Houston’s Weekend  Happenings 
     September 25th, 26th, 27th

Houston’s Weekend Happenings September 25th, 26th, 27th

Real Estate with the Right Attitude


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September 25th

German Sandwich Day – September 25, 2020

DETAILS: There is so much to like about German Sandwich Day, which falls on September 25, that we must face up to the fact that — try as we might — we could very well run out of superlatives to properly describe the celebration. But where, oh where, shall we begin? With an appetite, of course! And with the basics — which means a quick look at the inspiration for this observance, an item both beautiful and delicious in its simplicity: the Butterbrot — which means “butter bread” in German. The Butterbrot is just as it sounds: butter with bread. And it’s eaten at any time of day — most especially on German Sandwich Day.


Butter that bread!

We like to open German Sandwich Day with Butterbrot — that German cultural titan. Starting the celebration that way feels ceremonial. But we do sometimes like to make our Butterbrot a little more hefty. Here again, we start with the bread. Then, we pick our favorite fillers: meats, cheeses, vegetables, sauerkraut, pickles, more cheese, potatoes, more meat, mustard, more pickles. We stack that thing up Dagwood Bumstead-style and make a Butterbrot for the true gourmand. Guten Appetit!

Feast with a film

After building your perfect German sandwich, plop down on the couch and watch a classic German film. From the silent era ("The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari") to the modern day ("The Lives of Others") and everything in between, there's so much greatness from which to choose.

September 25th

National Comic Book Day – September 25, 2020



National Comic Book Day soars into a community near you this September 25. The genre has grown to include full-length books, or graphic novels, and inspire countless movie adaptations. While they were first typically humorous in nature, it didn’t take long for authors to apply the comic style to all genres of storytelling.


Comic books have existed in America since the English printing of Swiss comic, The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck, in 1842, making it the first known American prototype comic book. Proto-comics began appearing in the early 20th century, with the first standard-sized comic being Funnies on Parade.

The introduction of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster’s Superman in 1938 turned comic books into a major industry, ushering in the Golden Age of Comics. From this, the archetype of the superhero was created. Historian Michael A. Amundson notes that appealing comic-book characters helped to ease young readers’ fears of nuclear war and neutralize anxiety about the questions posed by atomic power. The history of the American comic book is usually divided into four eras. The Golden Age of Comic Books began in the 1930s, and is considered the inception of the genre. The Silver Age is considered to date from the first successful revival of the then-dormant superhero form, with the debut of the Flash in 1956. This era lasted into the early 1970s during which Marvel Comics revolutionized the medium with naturalistic superheroes such as the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man. The Bronze Age is less defined, but it runs from the very early 1970s through the mid1980s. This era features a return of darker plot elements and storylines more relevant to social issues such as racism. The Modern Age of Comics runs from the mid1980s until now. During the first 15 years of this period, many comic book characters were redesigned, creators gained prominence within the industry, independent comics flourished, and larger publishing houses became more commercialized. This era is also referred to as the Dark Age of Comic Books due to the popularity and artistic influence of titles with serious content, such as Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen.

September 25th

National Daughters Day – September 25, 2020



On National Daughter Day we remember to show unconditional love to the guardian of our family trust, our beautiful, witty, creative, and sometimes, demanding daughters. For aging parents, especially, a daughter maintains a level of connectivity and commitment that keeps families together and healthy. (Of course, that’s not to say that sons don’t do their part. But today, we’re talking exclusively about daughters!)


The main tradition for National Daughters Day is to treat your daughter well! Do something that she enjoys. Whether it is going out for a meal, going to watch a movie, and playing a game at home, do something that you know your daughter or daughters enjoy and make them feel special.

September 25th

National Lobster Day – September 25, 2020

DETAILS: Now considered a fine delicacy throughout most of the world, the crowd-pleasing crustacean has seen darker days. Pacific Standard Magazine writes of a time when “consumers could buy Boston baked beans for 53 cents a pound, canned lobster sold for just 11 cents a pound.” In a time when Maritime New England was practically covered in lobsters, they were a food relegated to prison feed. Lobsters have had quite a journey as a food item. Because rags-to-riches stories are always worth celebrating, on September 25, we observe National Lobster Day!

September 26th

Better Breakfast Day – September 26, 2020

DETAILS: Wake up America — let’s make the most of our mornings! Eating a healthy breakfast has never been more important. We’re a nation on the go. Nine-to-five has become seven-to-six — or worse. Hours like that require serious nutritional planning. Skipping breakfast might have worked back in your parents’ day, but rushing out the door with a quick gulp of orange juice just doesn’t cut it in 2019. That’s why National Today and Three Bridges Egg Bites are thrilled to bring you Better Breakfast Day on September 26.


See a nutritionist: Too expensive? Remember, lower medical bills can quickly outweigh the cost. Plus, nutritionists can come up with a personalized plan for you. If not, you can always do your own research about which breakfast foods are right for your diet and situation.

Skip the sugar: Three Bridges Egg Bites bring a wholesomeness back to breakfast. Take a pass on the supermarket breakfast aisle (and those protein bars) and switch to a Three Bridges breakfast — high in protein while low in sugars and carbs.

Read the labels: No excuses. Labels have all the information you need to make healthy decisions. Take some time on Better Breakfast Day to really discover what you're choosing to eat.

September 26th

Johnny Appleseed Day – September 26, 2020

DETAILS: When confronted with the legend of Johnny Appleseed, most people are surprised to discover that this American legend was a living, breathing, historical human being!

It’s true. Far from being simply the stuff of folklore and folk tales, Appleseed (real name: John Chapman) was an American nurseryman who introduced apple trees to the Midwest, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. He was also a conservationist and missionary during the earliest days of the United States.

And yet, despite his living, breathing status, Appleseed was, indeed, a living legend. And Johnny Appleseed Day on September 26 is celebrated in his honor.

September 26th

National Bunny Day – September 26, 2020

DETAILS:  What’s up, doc? National Bunny Day highlights the value and contributions that pet rabbits bring to their owners. Held on the fourth Saturday or Sunday each September, National Bunny Day also centers on the welfare of rabbits — while promoting a healthy environments for those raised as pets. The House Rabbit Society hosts a number of events on the day, including a carnival and various fundraisers.

September 26th

National Dumpling Day – September 26, 2020

DETAILS: The second best thing about National Dumpling Day is that no matter your ancestry, you probably have some form of dumpling in your history. The very best thing about National Dumpling Day is trying new ones, or eating old favorites, or cooking your grandmother’s recipe, or inventing your own, or all of the above. However you celebrate, September 26 might be your new favorite day of the year.

National Dumpling Day may not be the oldest of holidays — it only started in 2015 — but it might be one of the tastiest.

September 26th

National Pancake Day – September 26, 2020

DETAILS:  A day so nice they made it twice — September 26 is the year’s second National Pancake Day! Get those hotcakes on the griddle, it’s time to prepare some pancakes! Pancakes are an old staple, dating back to Ancient Greece. Since then, many varieties have been created across the globe. In Britain, France, and other parts of Europe, their pancakes (or crepes) are thin and often served with a sweet or savory filling. In Indonesia they consume pancakes known as “serabi”, which are made with rice flour and coconut milk. In Uganda pancakes are made with bananas. These are just a few of the many different variations across the globe. All are delicious and worth celebrating on National Pancake Day! Whichever style of pancake you prefer, get ready to enjoy a stack of them on September 26!


Get cookin’!: It may seem obvious but there's no better way to celebrate National Pancake Day than to whip up some pancakes (and lots of 'em). You can make fluffy pancakes, crepes, sweet or savory flapjacks, or try a new recipe. You can make them with your friends or your kids. No matter what pancakes you choose to make, have fun and enjoy a large stack of them!

Pancakes for dinner!: If you’ve never had breakfast for dinner, specifically pancakes, you are missing out! Celebrate National Pancake day by whipping some up for your evening meal. Typical sweet pancakes are great for dinner when paired with bacon, sausage, and eggs, but savory pancakes are great for an evening meal too! Get creative and make the perfect pancake dinner!

Make pancake art: Pancake art has become a trendy lately with creative minds like Nathan Shields posting their fun flapjacks on YouTube. It may take a few tries, but you can make cool pancake art too! There are tutorials online on how to get it just right, but it involves adding batter to the pan at different places and at different times (thus the color difference throughout). You can divide up your batter and add food coloring to each to make your pancake art colorful if you like! Oh, and don’t forget to make your pancake art in mirror image so when you flip it over it’s facing the correct way. It may sound a little tricky but it’s so much fun!

September 27th

Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day – September 27, 2020

DETAILS: Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day falls on September 27 this year and is traditionally observed on the last Sunday in September. The day is for honoring families of those who have received The Gold Star – the military award no one wants. The award commemorates the tragic death of a military member who has perished while in the line of duty and hopes to provide a level of comfort to the parents and families that are left behind. Since World War 1, a “Gold Star Family” has signified a family that has lost one of its members in combat. The family can display a Gold Star Service Flag for any military family members who have died from any honorable cause – each gold star on the flag signifies a death. Though today only around 1% of the country is involved in military service, as compared to the 12% during other times of war, like World War 2, there are still a significant number of surviving Gold Star families – not to mention, a Gold Star lives on in a family’s legacy.

September 27th

National No Excuses Day – September 27, 2020

DETAILS: National No Excuses Day celebrated on September 27 is the day that we stop making excuses and make sure that we have some fun. Canadian organization SCENE founded National No Excuses Day because nowadays everyone is so focussed on keeping up with the demands of life that we can quickly forget that we should be enjoying ourselves. Today you should let your day-to-day worries rest for a bit. On No Excuses Day, the rule is simple: a wholly honored and honorable commitment to making memories with your favorite people.


Who Named Our City 'Houston?


Imagine what Houston would be like today if we were known by a different name. Would our NFL team be known as the “Austin Texans?” How about our NBA team, would we be the “Allen Rockets?” Well, you can certainly thank one woman who helped with the establishment of this city and is known to many as “The Mother of Houston.”

Born on July 14, 1805, in Onondaga County, New York, Charlotte Marie Baldwin Allen is credited for establishing the namesake of the fourth most populous city in the country.

Allen married August Chapman Allen, one of the brothers who purchased 6,642 acres of land near the headwaters of Buffalo Bayou on May 3, 1831.

Three years later in 1834, Charlotte Allen arrived in Texas with her inheritance, which helped the brothers speculate in the land according to the Texas State Historical Association.

It is believed in 1836, Charlotte Allen arrived at the prosperous new city and suggested to name it “Houston” in honor of Sam Houston, who also happened to be their next-door neighbor. Of course, Sam Houston would become the first president of the Republic of Texas. Houston received its namesake and Allen became known as the ”Mother of Houston.”

Over the next 45 years, she became a prominent role in the development of Houston. She was a philanthropist and businesswoman. According to Kathy M. Slaughter, the Allens helped finance the Texas Navy and paid for the construction of the Capitol building in Houston.

Charlotte also sold the site of the former Republic’s capital in 1857, which later became the location of the Capitol Hotel and eventually became the Rice Hotel.

Charlotte Allen died on August 3, 1895. In 1907, Charlotte Baldwin Allen elementary school became the first public school in the city named after a woman. A steamer was also named in her honor.

Discovery Green:  www.discoverygreen.com ,

Miller Outdoor Theater:  www.milleroutdoortheatre.com

Houston Symphony:   https://www.houstonsymphony.org/ - (713) 224-7575

Houston Ballet: https://www.houstonballet.org/ - (713) 227-2787

Alley Theatre:   https://www.alleytheatre.org/uh - (713) 220-5700

TUTS (Theatre under the Stars):  https://www.tuts.com/default.aspx

SPA – Society for the Performing Arts Houston:  https://www.spahouston.org/home - (713) 227-4772

Classical Theatre Company:  https://www.classicaltheatre.org/ - (713) 963-9665

Stages Repertory Theatre:   https://stagestheatre.com/ - (713) 527-0123

MFAH - Museum of Fine Arts Houston:  https://www.mfah.org/exhibitions

Houston Children’s Museum:  https://www.cmhouston.org/ - (713) 522-1138

Official Visitor’s Site for Houston:  https://www.visithoustontexas.com/travel-tools/events/

Culture Map Houston:  https://houston.culturemap.com/events/ 

Cynthia Mitchell Woods Pavilion:  https://www.woodlandscenter.org/events - tel:281-363-3300             

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Bruce A. Nicholson, Realtor, MCNE

Relocation Specialist, NFCU, Affinity Certified

‘Real Estate With The Right Attitude’

Coldwell Banker Realty – Heights Office

(713) 869-0456– Office

(713) 412-8436 – Mobile

(713) 869-7570 – Fax

[email protected]E-Mail


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