There Was No Horsing Around
Holtz Realty

There Was No Horsing Around

It was quite the turnaround with our weather today, and likely due to the wind having changed directions. I can only imagine how many tree limbs came down from yesterday's high winds, so it looks like our tree surgeons will have even more work these coming weeks. My gosh! I can't believe how many dead green ash trees I'm now seeing across our entire city. There's no doubt it's gonna be shadeless in many areas for years to come.

My first appointment at office was with the buyers whom I'd shown that acreage to yesterday afternoon, as they'd called earlier saying they wanted to stop by to make an offer on it. After getting all their questions answered, I went ahead and filled out all the forms and had them sign and initial them.

I'm hoping the sellers take their offer because they're going to be a very good addition to North Iowa. It seemed the more we visited, the more we had in common, so I'm sure after they get that place looking the way they want, I'll be getting an invite. For whatever reason, I'm of the belief the wife and I are kindred spirits in more ways than one. We did get some good laughs in as well, which I was very much in need of. After they left, I scanned and then emailed the purchase agreement to the listing agent, and then followed-up with a phone call.

The rest of my day was spent fielding phone calls, getting emails returned, and starting preparations for several closings that'll be coming up the end of this week. Fortunately the sale I've been concerned about the most, is one that'll be closing.

Another chunk of my time today, was spent doing little errands for several out of State clients, and of course such requests usually come when I'm busier than normal or the weather is bad. Oh well, I guess somebody's gotta do it.

A call came in from a woman I sold a home to a number of years ago, and from the sounds of it, she's moving in the direction of relocating out of State, and mostly because she's come to hate our long winters, which seems to be the mindsets of the many who're now retired and looking for warmer climates. Since we had a very good working relationship at the time, we managed to pick up where we left off well over a decade ago.

Knowing I'll be meeting with two clarinetists tomorrow, I sat down and did a little practicing over the lunch hour, and as chance would have it, my new mail person happened to hear me playing and was pretending like the sound was so loud he had to cover his ears. He sure is quite the delightful character who always seems to have the last word.

Tonight's photo is another one I found in that very old album which was gifted to me a number of years ago, and the reason I decided to post it, was because on the back of it there was written 'summer of 1935', which was somewhat of a shock because many of the farmers had already migrated away from using draft horses in their fields because tractors were definitely the 'in' thing. I'm still in disbelief that young lady was likely getting ready to hitch that 'big boy' up and take him to the field. Those animals were definitely bred to work, and definitely no horsing around with those brutes.

My grandfather used to tell stories about the teams of horses he had to work with, and the one that stuck out in my mind, was when a team got spooked by a swarm of horse flies while they were pulling a load of hay towards the barn. Well, they took off at high speed toward the barn with my grandfather trying to slow them down but to no avail, so when they got near the barn, the hay wagon hit something which caused him to fall and ended up getting pinned between the wagon and the barn. According to him, he had so many ribs and bones broken, the country doctor left little hope for his survival, but for whatever reason, his rage to live pulled him thru, and he went on to live a long and healthy life. All the many years later, whenever seeing him in a thin under shirt, you could definitely tell he'd had some broken bones.

Having had several horses myself, I quickly learned how easily a person can get injured which is why I've always had a great respect of their strength, size and temperaments, and especially when the flies are many and the days are hot and humid. I had a stallion who was a force to be reckoned with whenever he was having one of his 'bad hair' days, which is why he was appropriately named 'King'.

Tonight's One-liner is: People want realities that tell them how right they are all the time.

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