Hospital Quality Incentive Program Opportunity (NY Market; Highmark)
A. Alex Yarijanian
Expert in Managed Care & Healthcare Innovation, Business Coach, and Investor
We have teamed up with Highmark to identify solutions best poised to revamp Quality Improvement (QI) initiatives and strategies. Particularly interested in any organization which can augment (significantly), Highmark’s Hospital Quality Incentive Program.
The Hospital Quality Incentive Program is an important initiative that works with hospitals and healthcare facilities to improve the quality of care delivered to members and communities. The program focuses on a variety of strategies to achieve this goal.
One such strategy is identifying high-risk members that have been readmitted within 30 days. By doing so, the program can promote an increase in awareness and utilization of Case and Disease Management Programs, as well as encourage the use of a Hospital Discharge Program that assists in follow-up appointments, review of discharge medications, and other treatments to prevent avoidable readmissions.
The program also focuses on reducing the incidence of ambulatory-sensitive conditions and hospital-acquired conditions, such as Central Line Infections, Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia, Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections, and Surgical Site Infections. By reducing avoidable admissions with ambulatory-sensitive conditions, the program can help hospitals and healthcare facilities achieve their hospital quality target goals that maintain or improve rates for clinical outcomes, patient safety measures, and vaccine administration.
Overall, the Hospital Quality Incentive Program is an important collaboration between healthcare facilities and strategic performance teams. By working together, they can identify opportunities to build healthcare systems and processes that promote improvement in the quality of care delivered to members and communities.
The Hospital Quality Incentive Program works in collaboration with hospitals and other healthcare facilities by working together to achieve the following:
Let me know of any opportunities which are worthy to be considered for this partnership search -- by messaging me directly on LinkedIn.