The Ital Iman Interview
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

The Ital Iman Interview

A Saturday night fiasco with an orchestrated agenda.

"Thank you for having me on your broadcast last night. It is an honor to have an engaging discussion like this with you and Mr. Palmer. I appreciate it and, unfortunately, technical difficulties got in the way last night. Please make sure you and Mr. Palmer send me your mailing addresses so I can get a complete set of my books delivered to you. Have a good day."

RIO RANCHO, New Mexico —?The quote above is the text message I sent the host, Ital Iman, after having a live discussion with him and his cohost, Larry Palmer, on Saturday, July 13, at 9:00 pm ET in what was officially titled as Hotter than July: The Dog Days Interview. It now seems to be mysteriously retitled as Who is Agent Richard Smith. I also posted it as a comment on their published YouTube video of the discussion which I have included in this article for your convenience. The above quote is me being polite, respectful, and appreciative for having the opportunity to come on the show which is more than I received for taking the time to be on the show in the first place. To be fair, the interview hit a brick wall mainly due to the annoying technical difficulties that plagued the whole discussion. Putting that aside, I believe that it was an orchestrated fiasco straight out of the gates. Bottom line: It didn't go well and here are the reasons why.

First, I was never allowed to introduce myself to the host's audience properly and professionally and, although the host did mention a quick bullet point about who I am, I never had a chance to explain my background or where I am coming from with the Trilogy of Light book series. There didn't seem to be any regard for this key aspect of a show's format and it came across as disjointed and disrespectful as if the show had a predetermined agenda. The cohosts simply dive right into it in a manner that comes across as obsessed, single-minded, and myopic in focus. Okay, I can swing with that. I've been on the receiving end of botched, dysfunctional interview scenarios before. The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell comes to mind immediately. However, this is an awful way to start any show as it leaves the audience wondering why the guest, yours truly, was ever invited in the first place. 'Who the hell is Richard Smith?' Yes, my sentiments exactly. The audience is left with nothing to relate to. By the time the whole affair is over, no one has the faintest clue who I really am as a person and a fellow human being. I felt like a white zephyr that suddenly appeared out of thin air with no genuine context, agency, or existence.

Secondly, we get to the fact that all three of us were talking in circles about the historical validity and integrity of Prophet Noble Drew Ali the Krist. This is the part that the cohosts obsessively launched into right away pontificating about how they have evidence, proof, or otherwise that Noble Drew Ali was a fraud. Once in a blue moon, I get these unfounded claims thrown at me by people who tend to have a serious chip on their shoulder every day of the week due to a hard-headed, provincial, and bigoted "Archie Bunker" mentality that refuses to expand its horizons. This may not apply to the cohosts of this show but it's as if such people are of the mind that they are the only ones who have access to some uber-magnificent, self-proclaimed access to gold-plated research from the ego-driven realms of Mount Olympus. Keep in mind that I have yet to see the so-called proof or evidence that supports any such empty claims. In truth, there seems to be an intentional assault on the personal agency of Noble Drew Ali that rivals similar targeted claims about a Jesus who never existed, a Mohammed who went on a killing spree, and an Abraham who was dumb enough to attempt the murder of his own son simply because some mindless jackass called God told him to. This brings me to my next point.

I dismiss and reject these misguided research claims for a greater reason: the Shetu Regime (aka. Shadow Government), the two-party system of Repto-Sirian Fascism (i.e., the Greys), and the White Masonic Ego. The claims remain absurd due to the historical fact that there has always been an overriding agenda to wipe the floor up with the historical, scientific, economic, and spiritual integrity of the sun-kissed people of color and hue. These two gentlemen, Mr. Iman and Mr. Palmer, did not seem to either accept or comprehend this because they were already hung up on the narrow perspectives and preconceived notions that what they allegedly "researched" was flawless and irreproachable as the only way to see alien contact. Unfortunately, this is another example of the White Masonic Ego rearing its ugly head with the machinations of the Shetu Regime. Of course, it went over like a lead brick when I suggested that they reconsider whether or not they had been following stale bread crumbs intentionally planted in front of them by the very same agenda I referenced above.

On top of this, let's say they did come to the table with an open mind. This still leaves the fact that the cohosts showed up unprepared with a jaded mindset of their own. The only perspective they had on my books was a segment in the beginning of third installment in the trilogy, The Moor, the Mason, and the Alien Part III: Rise of the Invisible College. Seriously, that's what you are basing your assumptions about me on? As my grandmother would say, aren't we putting the cart before the horse here? I mentioned the fact that we were now talking about this in a vacuum and running in circles due to the cohosts never reading Part One or Part Two so as to truly understand where I am coming from with the entire Moor-Mason-Alien trilogy; one of the cohosts didn't read any of the books. WTF?!?

Hey, I get it, we all have busy lives. Who has time to read my books, especially when you are running a podcast, radio show, or YouTube channel? But if you don't have the time to do so, then you have an obligation to let the guest explain where he or she is coming from throughout their life experiences in association with whatever book, film, documentary, or research they are focusing on. If you just want to chew the fat on all things paranormal and ufological while interjecting questions here and there about my books, hey, I'm fine with that. Case in point: I had a great conversation with Jimmy Church on Fade to Black this month - and we never even got around to talking about The Moor, the Mason, and the Alien trilogy or its prelude, Legions of Light / Armies of Darkness. You know what, who cares? We had a great conversation, nonetheless. I'm honored to have been invited as a guest in the first place, as I am with all the shows I've been on so far:

  1. Out of Nowhere with Robert Brown
  2. TGE Dragon TV with Norris Francis
  3. Moors In America with Sharif Ali El
  4. Crumb TV with Brother Crumb
  5. Classified with Richard Willett
  6. Fade to Black with Jimmy Church
  7. Chilam Balam with Ital Iman

Yes, I include Mr. Iman's platform on this list as well because it is still a notable privilege to be asked in the first place regardless of its premeditated, misinformed intent toward a very childish and immature attempt at character assassination. As my wife, Linda, told me, six good ones out of seven aren’t bad especially since they are all within two months of releasing Part Three in the trilogy. I agree but it’s the childish and immature part that needs to be addressed when Mr. Iman insists on calling me 'Mr. Smith' or 'Agent Smith'. Yes, this is my last name, but that is not what it was intended for, especially since the grade-school innuendos and accusations being leveled against me with such terms are reinforced by the rather puerile association with Hugo Weaving's copyrighted image from The Matrix (see below). I find this all somewhat humorous in that Agent Smith is a pale-skinned, masonic component of the Invisible College's visual narrative that I vigorously deconstruct in Part III: Rise of the Invisible College. Basically, Mr. Iman is trying to associate me with something I've already dismantled in the book. But you wouldn't know that unless you read the book, which neither Mr. Iman nor Mr. Palmer bothered to do.

Finally, there is the implied accusation that I somehow sabotaged the entire show, as if I am this all-powerful agent of chaos who had a hand in the show's technical demise. I didn't know I had that kind of power. It wouldn't be something as obvious and logical as shitty bandwidth or poor latency with some cheap-ass Internet service provider. No, of course not. Instead, let's swing from the rafters like baboons on crack and create phantasms of the mind where there are none. I guess this is how it's done now. No more logic. No more reason. No more sense and sensibility. Let's just decapitate the guest you invited on your show, drive seven daggers into his chest, and then shit down his throat with deranged, half-wit, irresponsible conspiracies of obstruction. I am sorry to inform you that my superhuman, psychic powers of manipulation are not what they used to be. In truth, I've never had any to speak of.

But if we're going to reach for the heavens with some snippy, low-hanging bullshit about how I magically crippled the entire show with my amazing alien powers, then why doesn't the pendulum swing the other way, as well. After all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Seriously, didn't it ever occur to these gentlemen that their own negative vibes may have been the very reason why the entire show was a botched clusterfuck? No, of course not. That would mean taking responsibility for your actions, which doesn't seem to be the theme of this particular broadcast. This was most apparent when Mr. Palmer stated he could give Zacharia Sitchin a free pass with aspects of Sitchin's research he disagreed with. Really? I have nothing against Sitchin's work but the question arises: Why are you not able to do the same for me? Oh, that's right, I still have a pulse with a beating heart (you missed it with those daggers). It's a little too hard to manipulate my narrative in your favor while I'm walking the earth, alive and well.

Let's not forget that Mr. Iman and Mr. Palmer looked right at me and stated that the experiences of alien contactees are ridiculous and have no proof whatsoever with the implied accusation being that all experiencers are delusional liars. I guess they never heard of the field of ufology and the hard research done by Kathleen Marden, Dr. Stanton Friedman, Richard Dolan, and Dr. Karla Turner, to name a few. It seems Mr. Palmer will only accept an actual nonterrestrial being standing right in front of him as genuine proof, which means he already categorized me as one of those delusional liars long before I came on the show. Proof is a fickle thing in the eye of the beholder. As paranoid and insecure beings, we tend to draw a new line in the sand when our unrealistic and dubious criteria for proof make an unexpected appearance at our front door. As for Mr. Palmer, if he ever accepted his own criteria of proof staring him right in the face, how would he know it's not a manikin, an android, a robot, or a blow-up doll? They are all pretty sophisticated and believable these days. What would you do, stab it in the arm to make it bleed? What would be acceptable proof at that point, especially since you probably just started a war by harming this entity? Should it have red, white, or green blood? How about blue or magenta? Where do our asinine notions of proof end and our acceptance of reality begin?

To their credit, the cohosts invited me back for a second interview due to all the technical shenanigans with the show. Umm, hold on. If this was all my fault and I'm the arbiter of your show's failed broadcast, then why in flaming Hell are you inviting me back?!? What type of person does this? I would have had more respect for you both if you had told me to fuck off, eat shit, and die. I think I'll pass after seeing how this initial "discussion" went. After all, I showed up with enthusiasm and respect. They showed up with a noose swinging from the gallows. Thanks, but no thanks. Life is too short for this infantile stupidity and there are always greater opportunities on the horizon. By the way, I tripped across this episode (above) on YouTube and found it by accident. Mr. Iman and Mr. Palmer didn't even have the courtesy to send me the link. I guess I wasn't supposed to find it. That, in itself, speaks volumes about who they are.

Have a great day, folks, and thank you for your support, time, and interest. Stay tuned at I'll see you all on the Upside Down.


I have now found a second video of the Ital Iman interview which they also did not have the courtesy to notify me of. Once again, we have childish associations and vapid assumptions about me as a person. What a surprise.

Let me know if you have any recommendations and I’ll check them out.

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Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Prophet Noble Drew Ali the Krist.

Archie Bunker

The Moor, the Mason, and the Alien Part III: Rise of the Invisible College

The Moor, the Mason, and the Alien trilogy

Legions of Light / Armies of Darkness

Kathleen Marden

Dr. Stanton Friedman

Richard Dolan

Dr. Karla Turner

Confessions from an Ancient Astronaut | Official Site

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About the author

Richard Smith writes about lost knowledge, ancient astronauts, extraterrestrial life, and UFO phenomena in a cut-to-the-bone manner that challenges the conventional status quo of provincial thinking and destructive beliefs. As a graduate of New York State University, he has a degree in visual communications, receiving high honors for his work exploring social, political, and extraterrestrial narratives.

Richard is the co-founder and CEO of 11:22 Creative Design and has been a writer, graphic designer, futurist, and speaker since the Nineties. He currently resides in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, with his wife Linda, and serves on the Executive Committee for the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum, as well as the Arts Commission for the City of Rio Rancho’s signature public arts program.

For more information about the author, his books, and upcoming events, please visit Follow, like, and connect with the author on social media @ufoteacher

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Richard Smith

Web Designer | Graphic Artist | UX Content Writer | Brand Strategist

7 个月

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marvin kantorowitz

Independent Consumer Electronics Professional

7 个月

i love italian food/so do et??——but do they like jews?--- ??


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