Hot Water & Cooking On Blood?
I have a project commencing shortly helping a customer to bring their cleaning back to in-house . The customer asked me doesn’t hot water cook blood onto surfaces? We were discussing time and cleaning recipes as I explained cold water cleaning will slow times. Hence this question arose.
I thought I would share this.
In my experience this theory is not true with 82-degree water. I am yet to test lower temperatures.
I have a video which demonstrates this when I was cleaning a silver bin (below link). Please note I was not wearing PPE in this video as I was testing safety using hot water. As I train crews wearing anything from shorts to full PPE, I wanted to make sure I was not getting burnt.?You will see in the one step process that the silver bin is clean and shiny not requiring scrubbing. This was micro tested (swab data).
If a cleaner had to scrub these bins it would increase time considerably and they would miss areas. A rinse nozzle can get these clean if using detergent to assist with the micros. The theory that pressure spreads bacteria is a myth also. I have heard this in the past but it’s not correct in my experience.
The below is slower than normal due to the testing and normally would be done in approx. 20-30 seconds per bin.