The messing with the news, couple with the creation of unjust wars, coupled with the draining of resources and all of the issues that that has created, coupled with the wrong prioritising of issues that really do count in peoples lives, coupled with the fact that there is increased cynicism in terms of a pandemic which is being cited as never actually going away, something people have to live with are all factors leading towards disbelief in even the capacity of politics and government how we have known them to be able to cope with any of the above effectively. We are all in this world in a survival footing, and anyone that beleives that they can manipulate people with falsities whilst putting down the person that has helped bring out the truth of not only how a few Western leaders were going wrong but where complete priorities were wrong is putting themselves onto the side opposed to the truth.
The truth will set you free, the link to truth within the hearts, minds and belief systems of man is as profound, fundamental and integral to who and what we are as much as us being news interpreters. The fact is social media has made people their own news channels and the news of the man that got the truth to the people being harshly punished is enough to cause not only a domestic breakdown of trust it’s enough to cause International diplomatic relations to potentially fail. I believe that Julian Assange is best likened to being more like a country than a person in terms of how people perceive him. The very fact that two US Presidential Candidates spent more time referencing the work of Julian Assange than they did referencing any one country speaks volumes in itself. We live in a world that is very different to the world of just five years ago.
We live today in a world where people globally will take risks to stand up for what they beleive in. The Freedom protests in the UK. People will stand up for the wrong doing done to one person. I fit happens to them it can happen to any.?People risked getting Corona virus to stand up against the wrong that happened to George Floyd. We also saw protests on vast scales standing up for what people believed was a stolen election and for President Trump. We are seeing a world where people of the right and the left are more politically attuned than at any time in human history. There is a moral compass in people that if challenged people respond and react. In the context of Julian Assange, a great many people feel inherently that they owe him something, he is the one person that has paid the highest price for the greater peace we have in the world today. The greater peace that did bring more of a sense of normality to peoples lives in the Middle East and worldwide before the pandemic began. The inescapable truth is that what feeds and helps pandemics more than anything are wars. Thhe 1918 flu is proof of that, where that pandemic was spread around Europe by the moving of large numbers of people living in close proximity. The close proximity of cases added to the virus then and is doing so today. The new varients are coming from the places where the virus is the strongest. South Africa, India, Brazil, The UK, India. This is where the new varients have come from. So the creating of a way to peace, that Assange did by publishing data on the wrongs of the wars, contributed to the ending of wars, contributed to other peace processes that were successful that then helped create a greater sense of peace that has been the single most important factor in helping ot have limit this pandemic to the levels that it’s been on and not something so much worse.
It is not an over estimation nor exaggeration to say that not only did Assange help us see the wrongs of war, the rights of effective climate action, he inadvertently through doing this has helped create the best type of global environment, more so than anyone else in helping the world best deal with this pandemic.
So whilst Julian Assange is being effectively mentally tortured for the good that he has done through his actions he has helped reduce the anguish of everyone by helping create a world which ws better prepared for this pandemic. There will be people that have negative perceptions towards Julian Assange for their own selfish reasons, who’s own lives have been actually very substantially improved by what Assange did and that in itself creates a very clear message to a very sizable majority of people that the levels of contradiction within justice are just simply too far away from what real justice should actually be. The truth is out there in the world, there is enough broadcast material to be able to make unlimited amounts of documentaries about Julian Assange, his legacy, and the interpretation of it. What can be certainly guarenteed is that never mind two hundred years in prison, if he is extradited and serve a single day in prison in the USA then the top subject for documentary makers will be on Julian Assange. What’s more the situaion will only ever look like a massive miscarriage of justice. The wrong of it all will undermine the whole idea of Western democracy, it would make the moralising of ‘free’ countries towards ‘unfree countries’ would be undermined beyond recognition.?
The continuity of a surveillance type of society and government will cause many more people to see that there is not surveillance for security there is only this for the attempted control of people. The extradition of Julian Assange to the USA would create an irreversible collapse in the hearts and minds of all people that believe in the idea that the freedom of people is represented properly by governments. I believe that the implications of that are far greater than can even be imagined today. The imprisoning of Julian Assange in the USA would cause a ripple effect that would do more harm to Western reasoning than any other factor ever has.?The very fact that both Sweden and the UK have dropped the cases, whilst RT is broadcasting the fact that the main witness against Julian Assange was actually effectively bought and had private helicopter rides chartered for him, whilst this is a slight modern adaption to the pieces of gold given for false testimony centuries ago. The parallels between a man of peace being prosecuted in a kangaroo court and punished for helping to set the people free through truth cannot be ignored. The question is where really does the morality in this situation lie when juxtiposed with the message of Christianity? Who is in the right the people that went against the ten Comandments in the way of ‘thou shalt not kill’ or bare false witness or those who did exactly that and then persecuted the person who told the real news, which made it possible for people to be able to see the ‘good news’ instead of twenty years of exactly what all Judaic religions are against. Julain Assange will only ever be seen a man of peace and men of peace whether they are Lennon, Mother Theressa, The Dalia Lama, Nelson Mandella, their legacies live on forever. People re calling for Julian Assange to be given The Nobel Peace Prize. The media itself would have a very difficult time even being able to justify in print why Julian Assange is being extradited considering the fact that they too did exactly the same as him in publishing what he published.?There just is not a viable angle from which to be able to even try and manipulate the people in the context of Julian Assanges legacy. How can any press say that 200 years or even a single day is justice when they did exactly the same as he did. The Imprisoning of Julian Assange turns him into a today;s man of peace, him into the representative of peace, wisdom and humanity left on this planet. He becomes the real Robin Hood. With all that has occurred with Julian Assange case, the fact is the case against him has only got weaker and weaker. Yet, the fact that he does not have a voice today actually makes him stronger. This is due to the fact that there are thousands that are his mouthpiece.
In fact the only way to reduce the legend of Julian Assange is for him to once again be seen as a normal person that made a choice. He then is not a martyr he is someone that has already endured so many years of his life in a scenario that nobody would want. ?Giving him a microphone so that he can tell the story from his side, from a balanced perspective, from the place where all of those wars that he saw at the time were wrong and wanted others to see and know what was wrong about them is actually not controversial at all in a world where today everyone is on?the same page in terms of wanting peace and now having more peace in all of those scenarios. The best way, the only way for Julian Assange to be able to go back being someone that is a person beyond the legend he is in the eyes of so many is to give him the chance again to represent himself. The fact is that Julian Assange progressed the world forward beyond a war is ok mindset to a mindset of war is not ok. By the time of the end of the Bush Presidency it was clear that there was enough reflection at the top of what had gone wrong to ant to pull back to pull out of wars. Te mindset of the Republicans went against the war and quite rightly, this is in fact what helped The Democrates in to the White House. Obama wanted to pull back from wars, and yet once they had been started that was not easy to do at all. It required a few months to start those wars and more than fifteen years to get out of them. Julian Assange if anything did the USA the biggest favour of anyone in helping the USA clearly see that those wars were not only bad for the world they were bad for the USA and bad for the world in terms of climate change. A twenty year distraction and delay away from the real threat to all of us in the way of the environment and all of its implications.
Whilst the policy of the Hawks was to some extent understandable in the wake of 9/11 it went much too far. Julian Assange saw that and so now does everyone else. The fact that there is stil even the consideration in the USA that in some way justifies in any way the false notion that those wars and the tactics used were right and therefore Assange is wrong is not actually facing up to the reality of the situation today and the real situation of then. It’s buying into an illusion that was then and is now an illusion that is counterproductive to the healthy development of the world, humanity and the USA. There was an overly over the top reaction. The Chilcot report shows that 9/11 although wrng in every way was actually used to justify wars and invasions that should have never occurred. There was the manipulation of the press, the UN and public opinion throughout. The victims of the decisions made at that time are vast, the implications were International, they were global.?It had nothing at all to do with Iraq, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey and so many?other countries that to this day in one way or another are suffering the consequences of the decisions made then. In fact it could be at best another fifty years before the implications of those decisions made then are recovered from. If we miss the boat with climate then the implications of the decisions made then could be the main reason for the downfall of all of humanity. So the reality is Assange helped those that did not see reason at that time to see reason faster, clearer, better more clearly. The undoing of twenty years of wrong actions will never come from any punishment that is given to the person that out of everyone in the world helped the world see better the errors of thinking that was occurring. The continued imprisonment of Julian Assange will only ever be seen to be an ever greater wrong put onto a person that helped the world see a situation in it’s true correct form for what it really was. The reality is there was a USA that wanted revenge, it was not balanced, it was not proportionate and it sowed the seeds of despair in so many in so many ways. This has played out in all sorts of political narratives on the side of the right and the left in so many ways since. If you give people wrong information, biased information if you cajole people into thinking wrong actions are right actions and right actions are wrong actions then the result of all that is a photoshot of what we have today in the way of world politics. There is a way back from here, a way back towards something that works better for all when it would seem so much like that nothing works well for anyone anymore.
That way back is in the way of compassion. That way back is a very honest conversation between the authorities and Julian Assange. An honest conversation that goes something like this.....
We know that there was an over-reaction Internationally in the years leading on from 9/11/ We know that the priorities and the practices of that time did not in the end strengthen any county or any civilization we now know that that did distract us away from something far larger and of greater significance to all people than wars. We know now that climate change is the greatest of concerns and threats to all. We also know that the only way to get beyond the place we are is for their to be cooperation between governments and people and being on the same side. If you were to be released from prison, your whole sentance annulled and returned to normal life then you would be in a position of either speaking out against governement or providing a supportive role for our new agenda which is to properly solve and answer the climate issue. In order to do that we are not going to tke away rights, liberties and freedoms as we know that that only creates a divide and rule scenario where people are divided and therefore the climate emergency wins over all of us.
In the context of the wars that you called out all of them today are in a much improved situation, that provides us with the means and the capacity to be able to focus more on the bigger picture of the pandemic and the climate. We know that there is no longer the need or even the reason for what you or others did then to do that today, we are now living in a new age, an age beyond these big wars, an age where we are all trying to find a way through together. The way in which we have been able to solve, reduce, prevent and get out of these wars has been through there being gestures of good will provided to the opposite side and for that opposite side to respond with a gesture of goodwill. The question we have for you is that if there is a gesture of good will offered to you in the way of the extradition case being seen as not being in the interest of anyone. What good will gesture will you do to help us in our new purpose of not having an overly surveillance based society with wars being on the agenda, but with climate and the other issues on the world being on the agenda???
Whilst it’s true that Julian Assange is a man that thinks very much in his own way. He is someone that does have?strong sense of justice, he is someone that does see the bigger picture and has put the welfare of other people beyond himself. So therefore, what I’m saying here is that whilst Julian Assange today is in a difficult position so too are the authorities in a way. If Julian Assange was released and then maintained a them and us position then this would be considered a risk.
However, it’s also true that deals have always got done between people that were perceived only months before to be considered enemies or on the other side. It’s a fact that the space program in the USA and so much science that effectively created the free consumer 50’s and 60’s had originated from people that were part of the Nazi regime in the second world war. It’s true that both diplomacy and deal making are an essential part of continuity in any way, deal making is a part of global security and that is most frequently doing deal with people that think very differently whether it’s in buying a car or resolving a conflict. If the USA was prepared to actually negotiate with The Taliban to find a way out of Afghanistan then I believe it’s only right to negotiate with Julian Assange.
The reality is that the information gathering and utilisation took of Wikileaks is exceptional and considering that the single most important aspect of solving cliate change is the expedient use and dissemination of information. The resource that Wikileaks offers if adapted to being a website that drip feeds answers to governments of how best to answer and solve climate change incrementally then the advantages and benefits that Wikileaks offers for being a valued and trusted resource of unbiased information is unique.
The reality is that for a great many media there is not a more trusted website than Wikileaks, even if that is not what they would ever print on their front pages. Julian Assange is a journalist of Distinction. I believe sincerely that the agenda of Julian Assange and the agenda of not only the Western world but of the EU, China and Russia in the context of climate is almost perfectly aligned and having a clearly non-politically allied, truly independent well known media resource for being a resource of benefit as much for the people as the press and governments is a very important, unique and very much required resource.
I believe that Julian Assanges attention and agenda at the time of wars occuring worldwide that was putting the issue that he had the wisdom and insight to be able to fully percieve as being of such importance, climate change was him being on the pulse of where the world really was and where it needed to be able to get too. The world’s thinking has caught up with the visionary thinking of Julian Assange and reached the same conclusions today that he had then. That being wars are wrong and bad for all of us and climate as an issue is more important. The documents published on wikileaks in the context of UFO’ etc have also been recently released and with the 1950’s thinking of having to keep these issues secret, the fact is today there is more of an age of enlightenment where people can handle this type of information and still keep calm and carry on with their lives.
With there being a greater universal acceptance that over surveillance is wrong, people do not like this. That refers as much to similar issues which have come out recently in terms of Harry and Meagan. It’s also come out also in the context of people wanting to know the truth and the suppression of the truth does press bad buttons in all of us that causes us to react negatively, why? The reason is that we have to have good and accurate news to be able to function properly in this world as human beings. It’s a major part of our survival instinct. It’s how it was before the invention of the wheel until these days were billionaires are flying into space. So the simple fact of the matter is that the releasing of truths that were being kept away from public scrutiny for all the wrong reasons is never going to sit well with well balanced people of any political persuasion. The wrongful conviction of Julian Assange will actually never be of any help to anyone all it simply will do is further erode whatever trust there is in the notion of their even being a free press. You can imprison a person, yet never an idea. The idea in question is freedom, freedom of knowledge, freedom of press, freedom of communication. Freedom is the driving force and spirit of the Western world.?Julian Assange will be as much or more so a representation of freedom as anything else is in the world of today.
That freedom, that voice of freedom manifested with us even knowing what those wars actually were. Without Assange the considered differences between the consideration of a no-fly zone in Syria may not have been perceived. President Trump’s entire presidency was built on the narrative of getting out of wars that Julian Assange had taught us were so wrong. The words said in the election debate between Presidnet Trump and Hillary Clinton in this regard are as well recorded and as well considered as anything else in modern politics. In recent days Australian MPs are calling for Julian Assange to be free and not sent ot the US.?If this is what’s occurring now where there are various countries taking the side of Julian Assange, this is only going to increase and anything other than freedom for Julian Assange will only ever be seen in future as a mischarge of justice. The former leader of the UK Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn has also called for his release. If we are to follow political events of the past it was the left of the Labour Party inthe UK that began the call for the release of Nelson Mandella. This is history repeating itself. Nelson Mandela consequently became one of the most important peacemakers of the 20th Century and was a major inspiration to President Obama. ?
It was Wikileaks that helped build the narrative that any further progress into the war in Syria was a really disastrous idea in the making. The no-fly zone created in Syria may have been the single issue that tipped the balance in favour of President Trump in order to win the election.
Therefore, this would have been an essential issue to have helped get President Trump elected as he was specifically in opposition to an escalation of the war there which would inevitably have occurred had a no-fly zone been instigated in Syria. Whilst the policies of Hillary Clinton were visionary in terms of the climate crisis and many other issues, the no-fly zone in Syria could have been seen as a very most important issue at the time by many voters. It was also the publishing of documents in the media that had originated from Wikileaks that enabled the man in the street to even be able to have a fuller understanding of what exactly the wars were and had become.
It was only through being able to have a broader perspective, clearer information from Wikileaks was it even possible to perceive just how complicated the conflict in Syria really was. The most complicated war in history.
Yet, in order to have found a way out of such a complex war required good information, that information was in the press only after it was published on Wikileaks.
I needed that information to create a peace strategy that helped detail how it was possible at the very last minute to stop the war, bring home US troops and prevent the vacuum that I predicted months earlier that was filled by Turkey moving into Northern Syria, Israel from the South and Syria in the West from engaging. It was the writing of this peace strategy and sending it through in the most urgent time I feasibly could that I believe helped encourage President Trump to perceive the complexity of the situation and as a result of that send Vice President Pence to negotiate directly with President Ergodan for a ceasefire. It was also additionally the very wise decision making of President Putin and his discussions with Turkey, Israel and Syria that prevented three major armies coming into direct conflict. If that would have occured that would have caused every country in the world to have had to have chosen sides either support Israel, Turkey or Syria.?
Whilst every country in the world would have known whether or not they were in support of Assad and the Syrian regime. In terms of who would be in support of Turkey or Israel the difference would have been far, far more difficult or actually impossible to have chosen sides effectively. ?The USA would have most likely in my opinion at that time been inclined to have supported Turkey and yet the EU would have had no other option other than to have supported Turkey of have faced the end of the EU.?If the EU went in opposition to Turkey then Turkey would have opened the doors to ten times more refugees than have ever been able to get through to Europe, if not one hundred times. This would have caused the left and right wing political balance in Europe to have gone haywire. There would certainly have been the greatest possible disparity of opinion in the EU as a union and then within member countries too. Without the EU having remained on Turkey’s side the EU countries would have been put into an impossible situation. A situation that could have caused ?a complete change and breakdown of usual Parliamentary norms. The question has to be asked how would The Uk and the British people,?Germany and the German people, France and the French people have responded to the prospect of 100 times more refugees in the EU??The fact is all of these systems at that time could have buckled under such pressure and the differences of opinion within each of these countries.?So I will list in order exactly what prevented that and what factors actually kept the Western world as the Western world.
1 Published documents on Wikileaks leading to the election of President Trump and the non instigation of a no-fly zone. (whilst there were many policies of Hillary Clinton in the USA that were better for example in the context of Climate Change, A no-fly zone in Syria would have brought the world into a major war as it had done so in Libya, yet put the ost powerful countries in direct?opposition to each other, rather than opposition by proxies which they were until that time.)
1.?????The departing of the US troops and the vacuum created, combined by the advancement of Israel from the South and Syrian government in the West was halted in theory by The Integrated Strategy Roadmap to peace in Syria’. The following day this was sent to The White House Vice President Pence very wisely made an unscheduled journey to meet with President Erdogan. Simultaneously President Putin announced that he would put Russian troops between the potentially three conflicting countries of Syria, Turkey and Israel. If either Vice President Pence had not acted so urgently ad brought about a ceasefire combined with the fact that President Putin also saw the emergency situation requiring immediate attention and action to mitigate the risk of a major escalation we would without a shadow of doubt live in a very different and very much more depleted world today. International relations could not possibly have been maintained and the issues of Syria would have spilled over into all politics in Europe without a doubt.?It is beyond any doubt whatsoever that Wikileaks and the use of data published on that website was essential in producing documents that had to be written at such speed and sent so quickly that had there been any other course of events to stop or interrupt that then the forces of these three countries within a country as small as Syria would have come into contact and conflict. The world was hours away from a major war in Syria. Had either President Trump, Vice President Pence or President Putin had made any other decisions there would have been no going back.
The fact is that the EU was helped pivotally by Wikileaks and the world was saved from what could have almost inevitably become a world war. This is true and I would be prepared to state this in any court the dates of published documents on my LinkedIn page together with the message dates of when I sent documents to White House employees in my Linkedin messages prove this to be true. ?The documents I sent are also published in various groups and on my facebook page.?My Integrated Strategy work has helped prevent the world going into many of the worst emergency situations that it could have gone into in the past five years. However, the real crisis and emergency that dwarfs any of those and what could have occurred is happening today.
My film of 2009, Ecoplaza Paradise Oasis presents the scenario we are going into today.?
What I predicted accurately in 2009 as seen and presented in my film Ecoplaza Paradise Oasis (Vimeo) and screened at the United Nations COP conference.
1.?????A medical emergency, increased protests, climate change becoming a continual pattern in our daily lives, pressures in cities caused by social issues not being addressed properly, the fish in the sea running out (18-20 years left for commercial fishing). Issues between the East and West and climate being the one issue that can actually bring all of us together. It’s the one issue that can help heal all the great divides in the world enough for us to be able to progress in a way so much better than ever before. It’s an issue that can put us all on the same side when there is a way to improve our lives locally by also improving issues nationally and internationally.
The resource that Ecoplaza provides as a reference shows how a collaborative economy can function in a very simple and basic way, there are now many documents that expand upon this. The 3.4 trillion obtained via Crowd Funding is one practice of many that can be combined and instigated.
If, my work has to finally, after 32 years be taken fully seriously and instigated properly if there is a chance of keeping the world together and traversing through the greatest emergency in human history climate change.
As a necessary caveat, though even if all of my work is front page news for the next six months and applied globally there is a chance that leaders worldwide have left my work too long from being instigated properly and correctly and we are beyond the point of no return. If that is the case then in the next few years we will see a very sharp decline in all of humanities living standards. All the tinsel of today, all of it as mentioned in my film Ecoplaza will actually slip away. Everything that we consider cool, credible and funky today will simply be seen as distractions that kept us away from the real truth of needing to bring the Earth back in balance. From here if we miss the climate change schedule, everything we see today as values other than the needs of the Earth itself will lose all sense of meaning. They gadgets and gizmos, the games the entertainment, the collective delusion of technological greatness will simply be seen as having been completely wrong when seen within the context of how this distracted so many ways from what really mattered and was required. We may or may not be in the place of the legacy of regret. This is an age where there is an overshadow of regret that becomes the global consciousness where those that prioritized trivialities before the very survival needs of our species will finally wake up to the wrongs of that thinking, in a way that is similar to people all eventually catching up to the idea that the wars of the 00’s and 10’s were wrong and a diversion.???
My work is real, is fully comprehensive and is in the world to some extent functioning today.?It’s full instigation is of paramount importance to you and everyone you know or who have ever known that is in this world today. That is the truth. ignore this, mock this, misrepresent or under represent this and that is the norm of what has been every day for 32 years yet you will do that at your own loss and that is how it really is. That may not be clear to you now, but later on it will be. ?
?My work is the most applied and proven methodology on this planet in helping leaders and people make the best choices for helping the planet and the most amount of people within the shortest time and in the best most fully accessible and usable way. If this is an aspect of human potential that the media journalists and editors are too biased, opinionated or controlled to be able to perceive and understand then that is their fault, their loss too and the loss of the people that are their customers. Climate change is not something that you can take a view on. Climate change is an ever increasing global climate emergency and it creates it’s own reality made out of our reality to adapt too.?If we do not acknowledge it’s presence and capacity over us and then mitigate, adapt and innovate out of this at the fastest rate then we will all end up very soon living in a world that makes us feel everything other than in tune and of?any real influence within it.
We have a choice today, there is no time to waste on inefficiencies and past considerations or past notions. Collectively we were deluded in the ideas of wars, we are just as deluded in terms of climate. We can rebalance or make every effort towards re-balancing, but have to do that now with the level of seriousness created that the scale of the problem demands. ?
The truth is that Integrated Strategies have provided roadmaps that helped prevent and solve wars saved countries, may have saved the economic system as we know it, by way of providing a theoretical path away from the cusp of conflicts, helping pave the way towards talks and or a reduction in terms of the narratives that were causing disagreements to get worse. Yet, to more fully resolve issues, to help convert peace processes more into restored and ever improving diplomacy what they need to do now is much more than that. They need to be nurtured protected, publicized and instigated expediently to save all of what we value in our lives or all of the progress made could slip away due to initial progress made going slate and that also being with the backdrop of their being an ever quickening pace towards pressures on all counties caused due to climate change.?
The Indigenous people of the world have been treated in disgraceful way. Yet the insight and wisdom they have always been advanced of us in the matters relating to the balance the Earth. Their knowledge and wisdom has always been of relevance to us, Yet, the parallels in terms of scriptures of all spiritual faiths that we have to give back to the Earth have not always been considered. This truth, has been interpreted in so many ways and differences created between different interpretations yet the underlying content and the truth remains the same if we do not value the ground, the land the soil then what we stand upon collapses.
The bible has over 100 references to the importance of soil, peace, protecting nature, animals and helping people. ?It has reference of the wrongs in not baring false witness. Yet, in the context to the above, that has been most frequently the norm, was it not in many cases to whistleblowers. Yet, 2022 years into that the infrastructure we have in countries and the world as a whole is not enough. Are there ways of adapting what is? Yes. Are there ways to solving the really big issues in new and improved ways? Yes. Are these being funded and supported? No. What’s preventing this? A lack of coherence that converts the best answers possible into real action. What’s also limiting this is the notion that the only way to solve these issues is using 20th Century thinking in terms of methodologies. The 21st Century has seen network dynamics change so much and in many ways improve so much the potential results obtained if only we continue to think in this way can we gravitate towards the scale of action and capacity that can be obtainable.
The Earth is sacred to the Indigenous people as is central to their thinking and its needs factored into the interpretations of all religions and yet the under representation of this is causing the crisis in which we live. By going back and reconsidering all of the main guiding scriptures, concepts and ideas of so many philosophies we find that the truth has always been there written into so many stories throughout the ages that the Earths balance is our balance. The Earths imbalance is our imbalance. Every tradition, every idea of what is right and wrong, every concept of what normality on this planet is at risk of major change beyond our immediate comprehension at a speed and pace we will not be able to actually keep up with nor adapt too. This is the most common template in terms of species becoming extinct, the inability to adapt fast enough to changing conditions. This is happening today and in order to be able to create the scale of change required requires another science. A science that is based upon a concerted effort made to be able to look at issues that affect all from as many perspectives as possible and then trace out, find and present a theoretical middle ground that can seek to find and define win-wins, in order to leverage peace both among countries and with the planet as a whole simultaneously.
Integrated Strategies, a new branch of reasoning, philosophy and of science that aligns communication, logistics, funding, support, instigation, extrapolation in terms of best practices and ever improving best practices. Seeking to use only 20th Century models of politics cannot work globally fast enough and fully enough, yet neither can depending upon market forces alone. Market forces alone until the late 1990’s were funding minimal green innovation, almost non at all. It was only through Crowd Funding, Micro Finance and Ethical investment that investment found it’s way into projects, social enterprises and innovations getting any form of support. In terms of looking to political systems of the 20th Century the reality is party politics working towards a Greener environment is essential, it is a major part of the answer and yet not the complete answer as parties with green thinking do not feature in many of countries in the world.??Political parties which put the protection of the planet as a priority on their agenda is limited and four year election cycles are a long time to wait in there of the climate change time constraints to enact change. So there has to be a wide creative approach taken to perpetuate ever improving answers. On the positive side however is the fact that all the major powers in the world, have come onto the side of the environment in many cases with some of the most influential countries in the world. Additionally, in some ways recognized and or used Integrated Strategies and these have already effectively provided roadmaps of how to bring wider peace and to answer multitudes of issues that usual political methods have proven unable to answer.
We have the chance to rebalance the Earth from where we are now, I think this I do not know this there should have been so much more emphasis placed on positive action sooner as my findings, methodologies and strategies should have been listened to and instigated properly up to three decades, two decades ago, a decade ago or more recently.
?It’s been careerist politicians that have prevented this and ‘The Integrity Initiative’ What’s clearly evident is that the continuity of the ‘Integrity Initiative’ will take away the chance that any of us in future have to have ‘integrity in the world we live within’. ?It’s the integrity of the Earths functioning living systems that my Integrated Strategies are here to help.
Without Integrated Strategies instigated increasingly worldwide during the course of the next twenty years, there really is no viable future worth having. The efforts worldwide to adapt, mitigate and change are playing at solving the issue of climate change, we need to all be players and Integrated Strategies enable that to occur. The Infrastructure plan of President Biden is a vehicle that can enable Integrated Strategies to be more instigated to help more people adapt to all aspects of climate, yet there is no time at all to waste. The Biden Infrastructure plan for the USA is so important for the entire world due to this reasoning, China, Russia, the EU are not opposed to this. In fact they have voiced support for strong coherent climate action.?What’s more the way in which International Peace Strategies of the past five years have been written has factored in the environment as central to methods and processes that have helped in the creation of peace strategies.
So therefore, some of the countries which would be the last considered countries in the world to consider the need for measures to protect the environment are in many senses actually more on side than people realise this is due to the fact that the environment, development, refugee issues, the regenerating of land and the local rural economy all are intricately?linked and this has been shown proven and demonstrated in many Integrated Strategy documents.?In addition to this there are countries in Africa that have already proven to have been among the most advanced in the world in organising coherent action for the environment. In terms of tree planting campaigns and in terms of the scale of these Africa is by far the most advanced continent on Earth. Whilst in South America the needs and the values of the forests to the world are well known, recognised and at times very well supported and acknowledged. People in both South America, Africa, and Asia do today realise to a large extent that incomes for the economy are generated by measures and schemes to protect the environment. However, whilst all of these efforts are great in their own ways. Whilst a research trip I did two years ago to Asia demonstrated that each country of seven that I visited and researched all were advanced of all other countries in some ways. China the most electric vehicles, Indonesia the largest beach clean ups, Malaysia and Hong Kong reusable underground tickets made of plastic, Japan toilets where the cisterns are filled by the sink etc.
What is missing though are models in any countries that actually link all of these aspects together in models that can then be replicated. Going for an adhoc development and adaption model is simply not an effective option.
I now finally 32 years into trying to put out this message of what the potential answers to climate change are have the evidence that there really is a problem that does threaten all human civilization. To have left the potential answers this long has been simply wrong priorities in terms of management. There have been major mistakes and errors made, yet now is the time to not go over those but to adapt and change course. There really is not a minute any more to waste. Every minute pushes the world either more into being able to be saved or pushes it away from that choice.
The Integrated Strategies on my LinkedIn page is the most comprehensive resource that exists for creating an infrastructure that can answer the vast inter country issues of Climate Change. The full work is combined with the documents Integrated Transport System, the Book A Big Strategy and the film Ecoplaza Paradise Oasis. The infrastructure that’s required the most is not train lines or roads, they both are affected by Climate change, it’s events, ecoplaza’s, places people can work together in synergy to turn back the tide on climate change and it’s worst effects. We need to tree plant by the trillion or by the tens of trillon and ecoplaza makes that feasible as a fist major step. By doing that some of those forests will be affected and lost due to climate change itself, however we need to keep planting.
?What’s we need to reduce, reuse, recycle, upcyle on a perpetual basis until we have upcycled our systems back into balance with the natural world.?We cannot eat money, but we can eat past words and change before it’s too late.
The Northern Hemisphere and Canadians dying by climate change happening now.
Avaaz Petition.
Earth Defenders are being murdered every 48 hours to keep the climate emergency where it is currently.
We call on you to ensure the community land rights of Indigenous people and local communities (IPLCs) are 100% recognised by 2025 in multilateral agreements as well as in your national legislations and land tenure processes. Recognising the community land rights of IPLCs and respecting their rights is key not only to ensuring their survival, but also one of the most effective ways to address the massive loss of biodiversity we are facing, and the climate disasters associated with it. It is time to correct the harm and injustices committed against the people who are putting their lives on the line to protect the planet.
The truth is that people are dying due to climate change and other people are being murdered that are trying to help them. The anti environment lobbies work in the most complicated ways, are on both the left and the right and disrupt. They are so good at it that they may even win and actually get us all killed by the climate. However, we must not give up. The purpose of saving the Earth is so much bigger than any of us and yet it’s necessary for each and every one of us. The issue is though that some people have not evolved enough to even see there is the problem that’s ever more evident.
However, if there is the chance of winning the debate soon enough with companies, governments and organizations the only chance that there is of that is by there being a collective vision, idea and methodology that they can support, get behind, ?participate in benefit from. The truth is that today there is a town just over 200 kms north of Vancover which no longer exists due to extreme weather. Now if the question is asked is it worth rebuilding that town the answer is unknown. Will this happen again next year, the year after in ten years? What should be clearly evident to any property developer is that the old rules of property development are gone. How can you create a business plan when you have no idea of knowing whether or not the climate will even be balanced enough in a few years in a particular location. So doe sthis mean that any home near trees and forests are safe or economically viable? We don’t know. However, what we do know is that we now have a need to build into all business models a way to support the Earth. If every company or a great may companies do this together then together they can potentially create greater balance again. So potentially there is a way to get businesses creating a combined effort and yet the atmosphere to induce that requires two factors. 1. Governments are on board and are doing what they can to help induce greener practices in everyway. 2. There is a global atmosphere towards humanity finally gettin gour act together with the running of this planet with the future in mind. That requires a new word introduced to International diplomacy and that word is forgiveness, re-sets. New perspectives allowed to be considered in all International complexities. If that can occur Internationally then that gives the SA the chance to create a model that both Western and Eastern countries, developed and developing countries would likely emulate in their own ways.
Sanctions review and more complete media are essential factors I believe in International peace keeping.
In today world, sanctions combined with incomplete media regarding peace building are today the single greatest global hazard to peace and unless there is change and more truth in the press about the truths of recent years of peacemaking and crediting correctly all countries that have helped maintain peace Internationally. The change of editorial policy in the media can perhaps help keep all of us safe and provide continuity to life as it is today, yet with more stability not less. If half of the countries with sanctions were reduced on a trial basis what would be the result? New information, new data, new positioning.
Russia was amassing troops within its territory, close though to the border of Ukraine. Whilst this is an issue that is leading to speculation in terms of intention. What is also true is that there has been really ineffective and only partially accurate media coverage of Russia for a long time. There have been many issues answered and solved by Russia and yet the media do not present this in it’s true light. Russia has been continuously billed in International politics from only some perspectives and it’s actually not the correct and full picture at all.?I believe there really does need to be clear honest truthful media about the positive actions that Russia took in alliance and in harmony at times both with the USA and with China at different times under the Trump administration.
By the media not telling the full truth on this the media themselves are adding to global tensions by only telling part of the truth from a US only perspective and this could cause issues that could spiral out of control unless addressed.?Whilst I do not know what the intention of Russia is with having 50,000 troops near the border of Ukraine is. What I do know though is that if Russia is presented continuously in a negative light whatever it does. Even when it saves Europe and the Middle East in Syria. Even when it saves the world in Asia with the Koreas, even when it saves Europe again with Azerbaijan and Armenia.
The question has to be asked how many times does Russia have to do good things in the world for the world to for moment say thank you to Russia, at least enough for the press to tell both sides of what actually occurred in all of these situations. There are paradoxes of course, actions that have been seemingly tit for tat, that is clearly evident. Yet there is a bigger picture nd not presenting that is actually creating a scenario of taking at cross purposes. So somehow there does need to be progress and whilst this could come in the form of recognition of both the pluses and the minuses in terms of relationship, it’s clear that by only telling one side of the story their is a level of misrepresentation occurring.
?Russia should certainly not have sanctions against it, Russia has helped keep business functional and smooth due to it’s foreign diplomacy worldwide in The Korea’s, Syria and various other places.
?If the worlds media are more fair to Russia then there is a very good chance that Russia will reciprocate and appreciate this. The improvements and discussions between the UK and Iran are very hopeful. The building of relations to allied countries of Russia and China is potentially a path back to better relations. If governments continually present Russia as being in the wrong with everything, without opposition parties questioning this then it’s actually the media to some extent that’s egging on a situation that could lead to a confrontation in Europe in a similar way to how they left a blank space in US politics last year without bridging the information gaps between two different factions in US politics that ended up resulting in the Capital Building issue. We do have to be very careful of their being neither various perspectives presented and equally of having differing narratives that do not seek out a middle ground. Having a broad perspective on any issue is better that only a singular narrowed perspective.
More inquisitive and complete media can potentially help inch political leaders towards more broader conversation, more rational insights and better agreement, towards getting more onto the same page and that improves happiness, health and?wellbeing for all. Leaders seeking only to surround themsleves with yes people, not challengers that think differently is one level of restricted creativity, yet where there is reduced consideration in the media and an opposition not presenting enough of a counter narrative then this is of less use and benefit to all. The full spectrum of democratic reasoning is important and views, differing view should be heard.
It’s not all down to reporting. However, if political leaders take a hard line and the media does too in too much agreement then there is not much space to either understand issues broadly, nor maneuver in terms of negotiations. It really is not unpatriotic to disagree with the views of the government, yet great decisions are reduced without robust enough conversation. If there is a right and a wrong perception taken both by leaders and the media than that’s not as easy to progress within than if there are more grey areas in terms of reporting which would result from more balanced press analysis.
What’s better a cyber attack or stopping and calming a conflict? Well obviously preventing a war, yet when that’s not even considered then the cyber attack is all that gets considered. The inescapable truth is that the situation in Syria a few years ago was the most complicated conflict in history, and Russia did play a vital role in helping to calm the situation, helped provide a way to progress and for outside powers to be able to leave the region without there being more chaos, but with their being more calm.???
It’s true to say that the press not being fully open and discussing issues that have created stability in recent years either through foreign policy or through people having differing views on issues that are freedom of choice related are creating tensions in countries and worldwide.
The best ways to answer the questions above of JP Morgan CEO is for there to be more press perspective to some extent and ways for people to help themselves and help each other more. Pressuring countries and people by effectively pushing them into the corner is not conducive to sensible improved politics either domestically or Internationally.
President Bidens approach of considering everyone and working from the ground up is a method?that is real, viable, beneficial and for the first time in recent history stops relying upon the ficticious idea that those at the top can provide enough of a trickle down economic benefit to keep societies functioning properly. That is simply not true anymore. It’s the people with the least resources that with a little opportunity can propel ever more improvements for many more. That is not to discount the trickle down effect, simply to work with that too. If there is bottom up and trickle down there is the most fluidity, confidence, change, improvement. The more consideration though of how to create those mechanisms that help uplift the least well off is important and people that have spent years or decades innovating within this need to be given at least a few places at the table. The few places being worthwhile so that they can bring in people that also appreciate their paradigms of thinking and therefore can add quality content. These people can also help express better what is meant and therefore improve understanding of others, when presented with new information, data and approaches ?
The worlds dynamics are changing fast. It’s really not a case of right and wrong today as much as it is inclusion and valuing differing opinions. All people and countries too want to be included in the world of today. Not divided into good countries bad countries and good people and bad peoples. We have to get better at relating to others as they are and not just as we are or we will find that intolerances create strife, when for all the most major issues in the world today coherence and synergy are the real answer for us all. We will only solve the major issues of today by greater cooperation, compassion and not less. We will either be able to make the world 100% better or if we fail in that, it could become a 1000% worse. Today we have many choices of how to bridge build, in future if bad, wrong or silly decisions are made then there is no going back. Today the media need to go back I believe and properly present the good decisions the impeccable diplomacy on the global stage that both Russia and China, India and Pakistan, Syria, Turkey and Israel, North Korea, south Korea, Azerbaijan and Armenia too have been a part of. We have got to have better press analysis of mediation, diplomacy and peace building or this world’s peace is not strengthened enough.
The Iran deal is still very important to regenerate and perhaps even improve upon.?China Has just done a twenty five year trade deal with Iran. Switzerland has announced a China First policy, calling for greater coherence with China. Switzerland has flagged up China’s Human Rights record and The Chinese Embassy has denounced this. Whilst there are issues that are not agreed upon, there are issues that are and so there is an element of business, diplomacy and an element of lobby and pester that goes into both the best and the least best International relationships. Effectively by a gesture of good will presented, there is a capacity to broaden the agenda and include other issues. If we are generally on the same side it provides more leverage for actual improvement. When there is direct contrast in thinking and this is all that is considered by both sides then there is a communication that is effectively a non-communication on all levels. This creates a scenario where it very much is we will do this and the other side does usually something different that in itself creates stress and tension, a type of tit for tat develops. However, when there is any way to get onto the same side, to be allied in some way or in any way, that then helps both sides to actually obtain a greater level of comfort in knowing that there are some levels of respect, mutual respect going on.
This is both supportive of both sides and life affirmative as it begins a path towards agreement on one logical and therefore emotional level, one form of acceptance of the fact there are differences and yet similarities and a level of disagreement. That one positive, one neutral, one negative is a place from which people can generally operate from in an amicable way.
It’s a type of relations that can provide the chance to progress and the chance perhaps at times to regress, yet overall it generates a sense of understanding of the others position. This in terms of International relations I feel is where both the Korea’s and the Iran situations are today with the West. There is mutual respect for the other sides ad yet there are contrasts too. However, there are baby steps towards improvement that can happen. There is also the chance of complete resets. This being a position where one or the other side can obtain a critical mass of trust in with the other side or the potential win-win scenario they can step into and from there is prepared to go the extra mile in order to make the whole situation work better in the present and the future than in the past.
In the context of North Korea, I do very much believe that it’s in the interest for all for the West to actually blink first. For the West to really appreciate that North Korea although an exceptionally resourceful country in terms of how its people have lived and adapted to a situation that has been never fully resolved in decades, now with the added burden of climate really pushing North Korea into a place of famine.
It really is in the interests of the West to consider very seriously what it can do to lessen the burden on the North Korea.
A burden too great on North Korea is a burden on potentially all. So the fact is that Chairman Un has talked of reform and it’s reform that can help all the Korean people. I was astonished and touched visiting the DMZ border zone between South and North Korea. There is an amazing modern railway there, there are literally tens of thousands of goodwill messages on the fence between the countries. There are museums there, there are funfair rides there. There are watch stations for the public and the only soldiers in sight are plastic mannequins. ?The DMZ border zone is like no other place on Earth. There really cannot be anything like it. The contrast between the fence, the information of the past, and yet the messages of hope and goodwill between the people is something that is so contrasting it’s enough to bring anyone to their senses. To realise that there really is a collective will between the Korean people to find a way forward. The sadness of the past, the wrongdoing on all side, the admittance that none of it has worked for any of the people. Yet, the aspirations and the hope in those thousands of messages of love, compassion and hope .They have even designed hand gestures to symbolize hope and friendship between the two peoples, the two different peoples that are quite literally in so many cases from exactly the same families. ?
So in the context of North and South Korea, the question really should be asked what can the West do from here in order to help edge both the Koreas towards ever improving relations and the fist consideration is this people do things when they are hungry they would not normally do. Take the heat from the situation, never mind deal making or any of that never mind Quid pro quo thinking on this one. The messages between the people say enough. It’s time for some compassion to go into this situation from the west. Release the pressure on North Korea. See what happens, if the same thing happens as last time where there was a compliment exchanged from President Trump to Chairman Un then North Korea will again respond positively. Whilst there is nothing to be lost trying there is so much to be gained. There is more information, more understanding, more awareness on both sides that the past has been disfuntional, agreed and we are now four years into better relations.
In terms of Iran I would consider that the gesture by Iran to go back to the Iran Nuclear Deal as was negotiated under President Obama does make sense, even if the deal is not the best. It’s better to have a bad deal than no deal at all with Iran. There is progress in the Middle East in many ways and the request by Iran for an end to the war in Yemen and steps for an improvement in relations with Saudi Arabia is very positive. They do not want to meet with President Biden and that is not a bad thing, that is what we could call a neutral position on that. It’s better that there is a genuine meeting in term sof understanding with policy than a meeting of smile and handshakes that does not actually contain real content of baby steps towards goodwill or leaves one side wondering really exactly the other side is. So I would say that the position of Iran to not want to meet with President Biden is actually advantageous to both side, the fact is that the bridge, the doorway is open to talks, to wanting progress. The other positive is that other tensions in the region have calmed recently and this creates a sense of the past being the past and the present the present. The other consideration on this is that no diplomatic relationship is ever between one side or another, in such an interconnected world one country will always?be looking towards analyzing how relations are functioning with another side.
In a different, yet in some ways comparable scenario. So this again adds a sense of good reason as to why it makes very good sense to really offer genuine help to North Korea?and not only do so on the basis of their being no conditions. Do so on the basis of insisting their are not conditions. The fact that North Korea played ball so well with the Peace Olympics is testament to the fact?that North Korea does want to progress relations Internationally. Whilst President Trump went to do a deal with North Korea. That in a way was and should always be considered secondary to the fact that there was goodwill between the two side created and that there was an exchange in letters and mutual respect from one leader to the other.
So President Biden I believe would do very well in considering the Olympic Spirit, the fact that North and South Korea played ball so well with each other and that there was very much a re-set in relations. Here we are down the line with what became a bit of a stale mate on the deal making front and yet. The friendship that North Korea showed to the world through wanting peace should be fully appreciated, respected and reciprocated.
For the position that North Korea was in to have gone to South Korea and to have allowed for and to have participated in that reset in relations is one of the greatest progresses towards peaceful resolve this world has ever seen from two of the most powerful countries in the world. If North and South Korea can do that, then I believe the UK and Russia can too with recent issues and again, the USA by being less Policeman of the world and more Uncle Sam, giving Chairman Un assistance now, enables Chairman Un to pass that on to his people and those around. This is a way to uplift and actually help all the Korean people as they are all part of the same family and there will be a great many South Koreans today concerned about the potential fain in the north.
So this gesture of campassion and goodwill is not only good for the future of North Korea, it’s good for South Korea too and then best inter Koreas gesture since the successful Peace Olympics.
?As for the explanation of this at home, that’s secondary. The fact is that Iran would see this gesture as would many other countries and seeing such a gesture is an incredibly strong template on strength through compassion. A genuine change and improvement.
There is a level of respect obtained by helping another that is of a different quality than any other form of communication.
Helping people with what they need in their time of need communicates on an incredibly profound ‘soul to soul’ level. It really is true acknowledgement of the value of the other person and therefore the very best way to win trust, respect and improving relations.
?What about the we ‘gotta be tough’ paradigm in the USA by those saying ‘we are helping a dictatorship’. Well the answer to that is very simple indeed it comes in the form of two words. President Trump. Did President Trump make the best progress with North Korea by talking, ?being friendly or by making demands? The simple answer is probably a bit of both. However the answer is in a actual fact the earlier.
?The friendship, the letters the meetings, the capacity for both leaders to go beyond their own situations and find a place to meet in the middle. That is what really improved relations. The fact is that Chairman Un is receptive when treated with respect and dignity. That is what he and his country deserve no matter how similar or different it is from other countries. The fact is people are people and nobody likes to feel unaccepted. A peace process can begin in so many possible ways, the best way is an unconditional gestrue of kindship, in understanding where a situation is and of helping. So President Biden offering compassion towards North Korea specifically without conditions and stating that there are no conditions at all. This is a gesture towards improved relations and that is all. That is very powerful.
That action would be a template to the world that shows that the new America is operating fully and functionally on a win-win basis. It also shows the American people that sometimes it’s good to give without expecting to receive. The reason this is so important in terms of a template for the world and for the American people is that by giving North Korea the technology and help to get itself out of a famine situation gives to the whole of Asia sustained peace, stability and security.
?So many bombs have been dropped in the world in an effort to gain better dense, more security and so frequently the opposite has occurred. By giving answers to famine actually costs nobody any real costs or money nearly all of that is in knowhow. Yet what that does is enable North Korea to feel a greater sense of security and that people in the world are looking out for all people. The passing on of goodwill to the North Korean leader who very clearly does care about the North Korean people helps progress the people of North Korea towards a better situation more than any other scenario that’s obtainable diplomatically or in any other way.
Does North Korea want conflict with it’s people in South Korea, no. Does North Korea want it’s citizens to starve? No. There is a vast amount of middle ground in terms of answers. I’m not talking about big handouts of aid, no what I’m talking about are the supplies and the knowhow to create new agricultural answers such as Aquaponics that helps keep many parts of the world where fresh food supplies are limited like Hawaii for example. Using this method tons of food can be grown. I’m talking about a whole wealth of knowledge that exists with new natural design innovation. Spirullina for protein, biochar for soil enrichment, EM1 for soil fertility. The knowledge and use of permaculture and many other innovations that can be shown and taught to North Korea. We have to prevent famine in North Korea, not only for the sake of North Korea but for the sake of everywhere. We have to know in the time we live with so many uncertainties that we really have mastered food production. For every day there are people without food on this planet there is a risk to us all of there one day not being food for us too. So the exchange of knowledge and sanctions can in my view do more to help improve all aspects of relations with North Korea than any other factor.
The fact that Chairman Un has spoken out about this famine and should be listened to and responded to in a helpful way. This gesture will do so much to rebuild faith in the capacity of all diplomatic relations.?The fact that North Korea is so different from the USA is not in contrast to the ideas and values of the USA it’s actually an affirmation that the USA really does have a vision of hope for a better future both in the USA and beyond.
Sanctions are sometimes though required to protect human rights in other scenarios.????
The Military Coup in Myanmar has killed more than 90 civilians and there are calls by ethnic groups to combine to defend the people. ASEAN have spoken out against what has happened and really there should be encouraged ways back to the table and to talks.