House Arrest, Important Shopping, Social Isolation
Since Friday 19. March 2020 00:00 in Bavaria and in most of Germany a house arrest has been pronounced. This due to avoiding social contact to curb the spreading of the Corona virus. This has become a drag-chute on the economy of Europe if not the world. Arguments have ben made that slowing a spread does not stop it but prolongs it.
Exceptions to the house arrest are made to commute to work if unavoidable through home-office, shopping for essentials (undefined), the pharmacy visits, visits to certain but not all doctors, jogging/dog walking but only with family members, visiting those in need as a charitable act for example going shopping for them is also ok for now.
NOK are assemblies even to go to church. Outdoor assemblies of more than three persons is punishable with fine or even jail term. Of course any places of public concentration like restaurants, nightclubs, sport facilties, cultural events are off bounds.
Meanwhile in Germany there has been a run on the grocery stores for toilet paper, hand disifectants, shelf-stable goods like noodles and flour. The citizens are urged to buy only what their household normally needs.
How does the restriction on purchase volumes reconcile with the oftness of going shopping and minimising public contact?
Interim Manager in Multinational Accounting, Controlling & Processes
4 年Meanwhile, there have been plexiglass Shield installed a the local supermarkets and also at the pharmacies. Inexpensive and effective steps. I feel safer as a shopper.