N-95 masks are in short supply. If you see any remote possibility of a shortage of masks (either N-95, surgical or other) 6 months or more from now at your hospital facility, best to start saving masks now. This is just starting in much of the world. The supply from China has had disruptions and is unpredictable. Contaminated masks can be safely sterilized, stored and reused. 90 unit per hour capacity.
High Capacity, Low-Pressure-Autoclave described below. Most scarce component, large tall stock pot. Your medical system may bulk purchase. Also bulk purchase Tupperware just wide enough to fit inside pots.
Know the weaknesses of Covid-19 and use
Options: 1. UV light (including sunlight) kills Solution: Collect masks, hang on racks in sun, rotating or Hang in intense UV light room. UV-C best.
2. Covid-19 only lives on surfaces max of 5-7 days, or so, in optimal conditions Solution: Hang masks on racks for 10 days
3. COVID-19 Facts: Max temp survival: 170F Solution: Heat to 212F
1. 10-day marinate in sunlight (or intense UV light room) Collect & store for later cleanse
2. Immediately place into High Capacity “Low-Pressure-Autoclave”
Materials: Tall stock pot w lid Multiple large Tupperware, 2-3 inches high each (Poke dime size holes in bottom, circulate steam. Each Tupperware hold 6 masks) Burner
Procedure: May stack 5 Tupperware per large stock pot
1. Put small wire or plastic rack beneath first Tupper elevate above water level 3” 2. Pour in boiling water 2” 3. Stack the rest of Tupper on top of rack. 4. Close lid. 5. Place on burner and continue to boil water 15 min (Do not let water evaporate fully)
Deep Steam process time 15 min. 30 units sterilized per run, 90 units per hour Bigger stock pot & Tupperware = Larger output
*An Autoclave, technically, is a high-pressure sterilization system. High pressure is required to completely kill bacteria. Covid-19 and other viruses typically can not live past 170F. Water boils at 212F at 1atm, sea level.
In the absence of enough N-95 masks, "Low-Pressure-Autoclave" for 10-15 minutes (deep steam cleaning) is one option to prevent going without mask and exposing yourself to infection. The lid and expanding steam inside the Low-Pressure-Autoclave result in higher-than-atmospheric pressure, but is not truly "high pressure".
The exact pressure achieve depends on the pot and lid, as well as elevation. Pressure achieved always will be above ambient. As boiling point increases with pressure, the boiling point of the steam will be a predictable 212F or more at sea level.
If N-95 masks are plentiful or you have other standard options, those should be used preferentially. Your N-95 may experience some degeneration over time with repeat use and re-sterilization. However, save your gently-used sterilized masks. They may be needed later.
Facts: Covid-19 maximal estimated survival temp 170F Low-Pressure-Autoclave minimum temp: 212F at sea level