How These 2 Key Minutes in Every Successful Person’s Story Gets Overlooked
Dillon Mitchell
The Engineering Partner For Electrical Contractors & Automating Electrical Design in Revit
Have you ever heard a successful person talk about their past and the challenges that they went through? Have you heard their stories from beginning to end? Have you truly paid attention to them and learned the lesson?
Having been in the throws of learning how to do this thing called entrepreneurship. Having been on this path for a few years, I’ve seen how hard it can be. I’ve struggled in figuring things out and making it happen. I’ve struggled to figure out where I fit and how I can best serve.
Which brings me to the question about the “successful” people. The ones who’ve owned their own business and the guys that we look up to. Those are the ones that we learn so much from. That we have easy access to today because of the technology we possess and their willingness to share.
Listening to their stories. Listening to how they came up through the ranks, there is usually a paragraph or 2 that goes something like this:
“It took me three years grinding to finally make it. I worked 14 hour days. I did everything I possibly could. I barely made any money those three years, but those lessons made me who I am today.”
Swap our 3 for 5 or 10 years. But the story is still the same. They buckled down, grinded hard for years and then had a breakthrough to “success”.
This is what people glaze over. Because that is really easy to say. It’s a couple paragraphs. It’s 2 minutes on a podcast. For you and I, we are living this.
When you are going through it. When you are looking to build something and in those 3 years of just grinding, it is hard. Every day is a battle for survival. Every day is something you want to have go in your favor, when most don’t.
So it’s the ability to get up and keep at it for those three years.
I’m writing this as much for me as I am for you. Because I’m in the middle of those three years. I’m figuring it out. I’m putting all the pieces together.
When they do fall into place, it will all finally click together and life will be completely different on the other side of it. What I’m hear to say is to not forget that every person you admire, had a period of time where they were nothing. Where they didn’t know anything and they just worked extremely hard to get where they want to go.
You aren’t alone. You might feel like you are working to no end, but I promise that there are many of us out here who are working just as hard trying to make our dreams come true.
That’s one of the real secrets. It won’t take 6 months. It probably won’t be a year. It will be 3, or 5, or 10 years before you’ll make it. I just want to let you know, I’m on the journey with you and I’ll be sharing my story along the way.