Housewife as a Complete manager
Let me clarify at the beginning that I do neither prescribe nor proscribe the stereotypical role for a Woman , as a ‘Housewife’. I trust each role evolved at a point in time, has/had its time relevance to the then context & that it keeps evolving with time – in any case these are individual decisions
I also do not discriminate between role of a woman either as a Housewife or a ‘Working woman’, and do not attach any differential hierarchy of importance – respecting that it is/ should be her own choice ; especially I believe that, these roles are independent of & in fact each a channel for expression of the intelligence & competence of a woman
?Having said that , I am looking at a conventional ( working or non working ) housewife as an illustration , primarily as a role model for what we can learn, for application in Corporate/ Business management
Work-Life as seamless flow
I never subscribed to consideration of taking Work life & Personal life as two ( independent ) components of Human Life; to me Life is a continuous stream & what we call as work and as personal life are two of many , intrinsic, inseparable sub streams – consequently movement from one sub stream to another should naturally be a seamless one. They are part of the same wholistic entity, i.e. the person straddling across them. Therefore falling for the myth of Work-Life balance, appears to me, as chasing a mirage
?Forcefully separating ‘Work’ from ‘Life’, is creating duality (?????’ ) from a non-duality ( ??????’). This not only causes its own stress ( balancing what is seen as clashing priorities ) , but by creating artificial separation barriers , also denies flow of learning from one to another
This duality conditions us not to look for & transpose learning from ‘Life’ to ‘work’ and vice versa. While this applies to every aspect of life , specific reference here is to what prevents us from learning from the ‘Housewife model’ ( this is apart from a factor called ‘male ego’, which discounts value of an housewife’s contribution )
Housewife as (Business) Manager
Coming to think of it, I cant envisage any management function from our conventional corporate world , that a housewife does not do , despite ( & assuming that ) she is not previously being formally exposed to ‘ Business management’ course & techniques . Ease with which she handles depth of her work; amazes me . Let’s see just a couple of illustrations of multidimensional complex tasks she performs
?I ) Cooking :
Delivering 3 meals a day X 365 days with machine regularity but with full human creativity on a continuous way – without a break , mostly nothing getting repeated in a week – is a marvel of ingenious human ability . A contrasting engineer’s ( project management ) way of handling this task would be, on one hand to standardize and simplify as many aspects as possible , including menus across days of week , ingredients & processes – and outsource as many aspects, on the other – which will be delivered with engineering precision , but in a boring, predictably repetitive manner week after week; that too on fixed/standardized ( not customized ) times on a ‘Take it or Leave it’ basis.
How does a housewife deliver a refreshing variety , day after day – without formal written down steps or process , despite continual incorporation of different health / dietary requirements or preferences of individual family members – and expected on their respective, non uniform time schedules?
How is that possible without a superlative AI program fitted in her mind , dynamically adapting to changing requirements ?
Cooking as a task – is preceded by a list of activities like finalizing menu of the day , ensuring stock of / purchasing necessary raw material & equipment , time planning …
?In management language , it includes : Planning , Procuring , Negotiating , Inventory management / reordering , Budgeting & tracking of expenses ….
& when you place the task of cooking in the larger context of kitchen management , it also includes , Equipping & resourcing the ‘workplace’ , optimal Space management ,
?II ) Child management
This task in complexity & stakes /risks, is at an even higher level than that of Cooking
Two foundational aspects are brought into this task of high significance, which elevates delivery of a ‘mother’ to highest levels & which are very rare even in the best of dedicated corporate teams
1)????A tremendous Ownership- driven by passion , which is complete & unconditional
2)????A related aspect is high amount of alertness, out of a single minded focus , which tunes her completely into status & progress of her child –practically 24X 7 – regardless of whatever else she is doing at different points of time
If we really need to make a list of conventional management aspects at play here , are : Planning , Coordination , Budgeting , Customer service , Motivation , Training
?Straddling various so called management activities with apparent ease must be too ‘normal’ for a housewife , as she seems to be doing it day in / day out without an aura or noise of a formally educated management graduate
?If a housewife can ‘ manage’ multi dimensional , complex tasks , so well,?without exposure to formal management course , imagine what level she can elevate her ‘work’ , when supplemented with right concepts?tools
Invaluable learning for Corporate World
I don’t even need to belabour on virtues of a housewife as an effective Manager - as a few authors have already written on this topic earlier . Though beyond conventional management aspects a housewife displays, what stands out to me for the learning we need to take from a housewife are the aspects ignored by most management experts : Ownership, Dedication to the cause , single minded Focus, openness to options, ability to Multitask
In the least , let me streamline here some of the most significant aspects :?
In a scenario of a ‘ proposed marriage’ – which may/ may not have been with her consent ; an Indian housewife quickly ‘adjusts’ to what is her reality & gets on with the future . Without dwelling in the past & cursing self / parents , destiny with impotent questions like : “ Why me / Why only me” or “ What have I done to deserve this husband / I certainly deserved better”, she accepts reality as ‘Given’ & thinks of what she can do with what she has . It is exactly the same approach to life we see when an housewife works within the ‘budget’ of her husband’s earning to run the house , without lamenting on the ‘inadequacy’ of the earning???
Dedication to whatever she takes on / comes on to her plate – with or without her choice -- be it husband , house , child , work situation etc . She may not be an expert in any/ many , but she succeeds in most
Her child is the best demonstration of a complete ownership. Ownership entails only delivery – no excuses , no explaining or legitimising non delivery?
A housewife – may be because she does not consider herself as a ‘ know all ‘ person like an experienced ‘management expert’ – is generally very flexible on her ways , open to options , with lesser qualms about accepting new suggestions and lesser guilt about what she does not know. This not just opens more options but gives a non contaminated view to evaluate them , rather than
Patience with people & situations . Almost unlimited capacity to bear / endure – whether physical load ( as in multitasking ) , Pain ( including child delivery ) or mental stress ( as in putting up with unfair expectations , discrimination ). This makes her less disruptive I thinking and prevents her from dropping hot potatoes. This not only affords her physical time to let dust settle down and mental space to think from a ‘distance’; but also helps her , get past many hurdles in a calmer way?
Tribute to the ignored Achiever
More than an upbringing on any conventional ‘ management skills’ , if it is possible to borrow this- housewife’s frame of mind and instill into mind of every management practitioner – it is like activating Soul or installing the ‘ right software’?-- I think it is much worth than spending on formal mental & behavioural exercises in the form of a formal management course , which is but akin to a Body or a Hardware ( respectively ) --.. especially as these aspects , as yet have not become a part of curriculum of a management course ( “ What they don’t teach you at Harvard” )
In the end, while idea behind this article is to open up gates for cross fertilisation of learning , it is more importantly also to pay tribute to one of the unrecognized , but successful management practitioner – Housewife !?