Household Storage For All Your Household Needs | Household Goods Storage
Household Storage For All Your Household Needs | Household Goods Storage

Household Storage For All Your Household Needs | Household Goods Storage

Household Storage?For all your household needs

About the facility

We have a specified warehouse facility and team to advise, switch and store your households, i.e. electronic, wooden, luggage, etc., in a safe and protected way. We also support restoring goods while retrieving back.

Who can aim the service?

People who look out to store households/belongings during on-site delegation, home renovation, relocation, etc., and also to store intermittently used households, to make more space during holidays/events.

What do we propose?

???????End-to-End answer

Along with Storage, we also take care of Packing, Moving goods from your location to Warehouse. When you return we help to return the goods

??????Open Insurance

We assure free insurance for all our customers for the entire tenure.?


Self-drop/Pick up facility helps customers to walk-in into our warehouse to drop/pick up the goods at their suitable time.?

???????No Minimums

No limited period

No minimum on no of goods you store

Safety and Security ensured

24x7 Observation

?Our Warehouses are under CCTV Surveillance 24x7, so safety never becomes a question.

Digitally Secured Warehouse

Smart digital lock with APP connectivity guarantee that only authorized person can access our facilities.

The wooden Pallet storage system

Goods are stored on Wooden Pallets to avoid diminishing and to ensure the goods are dry and clean.

Steady pest control system

Pest control is part of our even maintenance activity. It makes sure that all our belongings are safe and long-term storage never becomes a problem.

Tags:?Household Storage?For All Your Household Needs | Household Goods Storage



