HOSB Stand-Up Masterclass and Performance

HOSB Stand-Up Masterclass and Performance

As our Impact team gears up for the upcoming 'Spotlight on Theatre Jobs' programme starting in March, alongside our partner Nimax Theatres, we reflect on one of the cultural masterclasses from last year.

Laughter, often dubbed the best medicine, has long been recognised as good for the soul - whether it's a giggle, chuckle, or full-blown belly laugh, a tiny bit of laughter can be that special ingredient for all your serotonin-boosting needs.

During our 23rd Employment Academy Programme, our Impact team hosted an engaging five-day Stand-Up Comedy Masterclass and Performance series headlined by Peter Rethinasamy. This immersive experience focused on comedy and improvisation as a means of developing both practical and personal skills, such as creative writing and public speaking. We chatted with Programme Manager, Brian and his trusted Comedy Facilitators about the personal growth and professional advantages of challenging oneself to perform a comedy routine on stage.

Reflections on Stand-Up Masterclass and Performance by Brian, Bob, David and Katie.

Conceiving the Idea


As part of my role as Employment Academy Manager, one of my responsibilities is to create masterclasses and cultural events.?Having already set up enjoyable and educational masterclasses in partnership with Bafta and the Royal Academy of Art earlier in the year, I felt it was time to try the more risky one.?

A Stand-up Comedy and Improv Masterclass, followed by a performance night doesn’t sound overly risky, but if you add that the masterclass was to be attended by people who had never done a stand-up routine before and that their first performance would only be five days after the masterclass, you'd start to feel the nervousness sifting through.

I was lucky to be overheard by Employment Programme Mentor, Bob Halliwell, while at a mentor gathering as I was talking about potentially putting the masterclass together.?Bob didn’t waste time giving his support, as he already had experience in the comedy business and knew others who could possibly help.

Within a couple of weeks I was having my first online meeting with Bob, and comedy and improv facilitators David Jones and Katie Walsh.?

BOB (Comedy Facilitator)

For the meeting with Brian, I got in touch with two comedy chums. David Jones now runs successful comedy courses and Katie Walsh ran brilliant improv courses. (Back in the day, Katie and I used to run a comedy club round the corner from HOSB). We were pretty confident we could run a 6-week course to get beginners up to speed with writing material, dealing with nerves, practising delivery, microphone technique, joke structure, engaging the audience, stage presence – everything you need to get up and perform a 5-minute set. “Not 6 weeks,” said Brian, “Only one day.”!


First, we had to plan a programme to fit within Brian’s tight schedule: a 6-hour “masterclass” on Saturday, then a 3-hour review/practice session on Wednesday, followed by the show on Thursday. Bob, Katie and I argued over what to include, as there wouldn’t be time to cover everything.


When I let Bob, Katie and David know that my intentions were to have a one-day masterclass followed by performances the week after, I could see from their faces that this was a very challenging task to ask.

As my cat Tuxedo was aggressively biting my toes, I explained to the three that I was also thrown into doing my first stand-up routine with only days to put together a script. A workmate in a previous job secretly booked me and herself onto a novice’s comedy night.

Luckily, as I was terrified and barely able to stand, my first stand-up opportunity was postponed as the now famous comedian was doing so well at the heaving room above a pub that he took up my time.?I told the staff that I was upset about not performing, but in truth I was so relieved that I got away without having to.?My legs were like jelly, I don’t think I would of made it to the stage anyway, I did however successfully complete my first ever stand-up two weeks later at a university in South London - I was still very nervous but managed to conquer the fear. ?

Participants practising their sketches.

The Masterclass

Bob, Katie and David did the thoughtful work to put a one-day masterclass together which was held at the House on the 18th November.

Nine people put themselves forward, knowing full well that they were under a gentle obligation to perform in a matter of days. The group included participants and graduates of the Employment Programme, as well as support workers from a partnering charity, and members of the House.?All of them keen, but nervous for their first-time performances to come the week after.

Brian, Employment Academy Manager (left) pictured with the group.


Nine students arrived for the masterclass – some looking nervous but all very excited about what they had signed-up for. Bob started with managing your nerves, walking on stage and how to introduce yourself. Katie then ran a fantastic session teaching different improv games. Then I outlined how jokes work, and we did several writing exercises to start generating material. Towards the end of the masterclass each student tried out the material they had just written. Everyone had some good stuff, and they all received feedback about how to improve it and were then sent home with instructions to write 3 minutes of material.


I joined in with Katie’s improv session and had a great time pretending to be a Kung-Fu master.?Next stop would be the rehearsal/support session to be held in the Employment Academy training rooms on the following Wednesday, the day before the performance event.

All nine novice comedians were supported by Bob, Katie and David to refine their scripts and to have a rehearsal before the big night.

The Stand Up and Be Brave Performance Night

Performance evening.


Five days after the masterclass it’s show time! There was a nervous energy in the Silk Room before the start of the show as the new comedians realised that the Drawing Room was packed with a buzzing and expectant audience. I was really taken by how strong and supportive the group had become in such a short time. They had each other’s back and no one was backing out.

Soho Radio, Clare Lynch, kicked off proceedings and in no time the improv section of the show, led by Katie was getting loads of laughs, with the group performing spontaneous hilarious scenarios.

Solo performances.

Next were the individual performances.

All nine delivered fantastic routines, all so different and all very funny. With jokes on topics such as the best way to restrain a dog, going to a death café, an angry mum in pink fluffy slippers and breaking wind in the office, the audience continually laughed out loud. Also appearing on the night was programme graduate Nikki D, who did her first stand-up just after completing the employment programme a few years ago and is now a relatively seasoned performer.?The show was headlined by the outstanding?Peter Rethinasamy.

Afterthoughts from Programme Organisers

Group photo at the end of the show.

KATIE (Improv Facilitator)

What an amazing few days! Being in charge of the Improv side of the proceedings, honestly, the run up was fraught with doubts for me. House of St Barnabas Employment Academy Manager, the inspiring Brian Beaton' gave us his vision of a one day comedy course with a show, not just stand up mind you, but also Improvised comedy skills too.

The group threw themselves at it with a commitment and energy perhaps only an actual 'show in a few days' could possibly induce. What great people, what diverse experience and funny stories they had. How brave to do both Improv and Stand up in the same show when you've never done either before


The great thing about comedy is the instant feedback: people either laugh or they don’t. The proof of the pudding was all the laughter the group generated from the audience. Well done everyone – we all had a great night.


Congratulations to them all for putting in the time, effort, and commitment, and for delivering an entertaining show. The only problem is, seeing how well these students did in such a short amount of time, I’m now going to have to rethink my 8-week stand-up courses. Yeah, thanks for that!


A very memorable time for all of us, but especially for the wonderfully brave group who acted on opportunity and delivered under pressure. It just goes to show what can be achieved in five days. The euphoria amongst the group after the performance was palpable. My thanks to Bob, Katie and David for their time, humour and expertise and to the inspirational performers, you are all legends. Look out for when we run this exciting opportunity again!

Feedback from Attendees and Participants

  • Thank you so much for creating a life changing experience for me.
  • I would never in a million years of tried this, but its given me confidence to try it again.?
  • The confidence has made me feel like I can achieve anything!
  • Knowing that an old dog can learn new tricks is strangely liberating. I feel like I have a new string to my bow, and a new spring in my step. I am energised and invigorated by the possibility that I may be able to do more of this and that I can apply the learning to my work as well.
  • It has made me feel more positive about my abilities and skills.? I would be more willing now to try something new if the opportunities arise.
  • I feel like I want to do more. I never in a million years thought I'd be able to do stand-up!
  • It was a rollercoaster journey of fear and adrenaline filled joy at being able and willing to stand in front of people and perform.?

Gavin Presman

Inspiring Connection & Leadership @ Inspire

10 个月

A liberating and invigorating experience for me. I particularly love how Brian challenged the facilitators to do in 6 hours what was previously thought possible only over 6 weeks! They did a terrific job of it and as a participant it really inspired me to spend more of 2024 doing stuff out of my comfort zone that will challenge and push me to grow. Thanks to all involved.

Claire Barnett

Co-Founder & CEO at YourHaven | Former Executive Director of UN Women UK | McKinsey & Company | Management Today 35 Under 35 | NED & Independent Advisor

10 个月

An amazing experience, thank you

Jem Stein

Investing in Extraordinary Purpose-led Founders. Follow for posts about securing your first cheque

10 个月

This is brilliant. Congratulations!


