Hovering on Past But Be Optimistic
It’s so tragic to focus heavily on the past and linger on its negative effects than focusing on optimistic side. The consequences of lingering so much does certainly contributes a humongous devastating effects on a life that doesn’t takes extra precautions. These terrible defects can mount up like a mountain in a life and finally, it brings that life down to a lowest point where everything can seem unworkable to overcome.
In itself, it’s a worse story to tell or to relate to someone. A story that doesn’t brings good satisfaction in a listener’s hears. The weight of this story can create devastation and even more than this can deteriorate the feelings and depression can be felt unendingly. In other words, its entanglements can be liken as thousand pounds of bricks that are tied to a neck of a person and ready to be drowned into a deepest ocean. This isn’t an advantageous story!
It is surely a heart broken story and nothing springs forward like a good fountain spewing out favorable water for someone to drink out of it. Stuffs like gloominess, pessimism, cynicism, nihilism, and stress that are brought forth are all unhelpful for better growth of a life. When a life is predominantly filled with all these discourteous stuffs, then a life doesn’t get any better. They absolutely drive that person crazy and eventually his life gets wrecked and wedges in a pothole. This kind of life is so overwhelming any very intimidating to be in.
A better way to get out of these chaotic circumstances is simply shunning the desire of enamoring on retrogressive negativities and engaging the mind to concentrate on positive things that can be a huge enlightenment to the body. Because when this happens, the body is deliberated by these goodly behaviors and it tends to function well and smoothly without any major defectiveness. When the mind is fully focused on the positive ideas or on favorable things, then the fruition of it is so rewarding. This enables the body to act in a substantial manner and the life itself becomes more meaningful and eventually it becomes a helpful agent to others living nearby in the communities.
If the life is critically bombarded by the foreign forces and the mind is in a situation where the thinking process is not cooperating well with the body then it has fallen into the pit of dissentions, disorder, and frenzy. It has to be counseled hastily because if it doesn’t, then it will eventually bring humongous devastations and life itself becomes so meaningless. A better solution to this problematic life must be sought instantly so that it can be circumvented from demoralizing depression.
I can conclude by saying an immediate action of seeking an appropriate counseling is unsympathetically needed.
A better life to be cultivated is to seek a better counseling from elders who have already walked the road of life with many experiences.
In order to make a difference, just get out of it. Because the results of been in that pit is just hopeless. The forty-fourth president of US once said this:
“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” – President Barack Obama
In such circumstances as these, one has to have discernment, optimism, and determination. One has to thoroughly scale things out and choose the right ones in life. Otherwise, without discernment problems accumulate and worse things can happen. Other important thing that one can have is optimism. This surely can brighten up everything thing like, his way of thinking, decision makings, and directions in life only if, he concentrates his focus of attention and confidence on the good side.
This surely creates a belief that things are going to get better and that good will ultimately triumph over the evil or downward ways. It is an attitude that one begins to have and who feels positive or confident of himself and the shadows of pessimisms are withdrawn out of the sight and this is a great story.
Nicholas Murray Butler once said this:
“Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress.”
Henlen Keller also emphasized more on this by saying:
“Optimism is that faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
This person then becomes an optimist who sees an opportunity in these difficulties and finds better solutions to get out of it, whereas if he then becomes a pessimist who sees these difficulties in every opportunity and doesn’t have a sturdy desire to be more thoughtful to find a way out; then he becomes a victim of it. Problematic issues can increase to a greater apex and eventually can drown this person into despair if he continues to hover on the past negativities.
It is absolutely critical to know the differences of these two words. Someone put it this way:
An optimist – one who has clear understanding who foresees obstructions and jumps on to right side of the equation to get reasonable answers to deal with impediments whereas a pessimist – one who is not that smart to make keener decisions to get to the right side of the equation to amass rational answers to overcome problems, but lingers through it. That is a disordered circumstance to be in!
A better illustration of how a person can have an optimistic kind of thinking is right here. This will surely make a clear highway for him to travel and not hurdling on the way of life.
It is better not to hover on the past experiences or linger too much on it. Because when you are enamored, you’ll be hammer more severely and the wreckage can be more devastating. So, don’t linger on it!
Have this in mind and you’ll be passable.
It's a wise decision to become an optimist and unwise to become a pessimist. These two yield their products. One good and another bad. So become the one that produces progressive ideas and not the one that produces retrogressive ideas.