Hosted VoIP technology is rapidly increasing in interest from businesses who want to increase their business functionality and save themselves some money at the same time.
Hosted Technology is the most efficient, cost effective and technologically advance form of telecommunications you can have for your business! Hosted VoIP is run solely through your internet connection and a single analogue line through a cloud system and gives you multiple users whether it be static or mobile!
Are you paying a hefty bill each month on multiple phone lines? I am pretty sure you would like to decrease that monthly figure and improve your company's telephony functionality through transferring your phone services to a Hosted VoIP System.
At Carden IT Group we specialise specifically with Hosted Technology being partners with Horizon.
Horizon is the Cloud based Platform in which the Hosted phone services is run within. Horizon hosted technology is actually a free of charge calling platform and does actually remove the need for costly line rentals! So Money will be saved.
You can also hold and transfer between all phones on the platform. You are not even restricted geographically so if you have multiple sites, you can transfer through to an office the other side of the world as if that phone was in the same building as yourself. Also at no extra cost.
The benefits don't stop there!
You can give your customers a direction when calling your business number with the auto-attendant. Meaning you have an automated voice that guides customers to the right department or straight to a voicemail if needs be. Saving time and effort for your staff to carry on with their day without having to answer the phones and direct a call. Never will you miss a call or business opportunity ever again!
You can also advertise your business's services on when the customer is on hold, If your business has taken on a new project and want new customers and current customers to know what you are doing. There is no better way to up-sell your Product/Service. Even if you decided not to go down that route you can add music for your customers when on hold. Giving them a more pleasant experience when calling your business!
The Facts!
Telecoms are losing an average of 700,000 landline customers per month. Source
There will be over 1 billion VoIP users by the end of 2018. Source
Mobile VoIP users are expected to be over 1 billion by the year 2018. Source
So what are you waiting for?.. Join the billion other VoIP users and save some money on your calls, line rentals, increase productivity and improve your company's phone's functionality!
At Carden IT Group we can help you transfer your current Phone setup to our Horizon Hosted VoIP system and you can reap the rewards of joining the billion worldwide VoIP users.
Get in touch with me at [email protected] or call us on 01273 552059. Photo by Paul Csogi on Unsplash