There is a housing crisis - but it is not all about affordability.

People with disability are compelled to face issues in housing options that simply don't exist for so many people without disability.

When Life Without Barriers began drafting our Strategy 2025 commitments, invigorating housing choices for people with disability was very high on our agenda. For me personally as Chief Executive, I am determined that our organisation will contribute as much as we can, with as many of our resources as we need, to contribute and drive change so that people with disability have greater options about where they live, how they live and who they live with - if they choose, in fact, to live with anyone.

This must be a discussion we have openly and transparently and be led by people with disability and build solutions around people's choices.

This is big. It is big because our society has, for so long, put people with disability at the fringes and that means there is a great deal we have to dismantle, shift and redevelop in thinking, infrastructure, societal perceptions and future policy. I have no doubt however that the energy from people with disability, Government, Advocates, and the sector is amplified at the moment and we must utilise our collective inertia to drive solutions.

When we read the constant media stream of our housing affordability crisis, we need to focus more on the long term crisis in housing faced by people with disability that spans more than decades.

This morning I listened to a the compelling podcast ‘Let us in’ including Kurt Fearnley and El Gibbs where housing is discussed with sharp and frank relevance. This is one to listen to a few times over.

What is the Great Australian Dream for people with disability? - ABC

Housing solutions will require a collective effort, as so many large challenges often do. I commit Life Without Barriers to being transparent and led by people with disability in our journey.

Mark Hopcroft

Head of Corporate Services - Supply Nation

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So well put Claire. At Procurement Australia we are looking at new ways to capital raise to build affordable and suitable housing for people with a disability and hope that at some stage, as we get closer to our reality, that our paths will interesect with some very real solutions, regards Mark



