H.O.T. or NOT?!
In the past, we would use the term HRT when communicating our services to others.
People would either know that HRT stands for “Hormone Replacement Therapy”, while many thought it stood for something related to heart rate. It’s why we use the term “Hormone Optimization Therapy” AKA “H.O.T.”, and it’s a much better translation for such a powerful health boosting method.
Being the leaders in hormone optimization therapy, we’ve seen the extraordinary effects that H.O.T. brings to our clients. People who have all but given up on their health and figured that their poor health were just the “cards they've been dealt”, begin H.O.T. and quickly realize that life has just begun for them! It's that real and that powerful!
Common symptoms like feeling exhausted, in pain, overweight and depressed, are symptoms that quickly become part of a persons past, while new words like energized, pain-free, fit and joyful are quickly replaced along with the new you!
All of the Renew Life RX therapies begin with a “deep dive” blood panel, so that our medical team can fully analyze your blood for any possible deficiencies. Once we assess your levels, we then interpret our findings with you and prescribe a hormone optimization therapy program that is totally customized to your physiology.
If you're curious about what our process entails, please, by all means, direct message me and I'll be overjoyed to send you more information about how you can soon begin feeling and looking better than you ever have!
Keep going!