How The 10X Rule Applies To Wealth
I first read the 10X Rule in the summer of 2015. I was driving from Alaska, through Canada, to Minnesota. I’d just learned about Grant Cardone and I purchased all of his books. Little did I know how big a role my Uncle G would play in my future. I had just finished listening to a Brian Tracy book and thought I’d give Grant a try. I’d read Sell or Be Sold, and at the time, didn’t really love (because I was not applying the principals). So I wondered if The 10X Rule would be different.
My first thought? Honestly, I thought there was going to be some special rule that was hidden in the book that would be the key to success. When I realized that the book was basically saying think 10X bigger than you believe you need to and do 10X more than you believe you need to, I was kind of disappointed. You see, I wanted there to be a magic trick I’d been missing out on. Not because I needed one, but because then it would make sense as to why I wasn’t winning. I didn’t need the truth, which was that I was thinking small and not doing enough. I wanted there to be a mystery. So I didn’t love the book, but I kept listening.
By the end, I was converted. By the end of the book, I’d realized the point Grant was making. There is no magic pill or secret. Work harder and think bigger. This hit me like a ton of bricks and has impacted my life ever since.
So what does the 10X Rule have to do with wealth?
Chiefly, we need to understand what the 10X Rule is. 10 is obviously the number 10. However X, is a different story. X has several meanings. First, X is the roman numeral for 10. So 10X actually = 100. Additionally, X in mathematics is an exponent. It’s a multiplier. When you follow up a number with X it means that number is being multiplied rather than added. Very important. Also, in mathematics, X can stand for an unknown integer. It is like a wild card. X has the potential to be anything and change the equation based on what it ends up being. Finally, 10 is the last real number. What do I mean? All the other numbers are just variations of the numbers 1 – 10. 10 is the final unique number. 10X has a deep, deep meaning and it applies heavily to wealth.
Let me start here with the “10”. When it comes to wealth, you will add your way there initially. You will work in increments getting from 1 – 10. You will add one by one and you may even subtract at times to add more in the future. This part is the grind. Most people never make it through here because they stop every time they to over 5. You see, 5 is the breakeven point. So when you’re past 5, because you’re not losing anymore, most people confuse it with winning. Simply not losing doesn’t equate to winning and so they backslide or plateau. Going from 1 – 10 looks like learning, earning, keeping, and reinvesting in yourself.
Now, once you do get to 10, things begin to change. Now you can multiply. You see, after 10, you can begin to add whatever number you please. That’s why the “X” stands for an unknown integer. You get to pick what that integer will be and it will be based on the size of your thinking and the level of action you’re willing to take. But you can’t stagnate. You see, 10 x 1 is still just 10. It’s the same effort and adding a 2 instead or another 10. This looks like bypassing the average plan and them middle class plan. It means not giving up your money to Wall Street, Central Banks, and the IRS even though it’s the common thing to do. You want control. Think of it like this: You’ve painstakingly taken your income from $100,000 – $1,000,000. If you think small and try to back off your action, you won’t go anywhere. But control, creativity, and courage with a commitment to your goals will help you win even at the smallest level. You could take the million and multiply it by another million, if you can think big enough and take enough action.
No, in a literary sense, X has some special meanings too, that also have to do with wealth. As we discussed, x comes from a mathematical term called “exponent”. Exponent literally means power. The word power comes from the word potent, as in “potent”-ial. To build wealth, you must own your potential. This means you need to put the work in to go from 1-10. There’s no shortcut there aside from massive action and massive think. To put in the work you do need to have a glimpse of what your potential is or it just won’t be worth it. That’s why it helps to understand the deeper meaning behind 10X. If you’re thinking about being powerful and owning your potential, and you actually can visually see what that would look like you will push as hard as you need to.
It’s one thing to live a life of hard work and mediocrity and not have a payoff. If that was the only option, I’d want to settle down and live comfortably too. Reality is that there is definitely more than that. I am as tenacious as I am because I know what I can be capable of and I know I can push for my potential. So there is no settling down. Andrew Carnegie, John Rockerfeller, Grant Cardone, Warren Buffet, and the other greats are the same way. They aren’t going for comfortable with their wealth. They are going for their potential.
10X has everything to do with wealth. In fact, I believe it is the only way to truly get there. Not upper middle class and happy, not retired at 60, and not comfortable, but actually wealth; it requires The 10X Rule. Let’s face it though, most people won’t do it on their own. They need better information. They need a plan. They need a coach. They need to train and skill up. They need a team. They need the right tools at the right time. If you would like to 10X your wealth and work with the #1 Grant Cardone Certified Coach in the world, click here and we can talk about what it will take to get you there.
Own Your Potential,
Jerry Fetta
Grant Cardone Certified Coach
Jerry Fetta helps his clients build wealth so that they can eradicate poverty in their own lives and own their potential.
He believes scarcity and abundance cannot co-exist and that the way to end poverty is to help you build wealth.
You were not created to spend 40+ hours per week serving the 40-year-to-life sentence trading your precious time for money just to live in mediocrity.
However, the truth is that time and money must be exchanged. It just doesn’t need to be you making the exchange.
Jerry helps his clients create wealth that exchanges time and money on their behalf. The only way to do this is to make more money, keep it, and then multiply it.
He has helped clients double their income, save $100,000 tax-free, and secure 8-12% fixed annual returns on their assets.
To get started, go to