A hotel on the golf course can add $400,000 to $500,000 in new business at Zero Cost to the golf course. Find out.
Michael A (Mike) Kahn
65-Years of Experience in Golf and the Golf Course Industry in North America
This message should be circulated to anyone who's favorite golf course is financially struggling because a hotel on the property could cause a dramatic result.
If the golf course is located near a busy commercial center with easy access from a major highway it could be an excellent location for a 100 to 120-room hotel.
Write me, Mike Kahn, [email protected], subject Hotel, for more information.
Mike Kahn, Golfmak,Inc.
Owner/Manager/Golf Professional of Moccasin Wallow Golf Club in Palmetto FL
6 年They are looking for a taker on the property at The MOC.