Job Fit Assessments for Reduced Turnover - Healthcare
The management of a large hospital chain decided that in the interest of patient safety they had to reduce their annual turnover of 34% which was 5% above the national average. Additionally they wanted a standardized data driven hiring approach that would validate that the candidate was in fact well suited and matched to the job. Certifications aside, the ability to do a job doesn't ensure the certificate holder will do a great job.
Using PXT concurrent studies they created custom performance models for a variety of healthcare roles throughout the organization. What is a concurrent study? Three or more top performing employees, for example the top performing RN's in the ICU take the assessment. Our system's algorithm builds a custom high performance model.
Candidates scoring 85% or greater against the custom high performance model are considered to have an excellent job fit for the RN role in the ICU.
After 15 months using PXT assessing new team members, Hospital’s turnover dropped by half. It has remained below the original turnover figure of 34% for first-time employees, and well below the national average of 29% turnover for the healthcare industry.
Hospital will continue to focus on reducing turnover, Contact says. Strong savings help in this resolve. All one has to do is look at the difference between turnover when Hospital began using PXT and its first-year anniversary of using the assessment. “The gap represents an $8.2 million savings calculated on the costs of hiring.” Those costs – recruitment, advertising, and other expenses – are all associated with human resources, he says. They do not include such things as overtime pay for team members who work more hours when a position goes unfilled, he adds, which is why the savings is actually more.
Additionally, executives will use the PXT more broadly. Hospital uses PXT with all managers to introduce them to the process and look at the results. This provided insight and coaching on how to lead teams. Thus the PXT is now part of Hospital’s talent management development process, which has brought interest from other organizations. Contact has addressed two conferences on this aspect of using the PXT, and white papers have featured what Hospital has done in the area.
Contact says. He is a believer in the PXT for hiring the right person for a specific job, convinced by the sustained reduction in turnover.
Hospital tracks the turnover on a monthly basis, Contact says, looking at overall numbers and specifically at those for registered nurses, who are key to healthcare operations. “Our first year turnover for all team members was 28 to 38 percent, with an industry benchmark of around 29 percent. Prior to the PXT project we were at 34 percent new hire turnover for new team members. By the end of the first year of the project we were at 15 percent.”
Make our valid pre-hire assessments your competitive advantage. Since 2003 our free full-service consulting, delivery, and management approach to assessments has been helping our clients across all industries reduce turnover, absenteeism, and learning curves; while improving customer service, retention, productivity, and team work. Assessments give managers the data they need to be more effective at communicating, on boarding, coaching and developing their employees. From hire to retire we have a range of assessments matched to the specific needs of your industry. Check out our Case Studies. Start using assessments today. We do the work and your organization gains all the benefits. Take advantage of our introductory offers.
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