Hospice Care- Continuous Care -  What is Hospice Care and When is it an Option?

Hospice Care- Continuous Care - What is Hospice Care and When is it an Option?

Hospice care is a type of home care that involves pain and symptom relief for the ill patient, rather than attempting to cure the patient with procedures that could be invasive and potentially unhelpful. Hospice provides expert medical care, pain management as well as spiritual and emotional support for those nearing the end of life’s journey, as well as providing support for their family members. Hospice care is team-oriented in its approach to caring for the ailing patient, as opposed to laying the burden of care at one person’s feet, like a family member.

People who opt for hospice care include those who have cancer, heart disease, lung disease, end-stage Alzheimer’s and other illnesses.

Hospice Care Staffing

The nursing personnel we hire are experienced in hospice and trained to provide top quality customer service to patients and clients. Having always in mind that Patients and Families comes first.

Our Human Resources department, takes the time to consistently pre-qualify, test, and orient every candidate on specific skills needed for hospice prior hiring.

The Credentialing departments maintains all credentialing, medical, and HR documents up to date while our Quality Assurance department reviews continuous care nursing documentation and provides on going education and 24/7 support to nursing personnel and clients.

Our Staffing Department is available to clients and nursing personnel 24/7 and able to provide quick and reliable skilled nursing personnel at any time of the day or night.


