Hove campaigners fight on to stop  giant 5G mast threat on their homes
Hove campaigners protesting attempts by mobile companies to seize their homes without consent, May 2021

Hove campaigners fight on to stop giant 5G mast threat on their homes

Hove residents are campaigning to protect their property and heritage zone from??a second attempt by mobile phone companies Three and EE to seize the roof of their homes to erect a giant 5G mast base station.?

Three and EE have lodged an appeal against Brighton and Hove Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for their industrial scale equipment to be sited on private homes in Grand Avenue, central Hove.

In May, councillors unanimously voted to refuse planning permission for six 20ft 5G phone masts and equipment to be built on the roof and garden of Coombe Lea, a large apartment block on Grand Avenue. Three and EE had applied for the development without homeowners' consent. Coombe Lea is a highly visible block opposite the historic Hove war memorial and multiple listed heritage buildings in the Avenues Conservation zone close to Hove Lawns, the seafront, and Hove Town Hall.

Hove war memorial with cadets laying wreaths on Rememebrance Day ceremony

Legal threats

Coombe Lea resident and campaigner, Serena Mitchell said:?

“This appeal is yet another example of the lengths that big mobile companies will go in attempting to take over our homes for their own commercial gain. They use a network of remote agents across the country, who try to bully us into submission with misleading, threatening letters and legal action. It is somewhat ironic that we received a letter from Waldon Telecoms Ltd, the agent acting for Three and EE, on 11 November (Armistice Day) telling us they had lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate. Our homes facing the Art Deco war memorial are now under further attack, despite the firm decision by the Council to reject the application which breaches multiple regulations.?

“Not only are Three and EE appealing the planning decision, but they are also seeking to take us to court to try to acquire rights over our block, such as building access for their representatives. Most ordinary homeowners simply aren’t aware of the Electronic Communications Code that enables telecoms companies to attempt to do this. It beggars belief, and everyone I speak to is rightfully shocked when they discover the power these companies seemingly have. Residential property has become fair game for big tech corporations looking to cash in on the 5G gold rush across the UK. Other countries are taking a far more cautious approach.

“Why should a private mobile phone company be able to force its way into our homes or be allowed to install giant masts on top of our roofs without our permission? How is that fair or ethical business practice? You would think that the Government would protect taxpayers from this kind of calculated land grab by big business. We have over 100 adults and children living at Coombe Lea and hundreds more neighbours, who are now sick with worry at this appeal, but we battle on as any ordinary person would do to protect their home.”

Telecoms industry greenwashing

Fellow Hove campaigner, Valerie Bundy, has also been fighting alongside her neighbours to save their apartment block from a similar fate on Dyke Road. She said:?

“Living under the threat of these cuckoo developments is a blight on our peace of mind and quality of life. A tangled nest of unsightly, unwanted energy guzzling equipment on or near people's homes is not welcome or needed. Neither are we being told the full story in these applications.

“Telecom companies offer nominal compensation such as £50 or £100 in total yearly rent to site owners (who have to bear the disruption, noise, the cost of building wear and tear, loss of privacy, health and safety and increased insurance risks, significant property devaluation etc), yet make large profits from their mobile networks. Rapid 5G rollout is about monetising space on buildings. It is in effect a land grab and we are in the firing line. People are not told the true cost of 5G rollout. The 4G network needed far fewer masts than 5G. These extra masts require power and 5G batteries do not last as long as others. It is impossible to believe that, at a time when we need to reduce our CO2 footprint to combat major threats to climate change, this is being sold as a technological advance.”

Serena added:?

“This is an industry that is greenwashing the detrimental environmental impacts of 5G roll out. Research published by Greenpeace this year shows that the global 5G infrastructure uses three times more electricity than current mobile networks. As COP26 just hammered home, we are in the middle of a climate emergency and facing massive energy price increases. There are far more sustainable alternatives that provide fast connective technology which do not involve the corporate theft of private homes. However, given that Three is one of the lowest scoring network providers when it comes to company ethics, according to watchdog The Ethical Consumer, responsible business seems to be bottom of their priorities.”

Three and EE also own a 5G base station on the nearby Waterfront development, a mix of commercial outlets and private flats at 133, Kingsway, Hove. In October, Brighton and Hove Council rejected an application for further masts to be installed, as this base station and existing equipment is now found to be unlawful.?

Public consultation

Once the Planning Inspectorate has validated the Coombe Lea appeal application by Three and EE, a public consultation will open for a five-week period.

Over 160 objections were received by Brighton and Hove Council in the Coombe Lea planning application consultation. On 11 May 2021, the Council’s Planning Committee refused permission stating: “The proposed development, particularly the additional masts and antennae, by virtue of their form, scale and siting, would result in significant harm to the visual amenity of the local area including the skyline, and a substantial impact on the historic significance of The Avenues conservation area and the setting of listed buildings to a degree that would outweigh the public benefits of the development. As such, the proposed development is contrary to policies QD23, QD24, HE3 and HE6 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan; CP12 and CP15 of the City Plan Part One; and emerging policies DM25, DM26 and DM29 of the City Plan Part Two.”?

Anyone who wants to help with the campaign to save Coombe Lea and the Avenues Heritage Conservation Zone whilst raise public awareness of the issues can email: [email protected]

Sarah Morgan

Accomplished B2B and B2C Comms Manager. Expert in forging strong partnerships. Adept at managing multiple campaigns under tight deadlines. Keen to hear about your project plans, can we chat?

3 年

Stunned this has come back. Good luck holding them off. Disgraceful situation ...

Serena Mitchell

Accredited PR Practitioner / Strategic communications / planning / content creation / writing

3 年

Samer Bagaeen FRICS MRTPI (Cllr. Prof.) You may be interested in this story, as Park Lodge is also mentioned.


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