

Workplace housekeeping may be defined as activities undertaken to create or maintain an orderly, clean, tidy and safe working environment. Effective housekeeping can eliminate many workplace hazards and help get work done safely and properly.

Housekeeping is not just cleanliness. It includes keeping work areas neat and orderly, maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip hazards, and removing of waste materials (e.g., paper, cardboard) and other fire hazards from work areas. It also requires paying attention to important details such as the layout of the whole workplace, aisle marking, the adequacy of storage facilities, and maintenance. Good housekeeping is also a basic part of incident and fire prevention.

Effective housekeeping is an ongoing operation. it is not a one-time or hit-and-miss cleanup done occasionally. Periodic "panic" cleanups are costly and ineffective in reducing incidents.

Good housekeeping can result in:

·??????? More effective use of space;

·??????? Better inventory control of tools and equipment;

·??????? More efficient clean up and maintenance;

·??????? More hygienic workplace conditions; and

·??????? Improved look and feel of the work environment.


7 Standards of housekeeping

The concept of 5s, along with two additional principles can be applied to promote good housekeeping in the workplace. The 7 rules of good housekeeping are as follows:

1.????? Sort – All items should be neatly organized and all unnecessary items should be disposed of or removed.

2.????? Set in order – All items should be placed in their appropriate locations. Assign labels and the appropriate labels.

3.????? Shine – The workplace, tools, equipment, and machinery should be regularly cleaned. Broken or damaged items should be fixed.

4.????? Standardize – The processes for the previous rules (sort, set in order, and shine) should be standardized and implemented across the business.

5.????? Safety – Any visible hazards or risks should be removed from the vicinity of the workplace or at least be kept in appropriate locations.

6.????? Spirit/support – The willingness as a group to establish an adequate implementation of the 7s standards of good housekeeping.

7.????? Sustain – A monitoring system should be in place to continuously and consistently practice good housekeeping.


Elements of housekeeping and cleanliness at workplace

All the employees of the organization play an integral role in housekeeping and cleanliness. It is important to train workers to keep their areas clean throughout the shift in order to minimize hazards as well as reduce the amount of time needed at the end of a shift to clean.

It is better if the standard operating procedures (SOP) are written for the housekeeping and cleanliness. SOPs ensure that the housekeeping and cleanliness practices are well defined in the organization. This in turn makes it easier for the employees to follow them. Also, housekeeping and cleanliness being an ongoing process, it is necessary that all due measures are taken to maintain the sanity of the workplace. Regular audit, walkthroughs and inspection schedules need to be put in place since these in turn help in sustaining good housekeeping and cleanliness practices in the organization.

Good housekeeping and cleanliness practices are normally difficult to maintain. Continuous, unrelenting management attention to this issue is necessary to achieve and maintain the desired level of housekeeping and cleanliness in the organization.

The major elements which are normally included in the housekeeping and cleanliness practices at the workplace are described below.

·??????? Dust and dirt removal

·??????? Adequate employees’ facilities

·??????? Flooring

·??????? Lighting

·??????? Aisles and stairways

·??????? Spill control

·??????? Waste disposal

·??????? Tools and equipment

·??????? Maintenance of the equipment and the

·??????? Proper storage of materials

·??????? Clutter control

·??????? Individual workspace


Good workplace housekeeping practices

Good housekeeping reduces absenteeism, increases efficiency and improves productivity. A clean working environment boosts morale and shows how much you care about your employees.

Good workplace housekeeping practices include:

·??????? All tools, equipment and materials are to be stored away when not in use

·??????? Rubbish and waste materials are to be disposed of appropriately

·??????? All walkways are to be clear of leads, tools, equipment and materials

·??????? Puddles and spills on floors should be cleaned up as soon as possible

·??????? Boxes, tool, equipment and materials should not be stacked to a height whereby they become unstable

·??????? Excess paperwork (or anything else) should not be stored on the edge of desks, tables or on the floor

·??????? Any maintenance concerns of flooring or lighting communicated to your supervisor or manager

·??????? Any damaged electrical equipment should be immediately reported to your manager

·??????? Don’t leave a mess for someone else to clean up.


Reasons why you must maintain good housekeeping at your workplace

1.????? An Increase your company’s efficiency

2.????? An increase in your company’s rate of production

3.????? A reduction in the potential of fire outbreak

4.????? A reduction in the potential of injuries and harm to staff

5.????? To save money

6.????? To make employees (and you) happier

7.????? To enhance your company’s perception and preserve its future


Importance of housekeeping and cleanliness at workplace

Good housekeeping and cleanliness normally results into

1.????? A workplace which is cleaner, safer, well organized and more pleasant for work

2.????? Improved utilization of floor space

3.????? Smoother and systematic workflow with substantial reduction in non-value added activities

4.????? Better inventory control of tools and materials

5.????? Reduced handling to ease the flow of materials

6.????? Reduction in wastages of materials

7.????? More efficient equipment clean-up and maintenance leading to lower break-downs

8.????? Mminimization of errors leading to better products

9.????? Safe environment for work and lower exposures of employees to hazardous substances (such as dusts, and vapours etc.)

10.?? More hygienic workplace conditions which lead to improved health of the employees

11.?? Improved overall look and feel of the work environment, and

12.?? Improved morale of the employees.


Effects of poor housekeeping

Here are some effect of poor housekeeping:-

·??????? Fire as a result of oily rags left in an area where hot work is performed, or due to the accumulation of combustible dust.

·??????? Un-cleared waste could become fuel for the spread of fire.

·??????? Littered job equipment, tools and materials could pose the risk of trip and d fall.

·??????? Poor housekeeping could conceal hazards which would normally be visible to be cleared.

·??????? It can limit work space forcing workers to adopt poor working posture.

·??????? Poor house keeping can maximize the severity/consequence of accidents.

·??????? It could result to blockade of emergency exits and emergency equipments.

·??????? An allergic reaction to a spilled chemical

·??????? An eye injury from falling grit left in the overhead of a work site.

·??????? Illness due to the unsanitary conditions of restrooms.

·??????? Electrical shock as a result of poorly maintained equipment or energy sources, such as broken, cracked or damaged insulation and connections of wiring.

·??????? Lacerations and amputations when poor maintenance results in inadequate lighting.

·??????? Exposure to hazardous substances from poor storage and ineffective labeling of hazardous chemicals.


What are some benefits of good housekeeping practices?

Effective housekeeping results in:

·??????? Reduced handling to ease the flow of materials

·??????? Fewer tripping and slipping incidents in clutter-free and spill-free work areas

·??????? Decreased fire hazards

·??????? Lower worker exposures to hazardous products (e.g. dusts, vapours)

·??????? Better control of tools and materials, including inventory and supplies

·??????? More efficient equipment cleanup and maintenance

·??????? Better hygienic conditions leading to improved health

·??????? More effective use of space

·??????? Reduced property damage by improving preventive maintenance

·??????? Less janitorial work

·??????? Improved morale

·??????? Improved productivity (tools and materials will be easy to find)


What to include in a workplace housekeeping checklist?

A comprehensive workplace housekeeping checklist should contain general but essential items that allow workplaces to extensively review and implement housekeeping best practices. This checklist can include the following items plus smaller elements under them:

·??????? General information

·??????? Floors and other relevant areas

·??????? Aisles and stairways

·??????? Spill control

·??????? Waste disposal

·??????? Equipment and machinery

·??????? Storage area

·??????? Fire prevention practices

·??????? Completion

This can further be modified according to the liking and needs of the business. What’s important is that it can guide organizations in performing their housekeeping duties better and more efficiently.


Daily/weekly/monthly tasks for ?office cleaning

A workplace housekeeping checklist is a tool used to ensure cleanliness and organization within the workplace. It can help eliminate workplace hazards and promote safety for all your employees.

A detailed checklist for daily, weekly and monthly office cleaning will help you maintain a spotless and sanitary workplace.

Daily tasks

Daily office cleaning tasks involves a checklist for your reception, bathrooms or restrooms, and kitchen or pantry areas. It includes basic vacuum cleaning, moping, dusting to maintain a clean office.

Office and reception area:

·??????? Empty garbage bins and replace garbage bags

·??????? Vacuum covers and tangles.

·??????? Sweep or vacuum hard floor surfaces.

·??????? Dust furniture and office equipment, including work areas, seats, tables and computers.

·??????? Disinfect level surfaces with a soaked cloth.

·??????? Mop the hard floors with disinfectant cleaners.

·??????? Clean light changes and ways to eject fingerprints and different impressions.

·??????? Clean the glass windows and the entrances inside.

·??????? Clean surfaces and dividers.

Bathrooms or restrooms:

·??????? Refill paper towels, toilet paper and hand soap.

·??????? Disinfect toilets and urinals.

·??????? Clean mirrors, windows and glass.

·??????? Disinfect bathroom surfaces, including entry handles, and towel or hand dryer accessories.

·??????? Clean the divisions and eject the watermarks.

·??????? Mop tiles and flooring.

Kitchen or pantry:

1.????? Empty garbage bins and replace garbage bags.

2.????? Wipe down counters, sinks, tables and chairs.

3.????? Clean microwave oven, coffee makers and other kitchen appliances.

4.????? Refill kitchen towels, dish washing liquid and hand soap.

5.????? Mop kitchen floors.


Here's a list of tasks that you should clean weekly.

1.????? Polish all hard floor surfaces.

2.????? Clean the exterior surfaces of the glasses.

3.????? Sanitize and deep clean refrigerators, microwaves and other kitchen appliances.

4.????? Disinfect consoles and telephones.

5.????? Vacuum clean mats and carpets.

6.????? Scrub sinks and tiles in restrooms and kitchen area.


Monthly tasks

Monthly office cleaning tasks should be done every 4-6 weeks.

1.????? Vacuum vents and office furniture material.

2.????? Clean the window covers.

3.????? Dust and disinfect hard-to-reach or covered places (i.e., along the highest points of windows, cabinets, ceiling fans, etc.).

4.????? Polish any wooden furniture and hardwood surfaces.

5.????? Organize and declutter office drawers and wardrobes and discard useless papers and files.


Housekeeping in office areas

A clean and tidy desk promotes efficiency. Papers or documents are not lost in the piles, and tasks are not misplaced or forgotten. Small office tools such as staplers, scissors, pens or computer disks should not be mixed up with piles of paper.

Your equipment (computers, calculators or telephones) should be clean and dust or dirt free. A dirty computer screen causes glare and encourages eye strain. Dust is not good for a computer or any other office equipment and is a health hazard.

Your immediate area will include filing cabinets, rubbish bins, bookshelves, counter tops and open walkways around your area. Overflowing rubbish bins look untidy and can be a fire hazard. Neat filing helps quick and easy retrieval of files from filing cabinets. Keeping the tops of the cabinets clear or tidy stops you from using them as a dumping ground for papers, documents or files.

Staffrooms often have kitchen and/or food preparation areas and this would need to be cleaned regularly include cooking utensils such as microwaves and food storage such as refrigerators.

Storage rooms again need to be kept tidy and uncluttered. This is to ensure that items being stored are not damaged and anyone in the storeroom is able to get out quickly in the event of an emergency evacuation.

Steps towards a good housekeeping practice

1.????? Clean & sanitise phones & workstations

2.????? Clean surfaces, handles and doorknobs

3.????? Wipe light switches and door frames

4.????? Vacuum or sweep/mop floors

5.????? Empty waste and recycling bins, cleaning and disinfecting where necessary

6.????? Dusting and wiping computer monitors and keyboards

7.????? Spot clean windows, glass and any painted surfaces

8.????? Remove cobwebs and dust light fixtures

9.????? Cleaning Reception Areas

10.?? Cleaning Food Preparation Areas

11.?? Clean Meeting Rooms/Communal Areas


How can I implement a good housekeeping program?

By implementing a good housekeeping program in your workplace , you can ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities in maintaining a clean and tidy work environment

A good workplace housekeeping program should include:

·??????? Sssigning specific cleaning tasks to individual employees

·??????? Providing adequate storage facilities for tools, equipment and materials

·??????? Regular inspections of the workplace to identify hazards and potential risks

·??????? A system for reporting maintenance concerns

·??????? Regular toolbox talks

·??????? Regular cleaning and waste disposal schedules

·??????? Signage as a reminder to employees


Good workplace housekeeping requires the commitment of everyone in the organization from senior management down to the individual worker. By promoting a culture of good housekeeping throughout the workplace, you can ensure that your workplace is a safe and healthy environment for all.



How to conduct a workplace housekeeping inspection

To reach a significant and useful result in performing housekeeping inspections, workplaces should follow an organized and well-thought of process. To do this, try these three simple steps:


1. Prepare a workplace housekeeping inspection plan

Design a set of documents that details how the inspection should be executed. Ideally, this should include the name of the inspectors or authorized people assigned to the initiative. Adding the preferred inspection frequency from the get-go also helps establish consistency to ensure the plan’s effectiveness.


2. Carry out the housekeeping inspection

Once a document has been prepared, a successful inspection should positively answer the following but not limited to questions such as:

·??????? Are slips, trips, and falls prevented?

·??????? Are air filters regularly cleaned and maintained?

·??????? Are aisles and stairways cleared of possible hazards?

·??????? Are spills controlled and managed in a timely manner?

·??????? Are wastes disposed of and managed properly?

·??????? Are equipment and machinery well-maintained??

·??????? Are storage areas used appropriately?

·??????? Are fire hazards and other related incident-causing factors eliminated?


3. Analyze the data

After each inspection, review the result and determine whether a workplace is at par with the current housekeeping standards that they have or if there are areas for improvement.

Take appropriate corrective actions, convey the changes to employees, and monitor their proper implementation to make sure that a desired result will be reached.


Tips for effective workplace housekeeping

Maintaining a clean and organized workplace is crucial for the safety and well-being of employees. It’s also important for productivity and the overall success of the business. However, many workplaces fall short when it comes to effective housekeeping. To help ensure that your workplace is clean, safe, and efficient, I’ve put together a list tips for effective workplace housekeeping.

1.????? Establish a cleaning schedule.

2.????? Assign specific cleaning tasks

3.????? Create a cleaning checklist

4.????? Offer regular job-specific training?

5.????? Provide proper cleaning equipment

6.????? Keep walkways and exits clear

7.????? Use color-coding?

8.????? Label hazardous materials

9.????? Use signs

10.?? Implement a “5S” system

11.?? Perform housekeeping audits

12.?? Encourage employee involvement

13.?? Inspect regularly


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