Hotel paranormal,the curse of number 4
Dr.Steve Ramsey, PhD MSc-(hon) in Med Ultrasound.RMSKS.
ACMDTT,RMSKS,ARDMS,CRGS,CRVS; Experienced , MSK, peads, small part, and vascular sonographer, Blogger. SPI and MSK online instructor . Καθηγητ?? Α’ βαθμ?δα? at Ιατρικ? Σχολ? - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki .
I was watching TV when my phone rang. A frantic voice from the other side was screaming, help me please your brother is in the hospital. Then I saw my mother holding my older brother’s Sam’ hand and going upstairs, She turned her face to me and told me next Wednesday, next Wednesday take care of your brother , and she was gone. Then I woke up from my dream.
It was on a Wednesday Morning, year 2000 when I had that dream in Saskatoon, Canada. I woke up and prayed for my mother who passed away 1997. I went to work at the royal university hospital in Saskatoon, and I forgot about my dream. I kept thinking of what my mother had told me in the dream.
The next Wednesday I came home from work, took a shower, had my supper, cleaned my teeth and sat to watch TV when the phone rang. It was very strange when I heard my brother’s wife voice, she was in Las Vegas, she was crying and asked me if I could come ASAP as my brother Sam had a heart attack. She told me that they took him to the community hospital, and put him in ICU ROOM 4. At valley hospital medical centre ,620 shadow lane , 89106 Vegas, Nevada.
He was waiting for an open heart surgery as they found that he had 4 coronary Stenosis up to 94 % each. He was in a dire situation .This is his second heart attack in 3 years time , and he was 49 years old a heavy smoker.
I asked my work manager for an urgent leave, he gave me one week off. I took the flight from Saskatoon to Las Vegas my brother’s wife was waiting at the airport, Thursday.
We went to the hospital. My brother Sam was in ICU room number 4. His wife said that his car was parked in lot number 4 at his house as that was his spot. He managed to have 2 operations and he was waiting for another one as the coronary arteries failed to open for some reason. The doctors took him for his 3rd operation and then the 4th operation.
He had 3 kids plus his wife total of 4 family members, he passed away on Wednesday 4 am, Wednesday is the 4th day of the week. My brother’s am apartment was small just enough for his kids and wife .
I checked in a hotel near by the hospital. HOTEL PALACE STATION AND CASINO , in the 4th floor . After talking to the doctor and surgeon in charge they asked me if I don’t can donate a kidney if the need too, as his kidneys started to shut down from a blood clot ,and he was in dialysis machine , I agreed and they done all the tests that prove that I am a perfect match for him. They asked me to go and get some rest and they will see me the next day.
I was sleeping in my room at the hotel, I dreamt of my mother again and she was at the same position at our old house stairs and she turn her head again before she took the stairs up and said Wednesday Sam will be with me . I woke up from the dream at midnight at my hotel room and it was Tuesday around 3 AM .I opened my eyes and I can see my brother Sam almost floating in front of me in the corner of the room at the hotel, he look exactly like him .
I was a afraid of course and thinking that how can he know that I am in this hotel, he was in a coma. I can see him so clear it was not a dream he was floating at the corner and when I start to focus on him he then vanished floating toward the door of my room the hotel .I knew that something was wrong, between my mother dream,and my brother apparition .
I called for a taxi, I didn’t take a shower, just washed my face , brushed my teach , and changed as fast as I could ,went to the hotel lobby and took the taxi and I went to the hospital.
When I arrived at the hospital, I was not allowed to enter the ICU, so I sat to relax at the lobby closed to the ICU area. And in few minutes I saw his apparition again for few seconds still watching me and then vanished toward the ICU. Just few minutes after that the ICU nurse called for code blue, and the alarm went on. I tried to enter the ICU and I wasn’t allowed, I had a feeling that Sam wants me beside him. The nurses, and the doctors did what they can, but he was gone at 4 am Wednesday.
Then they let me come in the ICU room, I cried silently with tears, and hold his head, kiss his head and prayed for him. I signed some papers before they took his body for the final preparation at the funeral home, and the doctor told me that they will not do an autopsy he dies while he was in Coma.
I had to be strong because I know that I had to arrange for the funeral and take care of everything before I leave back to Saskatoon, I called my manager and took another week off. I didn’t want to bother his wife and the kids so I didn’t call them until 7 am.
When my brother body moved to the morgue, I was surprised to see the number of the freezer lot was number 4. We buried him on Friday. at the DAVIS FUNERAL HOME AND MEMORIAL PARK, peace cemetery , 6200 south eastern ave, las Vegas, Nevada, 89119.
I didn’t care much about the number I was in shock and saddened for him. He was my older brother and he took care of me when I was young. His name in Arabic is Samer 4 words. My mother told me that he was born on October 4, 1950, Wednesday 4 am.
I called his wife and my family overseas and told them about his passing. They all cried and prayed for his soul, his wife was in shock and the kids were crying and screaming. My family overseas couldn’t believe it. How he can die in the USA, they said. The USA has the best doctors and health system in the world, they kept telling me. It is all in God hand and no one is Immune from death, I told them.
God has his way and everybody has his time, I told them. No matter where you are in the USA or anywhere in the world when your time comes nobody can help you, I said.
I managed his funeral and tried do everything by the book, from booking the funeral home, ordering the headstone to every single detail for the burial. When I went to the Grave site there was a lot number 4, and other lots. Then the number 4 started to come to my mind one by one, I asked the funeral manager to select number 4. I washed his body with the people that I hired to do the coffin who helped me to wash him and put him in the casket.
We called many of his friends at work and other places, and we all prayed for him and put him in his grave. Everybody left and the kids were crying softly as we told them that if they cry loud his soul will not be happy. His wife left with the kids along with everybody else, I stayed alone beside the grave. I told my brother’s wife to pick me up next day when the sunrise.
Davis funeral home and memorial park-paradise cemetery, where my brother Sam put to rest.
It was 4 pm when we took him from the funeral home and we buried him before the sun goes down on Thursday night. My brother’s wife told me that we can come in the morning. I told her that I promised my brother once that if He dies I will stay beside his grave until the sunrise next day, and he should do that for me if possible, and I will keep my promise to him. By then I moved to my brothers apartment and I took of the kids room, while the other child slept with his brothers in the other room .
I brought a small chair with me and stayed beside his grave all night, did rosary and prayers for his soul.
The graveyard is about 5 minutes from Las Vegas airport. It was very pleasant and well-maintained. My brother’s wife came for me, later and picked me up and drove me home.
I took some of my brother’s hair when I was cutting his hair, and cut his nails and kept them in a small plastic bag, and I also took some of his belonging and sent them home overseas so my family can make a memorial site and the graveyard back home beside my mother because she came in my dream and told me about his death on Wednesday.
When I was sleeping in the apartment , I dreamt of Sam, he was so happy and told me not to worry at all, he said don’t feel pain and he could see me beside the grave reading the holy book for him. Then my mother was in my dream she went upstairs and Sam followed her. When I had done what’s need it I was ready to go back to my work and my place in Saskatoon.
When I went to the airport to come back to home from Las Vegas to Minneapolis then Saskatoon, the gate number was number 4. Oh Darn, I said. I felt so uncomfortable and I went to the ticket agent and told him that I cannot travel throw this Gate. He said why I told him that I felt bad about this Gate number 4, and if there is any way to change it I will rather take any other gate. He said that’s the only way to Saskatoon is throw that gate, gate number 4 in Minneapolis airport.
I told the ticket agent at the desk the story of my brother and number 4; he was surprised and asked me to pray and not to be superstitious. Because my other option to travel to another city then from there I can be directed to Saskatoon, and that cost more money and time. I was so tired. OK, then I will go throw gate number 4 I have no other choice. I told him. Good luck body, and sorry about your brother, the agent told me.
I took the flight and it was the most horrific flight in my life, I had the worse in my life of traveling. Everybody was worried and screaming, the captain kept informing us to stay still and buckle up. I was so worried. I thought that’s it I shouldn’t listen to that agent, I was sad and felt so helpless. What will I do if I die? Who will care for me and pray for me? What will happen to my family and job, my place and belonging? I was so tired, I buckled myself with the seat so tight to my body, I thought if we crashed someone might find me with my seat.
I closed my eyes and put my hands together and continued to pray. After that I felt no fear at all, I was in peace and so relaxed. I completely surrendered to that moment. I fall asleep until the flight attendant woke me up to adjust my seat. Am I a life, I asked. She smiled and said yes, it is a beautiful day. When I was ready to leave the plan I noticed my seat was number 44.
I took a taxi from the airport to my apartment in Saskatoon and I was still sleepy and tired. My apartment number 114 was on the 4th floor, I just didn’t care anymore I felt this is crazy, Maybe I was so sensitive and in shock that my brain was playing tricks on me. Maybe my brain was trying to distract me from the psychological trauma of losing my brother. I closed the curtains to block the sunlight and went to bed after a quick shower
Number 4 derives its meaning from creation. On the fourth day of what is called ‘creation week,’ God completed the material universe. On this day he brought into existence our sun, the moon, and all the stars (Genesis 1:14 – 19). Their purpose was not only to give off a light, but also to divide the day from the night on earth, thus becoming a basic demarcation of time. They were also made to be a type of signal that would mark off the days, years and seasons.
Interestingly, the Hebrew word for ‘seasons’ in Genesis 1:14 is moved (Strong’s Concordance #H4150), which literally translated is “appointed times” (divine appointments) in reference to God’s festivals. This is the earliest known allusion to what would later be called the Holy (or Feast) days (periods) of worship, which are seven in number.
The 4th of the Ten Commandments is to remember and keep God’s holy Sabbath day (Exodus 20:9 – 11). The Sabbath day is tied directly to the creation week. God himself made the period between Friday sunset and Saturday sunset extra special when he rested on it after bringing everything into
The Garden of Eden had a river which parted into the headwaters of four other rivers. These rivers were the Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel and the Euphrates (Genesis 2:10 – 14).
The four witnesses of God on earth are miracles, wonders, signs and the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 2:4).
The number of times rainbows are referenced in scripture are four (Genesis 9, Ezekiel 1:28, Revelation 4:3, 10:1).
In Ezekiel’s well-known ‘wheel in the middle of a wheel’ vision (Ezekiel 1, 10) he sees four living creatures transporting a throne with four sides and four wheels. Each of the living creatures (likely Cherubim, a class of angels) has four faces (the face of a man, lion, ox, and eagle) and four wings (1:6).
Steve Ramsey, Okotoks, Alberta.