Hospitality - Energy Best Practice
Are you the owner of a commercial hospitality business? If so, you only have limited control over the gulf in energy costs between running your own family home and operating a commercial hospitality business. Even if you leave courtesy notes around the rooms asking your guests to consider the environment, there is nothing to stop your guests sleeping with the window open while the heating is on high, taking lengthy hot showers, or even simply leaving lights on. The cumulative costs can be astronomical.
You may not be aware that there is one moneysaving step you may consider taking that could significantly reduce your energy bills, and that is to appoint an energy broker, whose function is to find you the cheapest supplier in as deregulated market.
Full Power Utilities has a large client base of UK independent hospitality businesses. The service they can provide minimises what clients pay for their gas, electricity and water supply, as well as simplfying the communication process (one contact for all your utilities).
Best practices:
If you own a hospitality busniess and would like more information on how to take control of your utility costs, call Paul Skinner today on 01256 701205, or email [email protected].