Hotwire Insights - Jan to April 2018
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Hotwire Insights - Jan to April 2018

Some light reading -- a compendium of insights from my Hotwire colleagues

There's been a constant flow of great insights from across Hotwire during the past four months. This is just a selection of posts that catch my eye on the basis of the subjects they cover. Read on for insights into #measurement #AMEC # analytics # contentmarketing # digitalmarketing # crisiscomms # digitaltransformation # entrepreneurship and #trends2018

Andy Mizerek - Ever wonder what a CMO thinks about measurement?

This past week, Hotwire, in partnership with AMEC, PRSA Silicon Valley and PRSA San Francisco tapped the minds of three leading Bay Area marketers to discuss just that. Kristen Alexander, CMO of Certain; Dawn Crew, CMO of Iovation; and Leila... Read more

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Andy West - UK PRCA PR & Communications Census 2018

Anyone in the UK PR industry would do well to take five minutes to review the results of the 2018 PR and Communications Census published by the PRCA. Overall, it paints an encouraging picture. The industry has grown 7% from £12.9bn in 2016... Read more

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Kate Hunter - A return to quality journalism?

A recent survey of global journalists by media monitoring company Cision has shown that quality journalism is on the up. In fact, just 10% said that being first was their greatest priority, down 3% from last year. Instead, accuracy remained the... Read more

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Emma Hazan - Why first-mover advantage doesn’t always pay off

So research today reveals influencers are ditching Snapchat in droves for Instagram. Because Snap was slow in catering to what they needed - data - they’ve struggled to build a thriving community and business platform on Snapchat and have turned... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - Viral? Harte Arbeit!

Unser neuer Kunde Hostelworld l?sst seit ein paar Jahren den ein oder anderen Promi bei sich einchecken. Charlie Sheen und 50 Cent waren schon da und der Star des aktuellen Werbevideos ist Queen-Diva Mariah Carey herself. Ist das Video live,... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - WE want YOU: Beste Berater/in für bestes Team der Welt

Es ist an der Zeit, unser Management-Team zu vergr??ern. Ja, die Ausschreibung dazu findet sich natürlich auf unserer Karriereseite. Weil es sich aber bei der Position um eine Schlüsselstelle handelt, haben wir auch mal auf etwas andere Art und... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - Marketing der Zukunft: Zeit für Experimente!

Vor kurzem haben wir an dieser Stelle unseren Report "Generation Alpha - Wie Technologie unsere Kinder ver?ndert" vorgestellt. Dieser umfassende Bericht ist in Co-Produktion mit WIRED Research entstanden und beleuchtet v.a., wie sich... Read more

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Silke Gr??er - Digitale PR-Kampagnen, um aus der Masse herauszustechen

Letzte Woche war ich zum ersten Mal bei den Online Marketing Rockstars in Hamburg dabei - ein tolles Event, das zu recht gerne auch als Festival bezeichnet wird. Ich will jetzt hier aber gar nicht über das Event als solches sprechen... Read more

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Séverine Rabardy - Les études marketing tuent les bonnes idées

Parfois frileuses à l’idée de se lancer, les entreprises ont tendance à scruter les moindres données évoquant les prétendus besoins de leurs cibles. études quali/quanti, social media intelligence,.... C’est s?r que ?a rassure… Mais est-ce vraiment... Read more

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Darryl Sparey - "Awareness is not a valid outcome" and other thoughts from the PRCA Evaluation Group meeting

“Did everyone know this was a discussion about evaluation?!” This is what I found myself asking out loud as a packed room of 60 people for the PRCA’s first Evaluation Group event swelled to a further 70 people, and the organisers struggled to put... Read more

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Martin Sparey - Four things I learnt from this year’s Cloud Expo

As I embarked on this year’s Cloud Expo, I did so with a feeling of anticipation – well, actually, a brief feeling of fury, following my painful two-hour journey to the ExCel (from within London, yeah.. nice). Anyway, once I eventually arrived, I... Read more

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Rahat Rashid - It’s Only Going To Get Bigger

2006 was a pretty big year for video games - it was that year where we had the launch of the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and brought gaming to the general masses with the Nintendo Wii. A few years later, the iPhone enabled even the most casual... Read more

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Darryl Sparey - The value of patience for tech entrepreneurs and innovators

“Timing, perseverance, and 10 years of trying will make you look like an overnight success”, said Twitter’s co-founder Biz Stone. There are lots of variants of the “it takes a long time to be an overnight success” quote, but I was struck again by... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - Hotwire goes Hollywood: Wir k?nnen jetzt Film

Hotwire schlie?t eine Partnerschaft mit der Filmproduktionsfirma Irresistible Films und bietet ab sofort Video in allen Arten und Formen unter dem Namen ?Hotwire Reels“. Die Formate reichen dabei von Kurzfilmen und Werbespots über Dokumentationen... Read more

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Bettina Papirio - #ICYMI: The Digital Brand Lab News Round-up

We have taken a look at the past week's news and topics across digital, social, brand and creative. #ICYMI, here is what we found noteworthy: Cultural Trend: Robo Retail The automated store of the future is heading closer to our doorsteps.... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - Generation Alpha: Marketing muss sehr viel besser werden

Haben Sie auch so ein in die Jahre gekommenes Auto von dem Sie sich nicht trennen wollen? Irgendwie geh?rt es ja dazu, oder? Und es ?guckt“ ja auch so freundlich… Menschen tendieren schon immer dazu, Tieren oder Gegenst?nden menschliche... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - Farben raus: Frische Profile braucht das Land!

Die Business-Netzwerke, allen voran Kunde LinkedIn, entwickeln sich zu wahren Schweizer Taschenmessern für unterschiedlichste Unternehmensfunktionen. PR, Marketing, HR und Sales kommen kaum mehr an der Plattform vorbei, Thought Leadership, Content... Read more

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Bettina Papirio - #ICYMI: The Digital Brand Lab News Round-up

We have taken a look at the past week's news and topics across digital, social, brand and creative. #ICYMI, here is what we found noteworthy: 4 Deceptive Mobile Ad Tricks and What Marketers Can Learn From Them Here's a fun activity for your... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - Hackin' PR: Am Puls der Zeit

Zu Beginn meiner PR-Karriere habe ich Pressemeldungen, Fachbeitr?ge und Case Studies geschrieben, Interviews vereinbart und Reporting gemacht. Das ist nun etwa 15 Jahre her, und PR bzw. Kommunikation hat sich seitdem unglaublich ver?ndert. Wir... Read more

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Darryl Sparey - The Cloverfield Paradox creates a marketing paradox for film makers

“If you've seen Eraserhead on a phone, you haven't seen Eraserhead.” This was the view of the David Lynch, director of the 1977 surrealist body horror masterpiece, discussing the movie in relation to online streaming and the numerous screen-size... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - Ethisch saubere Markenführung: Ein Markt entsteht

Keith Weed, CMO von Unilever, hat Facebook & Google erschreckt: Auf einer Werberkonferenz drohte er, der Werbebudgetgigant, den Netzgiganten mit Abzug. Wie die Financial Times berichtete, k?nne er nicht mehr guten Gewissens in einem... Read more

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Jordan Mitchell - Personalization is the Foundation of an Effective Video Marketing Strategy

Business Insider recently published research showing mobile data will skyrocket 700% in the next three years. Mobile video data is on track to lead that growth by a landslide, 870% by 2021. While consumers will continue to be flooded with video... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - Elon Musk: Nur Platz zwei im Raketenrennen

Sollten Sie im Raketengesch?ft t?tig sein, raten wir Ihnen derzeit von einem ?Share of Voice“-Vergleich mit Ihren Wettbewerbern ab. Zu hell dürfte Elon Musks ?Falcon Heavy“ strahlen, als dass andere da mithalten k?nnten. Glauben Sie nicht? Die... Read more

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Bettina Papirio - Learn From Coca-Cola To Tell Stories Like A Pro

In her recent piece Not All Stories Are Created Equal, Hotwire CEO Barbara Bates outlines succinctly the difference between omnichannel and multichannel communications through the lens of storytelling - are you writing the chapters of a book (one... Read more

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Aidan Lukomnik - Super Bowl Fail: Ram and … Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

Whelp, here we are again. I don’t know who thought it would be a good idea to use Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words for a Super Bowl ad – oh wait yes I do – but that was a mistake. At the end of the same Football season where Colin Kaepernick was... Read more

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Kelsey Quickstad - How "The Bold North" Won The Marketing Big Game Battle

Some of the best marketing moments around the Super Bowl have been unplanned. We all remember Oreo capitalizing on the 2013 Super Bowl blackout with the infamous "You can still dunk in the dark" Tweet. Pure genius. Yet for most brands it takes... Read more

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Andy West - The Year Ahead in Measurement

Writing on Cision's blog, AMEC CEO Barry Leggetter outlines his predictions for the coming year in measurement. Barry has long experience in the PR game and has been CEO of AMEC for the past eleven years so his perspective and global outlook... Read more

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Bettina Papirio - Personalization Done Right!?

This week AdWeek featured a piece of content giving marketers advice on how to do personalization right. It described that four essential mistakes lead brands to getting personalization wrong: 1. listening to the wrong signals, 2. still relying on... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - Generation Alpha: Wie Technologie unsere Kinder pr?gt

Am 22.2. findet in München die n?chste Zukunftskonferenz "48forward" statt. Emma Hazan, unsere Global Head of Consumer, wird dort einen Report vorstellen, den wir gemeinsam mit dem WIRED-Magazin erarbeitet haben. Darin dreht sich alles um die... Read more

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Darryl Sparey - What's the future of PR measurement?

This week I had the pleasure and the privilege of addressing the Future Communicators Accelerator event on the subject of PR measurement and it's future. It was an interesting event with a mix of in-house and agency folk from across the... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - What’s Up? WhatsApp!

WhatsApp hat die SMS abgel?st. Knapp 90 Prozent der 14- bis 19-J?hrigen haben den Dienst laut einer Umfrage von WhatsApp im Einsatz, aber auch mehr als die H?lfte der 40-49-J?hrigen nutzen den Messaging-Dienst. WhatsApp ist die m?chtigste... Read more

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Séverine Rabardy - Hanouna et la communication

Les scandales successifs des derniers mois qu’a subi, et parfois orchestré, Cyril Hanouna ont laissé des traces. Un sondage paru dans Téléstar le place au 1er rang des animateurs que les téléspectateurs veulent voir…moins souvent à la télévision !... Read more

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Catherine Desmidt - 2018's tech will be good for your health

The health tech scene is hotting up. A recent forecast suggested the world's annual healthcare spend will be nearly $9tn by the end of the decade. CES 2018 showcased many incredible innovations - and most of them were actually useful. And that's... Read more

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Bettina Papirio - Welcome back, radio star!

Almost 37 years ago MTV debuted, and video killed the radio star. Transforming music from an audio into a multi-sensory experience, MTV introduced and evangelized the visual image as essential to the experience. You can say this trend has... Read more

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Andy West - 10 Trends That Will Shape Marketing in 2018

In the spirit of sharing thoughts on the year ahead, this article on the ever fresh site caught my eye. Of the ten trends they highlight, the first caused me a frisson of excitement. The idea that now technologies are in place to do... Read more

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Séverine Rabardy - L’intelligence artificielle va-t-elle remplacer la créativité et l’émotion humaine ?

CES 2018 étant à peine achevé, on a beau essayer de l’éviter, l’intelligence artificielle est partout. Dans les maisons, dans les voitures, dans les services clients et même au c?ur de notre santé. Si aujourd’hui ce terme est sur toutes les... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - Das ist unser CMO-Expertenprogramm

über die letzten Jahre hat sich unser Angebot stark verbreitert. Wir kommen aus der PR, arbeiten aber inzwischen auch oft für Marketer an Themen wie Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing, Influencer Marketing etc. Was uns ab sofort bei gro?en und... Read more

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Florian Hohenauer - Startup-Kommunikation: So wird das was

Die Welt der Startups dreht sich schnell. Gute PR hingegen wirkt mittel- bis langfristig. Wie passt das zusammen? Einerseits mag ich Startups. Die Ideen, die Leidenschaft, den Fokus der Gründer – da flammt schnell Begeisterung auf und der Wunsch... Read more

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Heather Kernahan - "I'm pretty scared each week"...

"I'm pretty scared each week," said the CEO who called to talk about what's going on in tech, politics and the overall business environment. He told me business was great, that wasn't what had him worried. It was that any issue, at any time could... Read more

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