Houston Furniture Bank Celebrated 25 years of Service for the 10s of 1000s of Homeless Veterans and Houston Citizens in Need - The Untold Story
Houston Furniture Bank 8220 Mosley Rd, Houston, Texas 77075

Houston Furniture Bank Celebrated 25 years of Service for the 10s of 1000s of Homeless Veterans and Houston Citizens in Need - The Untold Story

Last Night Houston Furniture Bank celebrated 25 years of unbridled service to the Houston homeless, needy, and less fortunate members of Houston's greater community.

Below is me with my good friend Oli Mohammed the original Founder of the Houston Furniture Bank at last night's celebration at which all his key Board Members; and, other Founders who created Houston Furniture Bank over the past 25 years were all in attendance....Oli who is originally from Dhaka, Bangladesh; is an example of kind of legal immigrant we seek to come to the US who has the kind of skills that can contribute to #MakingAmericaGreatAgain....

Oli has made so many wonderful contributions to his adopted city of Houston that most citizens of Houston are totally unaware of ...Unaware of how his many contributions have impacted 10s of 1000s of Houstonians / Veterans and how his formation of the Houston Furniture Bank has / can provide for all residents of the Greater Houston area; however, this Article and soon a major TV Media Expose on Oli; his life; and the impact of what his Houston Furniture Bank dream has had on Houston will hopefully enlighten Houston and the Nation of what Houston is so proud of and will in turn donate/contribute to sustaining the ongoing operations Legacy of the Houston Furniture Bank as many individuals did with many significant donations.

Oli, his founders and many other Honorees were finally recognized by many leading Houston citizens, government and industry officials last night that I am highlighting in this article below .

Also attending this special event with me was my partner in my GETI Veteran Housing Programs; Furniture Bank Board Member and one of the original founders of the Houston Furniture Bank Frank Monacelli and his wife Gloria Nino, President of Nino Properties and a Furniture Bank Honoree for her 25 years of service and contributions to the creation of the Houston Furniture Bank.

Also in attendance with me were my good friends and leading national immigration attorneys Baldo Garza and James Young

Oli Mohammed and his dream of creating a philanthropic service operation began in 1992 when the Mental Health Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County (MHMRA) initiated the Furniture Bank to serve patients who were transitioning out of mental health facilities. Three years later, the Furniture Bank service was extended to other Harris County non-profit agency clients. By the end of 2003, Houston Furniture Bank had been established as an independent organization serving the Greater Houston Metropolitan area.

In its first two decades the Houston Furniture Bank has received donations of almost a quarter million pieces of furniture which has made it possible to serve over 21,000 families in need. Over 50,000 children have slept in beds rather than on a cold, hard floor, and have been able to be seated at a table to share their meals instead of using discarded cardboard boxes. In total, Houston Furniture Bank has served more than 80,000 individuals since 1992.

Oli Mohammed, founder of the Furniture Bank for MHMRA and now the Executive Director of this independent 501?3 non-profit organization, explains the mission this way: “Furniture is a critical stepping stone to improve living conditions and elevate an individual’s personal pride and dignity.” Recipients are referred to the Houston Furniture Bank by more than 75 Social Service Agencies in the Greater Houston area. These families are transitioning to independent living while struggling with extreme poverty. Some have become impoverished due to natural disasters, such as floods or fires; for others, their access to independence has been affected by mental challenges, physical disabilities, chemical dependencies, or catastrophic health issues such as AIDS. While some are victims of domestic violence or refugees of political persecution, still others such as Veterans, Senior Citizens, or single parents, have become unable to gain employment or earn adequate wages to support themselves.

As important as it is to remember our history, it is also vitally important that we develop a vision for the future growth of this organization. Part of that vision includes a Social Business concept reflected in the furniture thrift store known as the Bargain Bazaar. Another part of that vision for the future is the Mattress Recycling Program, first of its kind in Houston, saving valuable landfill space while creating earned income for the Furniture Bank.

While this entity seeks to be self-sustaining through the implementation of a variety of green endeavors the heart of the Houston Furniture Bank remains the deep commitment of caring neighbors throughout the area. With increased awareness and increased donations of furniture, funds, and volunteer hours this vital organization has the potential to make Houston a city where a child will never have to sleep on a cold hard floor – ever!!!

Houston Furniture Bank’s Outlet Center is located at 8220 Mosley Rd, Houston, Texas 77075...The Furniture Bank's Outlet Center was developed as a supplement funding initiative for Houston Furniture Bank through the resale of donated items. These items are donated by major furniture companies, members of the Hotel & Lodging Association, local businesses, and individuals. You can help by not just buying furniture from the Outlet Center, but also by donating any unwanted furniture in good condition to the Furniture Bank. Go to their website to learn so much more https://houstonfurniturebank.org/programs-and-services/outlet-center/

Below are pictures of some of the furniture available at their furniture outlet center showrooms / warehouse located at 8220 Mosley Rd in Houston near Hobby Airport right of Hwy 45.

The following are images from last night's celebration and recognition of those attending the Furniture Bank's 25 Year Celebration and Recognition Awards Event 26 January 2018

Houston Councilman Robert Gallegos right of Oli Mohammed flanked by US Congressman Gene Green each presented Oli Certificates of Recognition for all Oli has done since immigrating to the US some 30 years ago and taking the initiative to develop such a philanthropic community service organization that has come to be known as the Houston Furniture Bank

Besides recognizing all those who have made the Houston Furniture Bank what it has now become known for; many leading Houston citizens and Statoil didn't just come to just celebrate what Oli Mohammed efforts have created over the many decades that unselfishly served the needs of those who needed what the Furniture Bank has been able to provide to in the way of quality furniture and other accessories need to refurbish an apartment / home for so many 1000s of homeless Veterans and other Houston Citizens who were being provide a new home to have that new beginning that last night's generous individuals and companies donate / participated in a silent auction to provide the much needed funds to help expand sustain Oli's Furniture Bank operations especially given the ravishes of Hurricane Harvey that destroyed 100,000 plus homes and many families and individuals are still trying to recover form ... The Furniture Bank was there after the Hurricane hit to lend immediate assistance and is still providing assistance which grows daily and so needs those of means to step up and donate too...

Statoil was one of the largest contributors last night with its generous donation of $25,000.00 and I challenge other leading Houston corporations like Exxon and Shell to also step and show their generosity and match or exceed what Statoil generously donated to assist the Furniture Bank expand and better meet the needs of so many 1000s of homeless Veterans and families still trying to recover from Hurricane Harvey...Go to Furniture Bank's Outlet store location near Hobby Airport 8220 Mosley Rd; visit its website and click on donations https://houstonfurniturebank.org/programs-and-services/outlet-center/ or call Oli direct at 713-842-9771 and be a part of the Houston Furniture Bank family and make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Thank You!!!!


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