The hospital crisis in France: it's not all about money. A political science point of view!

French hospital and the battle of biopowers

The hospital crisis has been raging in France for many years, but the fire has been increased  for a few months and the thunder rumbles. An analysis in terms of game of powers could help to illuminate the crisis scene and to consider solutions. Several powers are at the maneuver in a fight which will be without winner. The governmental biopower is right to try to control the health expenditure without ever succeeding since a long time. In the hospital, the doctors are right to want to treat the patients with  more and more sofisticated drugs which alas are more and more expansive. They exerce the medical biopower but must take into account the cost of the care, The patients exerce also their own biopower. To obtain what they think to be the best, they consume more and more medical care and medicines to treat their social, medical, esthetic needs and to try to reach happiness. Finaly the pharmaceutical firms and the financial groups want and succeed to earn more and more money to sell a potential well being which has nothing to do with the abilities of contempory technomedecine…Here is the bias! We have named this last power the pharmaceutical and financial biopower. Neverthesless, the benefits of this biopower continue to increase...What can firefighters do in this hell? Let me refer to the notions of public space dear to Habermas, a german philosopher, (since Germany is the country which invented social system) and to health democracy based on individual and collective responsability. Exercise of a practical individual and collective rationality must be the Ariadne's thread of the functioning of these public spaces and of this health democracy. I launch here a call to practical rationality, to “ bon sens ” which we know it is the thing the best shared in France...


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