HOSEI University Global MBA Program → apply April 9 to May 7 for study starting September 2025
法政大学 イノベーション?マネージメント研究科

HOSEI University Global MBA Program → apply April 9 to May 7 for study starting September 2025

From April 9 until May 7, the Global MBA Program at HOSEI Business School of Innovation Management will be accepting applications for the cohort starting this September 2025 and graduating in March 2027.

We are an accredited English-language MBA program in Tokyo ?

See the below link for official guidelines, and the below article for a detailed explanation:


Overview of the Global MBA Program:

  • GMBA is a 1.5-year program, meaning students entering September 2025 will graduate in March 2027. (We are one of the few programs in Japan to adopt the much-discussed switch to an autumn start of the academic year.)
  • There are four 7-week quarters a year, meaning only about half the year is spent in classes. And for those classes, the course schedule is set up to allow weeknight and Saturday daytime classes, making it possible to study while working during the weekday. (Also, the student visa permits foreign nationals to work up to 28 hours per week.)
  • The program is entirely in English, but as it is run alongside our two Japanese MBAs (1-year and 2-year programs), Japanese MBA courses may also be taken, and students from the Global and Japanese Programs interact freely. (Japanese language study is also available, free of charge.)
  • For students not engaged in full-time work as regular employees, the Program has two internship project programs: group projects with NPOs and regional government agencies in Year 1, and individual projects with business enterprises in Year 2.?(Students who study while continuing as regular employees do practical study projects instead.)
  • The Business School is located in the heart of Tokyo, in Ichigaya ??

Global MBA Program Website:


Application Process:

The application itself is a simplified, streamlined process. For the application process, see:


The GMBA Program is ideal for the following people:

  • Those interested in MBA learning
  • Those who wish to gain practical experience through internships
  • Those looking for a way to start a career involving Japan, as Japanese language is not a requirement for entry — Japanese language study and courses in Japanese are available
  • Those in Japan who are interested in gaining overseas experience but need to be in Japan — the GMBA program provides an immersive international experience in Japan


  • 英語でMBAを学びたいものの、海外への留学はなかなかハードルが高いとためらっている人に、「国内留学」でMBAを学ぶという「法政大学のGlobal MBAプログラム(GMBA)」を紹介します
  • GMBAプログラムは、英語のみで学ぶMBAコース
  • 留学生と一緒に英語でMBAカリキュラムを勉強することで、日本にいながら英語力の向上とMBA(修士号)の取得を目指します
  • 9月入学で翌々年の3月に修了する1.5年コース
  • 日本語のMBAコースの科目も履修できます

Overview of the application process:

Application Period:

  • April 8 (Wed) – May 7 (Wed)

Simplified Qualifications:

1.?Work Experience -- At least 3-year’s full-time?or equivalent

2.?Academic Experience -- University degree or equivalent

3.?English Language Proficiency -- One of the following:

 ? TOEIC L&R? score of at least 740

 ?TOEFL iBT? score of at least 81

 ?IELTS AcademicTM?score of at least 6.0

 ?Other suitable exam result

 ?Or, proof that English is your native language . . .

 ?or was the language of instruction for your university degree

For further information:

Please see the website for detailed instructions and application materials, or contact the GMBA office for any questions:


HOSEI University Business School of Innovation Management OFFICE

3-3-9 Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073 Japan

Phone: +81-3-3264-5326 | Fax: +81-3-3264-3990

E-mail: [email protected]

HOSEI University -- Business School of Innovation Management


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