HotelsJoining Hands - an update !
Christian de Boer
Managing Director of Jaya House Hotels - #SingleUsePlastic free since 2016, Co-founder of RefillNotLandfill
The atypical situation in Cambodia
While the world starts slowly but surely moving to the “new normal”, the situation stays critical in Cambodia. Unemployment has risen to tipping point and people are simply reduced to make drastic choices such as selling their homes, goods, and livestock to prevent their families from starving or choosing between nutrition and healthcare.
Thanks to a truly outstanding partnership between Jaya House Hotels , Treeline Urban Resort and Mulberry Boutique Hotel; ‘Hotels Joining Hands’ has now reached the enormous number of 28.005 meals delivered to locals in need in Siem Reap and surrounding areas. With the Hotel teams prior research and the precious support of Friends International and Sala Ba? Hotel School, we’ve been able to identify these locations where the need is dire which include the Provincial Hospital in Central Siem Reap, Chhong Kneas Floating Village and villagers at Phnom Krom mountain.
With Cambodia’s Tourism coming to a grinding halt, this need is sadly increasing by the day. As of 1st June 2020, 120 Hotels - in Siem Reap alone - are said to have officially closed permanently. An estimation of 150.000 Khmer are left unemployed in Siem Reap Province, with no income nor hope for the future.
The “Hotels Joining Hands” initiative has a goal of collecting $45.000 USD. 100% of the funds raised serve the purpose of cooking and distributing the meals.
The aforementioned supporting #Hotels continue to pay part salaries to all their team members and, offering assistance for the high interest loans from banks and micro-finances most of them have succumbed to in order to keep their families alive. It is estimated a staggering 90% of Khmer families in countryside are subscribing to these for survival.
The Monsoon season is here
Normally this is the best time of the year in #Cambodia with lush fields and beautiful greenery but 2020 is turning out to be a very different experience. Hospitals are reporting increases of waterborne diseases like Denque, TB, Typhoid amongst many others and with the loss of income since February medicines are suddenly out of reach for many.
Being on the ground in Cambodia right now, with your donations, we are able to continue our food donations to the community’s most vulnerable. Many of the 450+ meals we serve daily will be the only meal this person will eat.
While Cambodia has very few cases of #COVID-19 and 0 fatality - the Government has been monitoring the health situation well and efficiently. With the country most likely “closed” for few months ahead – and very strict conditions for tourists to enter the country - your support is more than ever needed.
While Cambodia has very few cases of #COVID-19 and 0 fatality - the Government has been monitoring the health situation well and efficiently
The “Hotels Joining Hands” initiative has a goal of collecting $45.000 USD. 100% of the funds raised serve the purpose of cooking and distributing the meals.
We understand Globally many are struggling, but here in Cambodia less than $10 USD will provide a hungry person daily meals for a week. Each meal cost on average $1.21USD and are outsourced by the Hotels to create jobs for local individuals and restaurants who are struggling to make ends meet.
If you are in a position to donation $10 (or more), please click go to scroll to the bottom of the page and chose a payment method to suit you.
For USA donors
Each donation through PayPal is tax deductible in United States, thanks to our partnership with the “Landmine Relief Fund”.