The Bloodhound
The Secret, the power of prayer, manifestation, magick, intention...
Whatever you may call it, it works on the same principles. Some subconscious part of your mind takes that which you focus on and searches for it, while you're busy living your life. It puts those things in your focus, as if by magic.
If we do not consider this, the path flows like water by way of least resistance. "My life always ends up like this." or "I'm just lucky I guess," Things just seem to 'happen' in a seemingly unpredictable way.
The next level is with awareness. You see the 'signs' of those things which you focus on most. It is providence, auspicious, a sign.
Take it a step further, and follow those hints which are given to you in the inexhaustible research of that subconscious force as it lays them out before you. A road map in the direction of your focus.
Desire without action is a simple wish. It may happen, or it may not. With action and planning, it is an attainable goal. The Bloodhound works for you when you do not have the time or energy. Whether you follow them as a guide or get pulled around by their leash is your decision. Intention, attention, action and planning.
The Bloodhound can be an instrument of fruition or the most terrifying ride to the end of your days. It continues to search and lead, whether you are paying attention or not. Work in tandem, and The Bloodhound will truly be your best friend.