Host a static HTML website using AWS S3 Bucket

Simple Storage Service is an object-level storage solution provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). This cloud service allows us to store any type of file. It provides unlimited storage and a single file upload limit of 5TB. S3 buckets can be used to host a static website. In many cases, we do not need a dynamic website with frequently changing data.

Buckets comprise Amazon S3's top-level domain namespace, and bucket names are unique globally. As a result, any object URL in an S3 bucket is accessible via the internet via a unique URL, which is typically structured as follows:

As a result, to host a static website, we can create an Amazon S3 bucket for static website hosting and then upload the static content to that bucket. This bucket must have public read access for a website to be publicly accessible. The website is then accessible via the AWS region-specific website address, such as:


Steps :

1. Create an Account in AWS?

2. Create your access key and secret key

3. Install aws cli

4. Configure aws cli

5.Make bucket

aws s3 mb s3://my-bucket-19259

aws s3 ls


Output >

[prayag@panel ~]$ aws s3 mb s3://my-bucket-19259
make_bucket: my-bucket-19259
[prayag@panel ~]$ aws s3 ls
2022-07-28 15:08:59 my-bucket-19259
[prayag@panel ~]$

6. Enable Static website

aws s3 website s3://my-bucket-19259 --index-document index.html

aws s3 website s3://my-bucket-19259 --index-document index.html

7. Set public access to bucket using policy?

cat > web-policy.json
? ? "Version": "2012-10-17",
? ? "Statement": [
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
? ? ? ? ? ? "Effect": "Allow",
? ? ? ? ? ? "Principal": "*",
? ? ? ? ? ? "Action": [
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "s3:GetObject"
? ? ? ? ? ? ],
? ? ? ? ? ? "Resource": [
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-19259/*"
? ? ? ? ? ? ]
? ? ? ? }
? ? ]

aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket s3://my-bucket-19259/ --policy file://web-policy.json        

Output >

[prayag@panel ~]$ cat web-policy.json

? ? "Version": "2012-10-17",
? ? "Statement": [
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
? ? ? ? ? ? "Effect": "Allow",
? ? ? ? ? ? "Principal": "*",
? ? ? ? ? ? "Action": [
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "s3:GetObject"
? ? ? ? ? ? ],
? ? ? ? ? ? "Resource": [
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-19259/*"
? ? ? ? ? ? ]
? ? ? ? }
? ? ]

[prayag@panel ~]$ aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket my-bucket-19259 --policy file://web-policy.json

8. We have a website folder, which we will copy/sync in s3 bucket -

cd website


aws cp . s3://my-website-19259 --recursive

aws s3 ls s3://my-website-19259

Output >

[prayag@panel ~]$ cd website
[prayag@panel website]$ ls
css? images? index.html? LICENSE-free.txt? Prayag-Sangode.pdf? README.txt? scripts
[prayag@panel website]$

[prayag@panel website]$ aws s3 cp . s3://my-bucket-19259? --recursive
upload: ./README.txt to s3://my-bucket-19259/README.txt
upload: css/font-awesome/LICENSE.txt to s3://my-bucket-19259/css/font-awesome/LICENSE.txt
upload: ./LICENSE-free.txt to s3://my-bucket-19259/LICENSE-free.txt
upload: css/aos.css to s3://my-bucket-19259/css/aos.css


9. Access website url -

URL will be in below format -


In this case -

Amazon Route 53, is used to register domains and specify where internet traffic for your domain name should be routed. This service provides access to a website using the owner's custom domain name. In other words, AWS does not require users to use an Amazon S3-provided subdomain to access their static websites.

AWS Route 53 alias records, which route traffic for your domain name, and subdomain, to an Amazon S3 bucket containing the static website code, can also be used to access your static website.

That's it. I hope you found this to be useful in some way. I'll be back with some more interesting new Cloud and Devops articles.


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