We live in exciting times. Unlike our parents, whose only options were traditional 9–5 jobs, our income options are endless, from lifelong careers to side businesses, odd jobs and self-employment. For example, let’s step into the shoes of a typical ARIIX Rep. We’ll call her Sheila.

Sheila wakes up in the morning and sends some follow-up texts while making coffee. She hops on a commuter train into the city and shoots out a few prospecting emails. She puts in a typical day at the office, checking personal voicemails and social media over lunch. She clocks out at five and heads to a friend’s house to help host a business presentation invite, where she enrolls five new Reps. She then heads home and checks her inbox. Two more prospects have replied to her emails and want to sign up, so she gets them started. Before going to bed, she shares the success of her business presentation invite on her social platforms and receives instant interested feedback.

This is the gig economy. This is 2019, and we are no longer shackled to traditional jobs that feel unfulfilling. We have options.

And this is just the beginning for Sheila.

Sheila is capitalizing on a gig economy while she transitions from regular work to being in direct sales full time. Many of us are part of this gig workforce. One poll conducted by Adobe found that as many as 34% of American workers have some type of second job or side business. While there’s a time and place for the traditional, full-time job, there are options for those of us looking for something a little different, and the benefits are endless.

Lifestyle Flexibility

Once Sheila can quit her day job and go full time as an ARIIX Representative, her calendar becomes her own. She is her own boss, so she says when to schedule meetings and host events, or when she needs a couple of days off to refresh. This freedom appeals to many, especially to the millennial generation and to those who are fed-up with idea of 40/40/40 Plan -  and nowhere else can you find this freedom.

Financial Gains

When you engage in the traditional workforce, typically a certain path is set before you. Yes, you can make a comfortable salary, but more often than not, you will only see conservative yearly raises and the occasional bump from promotions. When you take charge and create your own job, you take your cash flow into your own hands and have the potential of earning exponentially more. You build your dreams instead of someone else's.

Passion and Purpose

With endless options, there’s something for everyone. The artist can pursue their craft, the writer can string together writing gigs or author a book, and the salesman can get behind products and brands they love and share with others. In fact, most people enter the gig economy after finding their passion and leaving the traditional workforce behind to pursue it.

Safety Net

If you’ve ever lost your job with little notice, you understand how terrifying it can be. Anxiety mounts as you frantically scramble to find the next employment to pay the bills. You might even settle for a less-than-ideal position or accept a pay cut. With the gig economy, there’s more of a cushion. If Plan A falls through, giggers usually have a Plan B, C and D already lined up.

 The truth is, the gig economy is becoming more and more of a reality for many in 2019. There’s freedom, flexibility, and the ability to call your own shots. Are you a gigger? Or are you still on the brink of taking the plunge? Here’s to all the ways your life will change outside the 9–5.

Contact me or Learn more about ARIIX here:

Tags: Direct SalesDirect SellingEntrepreneurGigGig EconomyNetwork MarketingNetwork SalesOdd JobsRepresentativeSide Jobs



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