Is a house cat related to a tiger?
I was in the middle of a good rant about pets in general, dogs and cats in particular, when a friend stopped me cold.
“You like tigers don’t you?”
I had to confess that, of course, it’s hard not to admire such a graceful and beautiful animal.
“And lions?”
Yes, yes, I admire power and strength, too.
Then she had the audacity to compare these wonderful wild animals to Fluffy. The story goes, according to her, that Fluffy descended from these beautiful beasts of the wild.
I don’t know if she knows what she’s talking about. Do you? I have no time nor interest to research her claim. She also likened the ugly bulldog to the gorgeous wolf as well.
Pets make for good stories and books. What kind of pet do our have? I know most readers do not share my disdain for dogs or contempt for cats. That means you probably have a Fluffy or Fido of your own.
Don’t let them claw or slobber on me, please, but if you have interesting, unique stories about pets, you may be on to something worth writing a book about. Grooming tips and the like, too.
Let me know if you think you have a pet book in you. I don’t want to be around the beasts, but I like good stories about any subject.
Even ones that bite.
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Dale is a book editor and ghostwriter who has countless words sitting on his computer waiting for the money to publish. Have a book or a book idea? Email for a free consultation. [email protected]