Host a LIVE Webinar that will WOW your Audience

Host a LIVE Webinar that will WOW your Audience

Did you ever have a teacher or a class in school, that was so invigorating that you looked forward to them?

And you got excellent results in those subjects? ?? (Shout out to Ms O’Shea my English teacher!)

Can you think about why and how those classes or teachers were so different?

For me, engagement is what stands out in my mind.

The teachers who engaged with the students better got the best results.

Students who are engaged and interact in a class, retain the information for longer, which translates into BETTER grades.

Think of your live webinars just like in school classes!

The MORE engaging your live webinar is, the better your results ??

Here are 4 tips that will keep your audience glued to their screen and dancing in their chair from start to finish!

  1. Master the basics of production! Unfortunately, not even the most captivating speakers can make up for a poor connection or unstable audio. Keep your audience engaged by ensuring it will go off without a hitch.?
  2. ASK questions. Sprinkling questions throughout your virtual event ensures that the attendees are engaged and interacting from start to finish. Even better, add a personal touch and grab attention by calling out their name! Everybody gets a buzz on hearing their name out and loud!
  3. Include discussion groups and interactive experiences. Find little ways to keep your audience busy and thinking. For example, if you are hosting a virtual event about email marketing, ask your attendees to write down 3 struggles they currently have with building their email list.
  4. Incorporate Polls. Poll questions are key to keeping your viewers engaged for the duration of your virtual event. Added bonus, you can also leverage them to learn more about your audience

Have you used any of these strategies? Let me know in the comments.

David Callanan

I support clinics, practice owners & therapists to build online presence, work smart, drive new patients & ??. Read this profile to see how ??????

1 年

Making webinars interactive with polls, discussion groups definitely helps retain engagement.


