The Horrors of Death as an Unbeliever

If you do NOT have a DEEP settled assurance of the reality of the Almighty Creator such that you easily and without question can confess that He is real then you are an unbeliever, even if you go to church every Sunday and even if you believe in Jesus. If you die as an Unbeliever you are faced with a horrible future. This article seeks to make visible what faces you UNLESS you change your mind and make a solid commitment to the Almighty BEFORE you die.


If you are a committed believer the following is of academic interest UNLESS you have family, friends or colleagues who are Unbelievers in which case you might like to share this with them


1.      What happens when you die as an Unbeliever?

When an Unbeliever dies there is nowhere for their spirit to go. The Almighty intended Unbelievers to be immediately destroyed but, as a consequence of the Contest with Satan they now are left alive to continue on Earth as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon – a horrible outcome. The following sections elaborate on this. The spirit of the Unbeliever has no motive power, it requires a human being, animal or Messenger {Angel} to transport it, else it is stuck wherever it finds itself. At the same time, the spirit is FULLY CONSCIOUS with all its faculties (sight, hearing, smell, thought, etc) intact. A horrible place to be.


When an Unbeliever dies they are taken by their Guardian Messenger {Angel} to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and told that they will be utterly destroyed there at the end of the Millennium if Satan loses the contest or will remain on Earth if Satan wins. They are also taken to Heaven and shown where they would have gone if they had believed. They are then returned to their corpse or the remains of their corpse where various scenarios unfold.


2.      In a coffin or oven for ever

If the Unbeliever does NOT feature in the plans of the Satanic and Demonic realm, essentially if they have been a “good” Unbeliever, then they will be left with their corpse.


What this means is that IF they are buried, their spirit will be buried with them. Imagine what it will be like, trapped for nearly a thousand years or forever, fully conscious in a box with a rotting corpse and after it has rotted, in a box with the remains. Not something I would want for anyone I value in life.


If you are Cremated you will experience the unbearable heat of the oven as your body is totally consumed by fire and you will then remain in the oven forever, exposed to every cycle of heating and cooling as corpse after corpse is cremated. Once the oven falls into disuse you will remain in the disused oven and if it is scrapped and demolished you will end up wherever the rubble ends up, for ever!


Imagine what it will be like if you are drowned at sea and eaten by a shark, or buried in a landslide or …


3.      Haunting a family member or friend

If the Unbeliever is alert to their fate and has the opportunity for a loved one or friend to embrace their corpse in such a way that they can transfer to that person they will have a different experience.


They will be able to haunt that family member or friend for as long as that person is alive and then face burial, cremation or whatever together with that persons corpse. Of, if the host is a believer or becomes a believer and undergoes deliverance, the unbelieving spirit may find itself banished to a place of detention for a period of time before being deployed on another person.


4.      Grievous torture for being good

It is important to understand that, as an Ancestor Spirit, one is a member of the Kingdom of Satan, a horrible, evil and tormented Kingdom where fear, and horrible torment are the order of the day.


If as a good person the unbelieving spirit attempts to warn the person who is hosting them of the lies they believe and tries to get them to turn to the Creator, a Satanic Messenger {Angel} will immediately take them to a place of discipline where they will be subject to the most vile and horrible torment and torture until they clearly understand that it is NOT permissible under any circumstances to seek to do good as a Demon. They will then be returned to their host.


5.      Moderately successful sinner, teach others your sin

If the unbelieving person was a moderately successful sinner, for example strong pride, lust, fornication, etc then when they die the spirit will be harvested by a Satanic Messenger or Satan Servant (Witch, Satanist, etc) and taken to a place where they will receive schooling as a Demon and then, once adequately trained they will be deployed, generally on a believer, to lead that person into deeper sin. The unbelieving spirit has NO say in this, if they resist they will be sent for torture and re-education as above.


6.      Satan Servant, competing with 100 billion others for status and transport

If the Unbeliever was a Satan Servant and therefore has some rank in the Kingdom of Satan they will be harvested, go through the same process as described above and then put to work on living Human Satan Servants to help them progress and become more evil. Note that, in order to qualify for their own Messenger to transport them, they will be competing with a large number of Demons where only the most evil Demons qualify for their own Messenger.


7.      How did this come about – The Contest

How did this come about? Surely the Creator did not intend this?


It happened by accident, the Messenger now known as Satan, the Accuser, developed pride and rebelled against the Almighty. Before he was cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone to be utterly destroyed he challenged the Almighty Creator to a “Contest” whereby he claimed that if he and his followers were given 7,000 years on Earth with the Human Beings the Creator was about to create he would corrupt mankind such that NOT a single human being would be in right standing with the Creator at the end of the 7,000 years. We are now (March 2020) 6,017 years into this period.


If Satan accomplished this objective then Satan and his followers would NOT be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone but would rule on Earth for Eternity and the Creator would withdraw.


A consequence of this challenge was that, instead of Unbelievers being cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone when they died in order to be utterly destroyed they remain alive on Earth until the end of the Contest and, on Earth forever if Satan wins the Contest as described above.


What Satan did not realize was that IF he won, the Creator would remove His Spirit from the Earth and all living things, plants and animals, would immediately die so Satan would rule over a barren wasteland!


So, we now have the situation described above where Unbelievers die and remain on Earth, often in horrible circumstances.


8.      The end of the Millennium (3003) destroyed or stranded for ever

As noted above, at the end of the Millennium, currently understood to be around May 3003, 983 years from now, the final judgment will come.  IF there is at least one believer in right standing with Yah to call for judgment and for Yahooshua {Jesus} to return then Yahooshua will return and Satan and all his Messengers, Demons and unbelievers alive at that time will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and utterly destroyed and Earth will remain intact as a holiday destination for people in Heaven.


If Satan wins, Yah, the Creator, will withdraw from Earth and all living things, plant and animal, will die leaving the vast majority of the Demons stranded with the corpses of their hosts for Eternity while Satan and his servants compete and fight over control of the Earth for every and ever seeing as how they cannot kill one another. A really horrible way to spend Eternity.


This is in stark contrast to the glory of Heaven that will be experienced by true believers when they die – they will be given glorious resurrected bodies and depending on their standing with the Creator at the moment of death, various levels of esteem, power and authority.


9.      How do you KNOW the Creator exists and the above is the truth?

Establishing that the Creator exists is reasonably straightforward:


a.      Examine all the things around you and recognize that everything created by humans requires Engineering and Creative Human Genius, then recognize that everything else ALSO required Creative Genius so there MUST be a Creator.


b.      Also look at sexual reproduction, barring the most primitive life forms all plants and animals reproduce sexually using DNA in a sophisticated multi-step process. This cannot have come into existence in a random way, it has to be the consequence of a very sophisticated Engineered creative process. Look at all the flowers, the berries, fruits and nuts each perfectly formed, with lovely fragrances and appealing flavours – all elements of sexual reproduction. There HAS to be a Creator.


c.      Where He came from is more challenging but He says He has always existed and that is NO more difficult to believe than to believe that “Nature” created the Universe and everything in it.

I therefore submit that it is clearly evident that there IS a Creator and that He requires us to believe in His existence. The fundamental Commandment of life is to believe in the Creator, else, as an Unbeliever, one will face the destiny scenarios discussed above.


10.  Some further points to help you with your decision

Following are some further points taken from the document “Critical Elements of Belief” at


The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP

Personal Relationship with YOU!


Why YOU Should Believe

in the Almighty Creator


The Headlines of what is REALLY Important in deciding whether or not to believe in the Almighty Creator by a person with 26 years’ experience of applying Engineering Principles of Rigour and Critical Analysis techniques to learning to serve the Almighty, whose TRUE Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”


Why YOU Should Believe in the Almighty Creator

If you do not believe that the Almighty Creator exists I would like to present you with the following Critical Factors to consider as to WHY you should believe:

1. Created to be Companions and Friends

This entire Universe was created so that the Almighty Creator might have companions, confidante’s, Friends – people who believed in Him and did things with Him. If you are NOT such a person you are missing your life goal.

2. Engineered Creative Complexity

The visible Engineering complexity of us as Human Beings, everything we can see, touch and feel tells us there had to be a highly intelligent, highly creative Engineering Being to create all this -- it cannot just have happened. Examination of everything around you will confirm this.

3. Sexual Reproduction Requires a Creator

We are sexual beings. Sexual reproduction in all higher forms of plant and animal life requires the male and female to be perfectly formed before they can reproduce and not die out -- proves a highly skilled Creator.

4. Huge Rewards for Loyal Service

There are HUGE rewards in the afterlife in terms of esteem and authority for those who truly serve the Creator in this life. YOU have the opportunity to be part of this. Are you aware of this? Are you going for it?

5. Satan the god of THIS World is a Harsh Task Master

Satan, the Adversary, the God of THIS World is engaged in a Contest with the Almighty to turn ALL Human Beings against the Almighty Creator. Satan is responsible for the mess this world is in today and for all the evil, the wars, the disease, etc. Why serve him? That is the inevitable consequence of NOT believing in the Almighty Creator. As an Unbeliever you will serve Satan more fully after you die and will find existence very harsh and very unpleasant.

6. Are you striving to be your best for nothing?

You are no doubt striving to do your best in this life without knowing the outcome. If you realized that the outcome COULD be extremely beneficial and pleasant IF you truly serve the Creator I suggest you would view things differently. Today is your opportunity to start going for that goal.

7. Death as an Ancestor Spirit

The HARSH reality is that WHEN you die as an Unbeliever you will NOT enter Heaven. You will be told you have been lied to and will continue existence as a Demon or Ancestor Sprit with NO ability to move around under your own motive power. You will potentially be stranded underground where your corpse rots in your grave for the rest of the millennium. Surely that is NOT your goal for your life?

I strongly recommend that you choose to believe.

Critical Elements of What I Believe

1. Created to Worship and be Friends

We were created to worship and be Friends with the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and it is gross sin to worship any other being

2. Cycles of Falling Away

There have been a number of cycles of mankind falling away from the Almighty which have each been turned around by a significant “Turnaround Prophet”, most notably Noah, Abraham Moshe {Moses}, Yahooshua {Jesus}, Mohammed and Martin Luther.

3. Satan Rebelled and Tricked Adam to Give Control

At the time that mankind was Created, Hillel, a Messenger {Angel}, the Light Bearer, rebelled and challenged the Almighty to a “Contest” to prove that humans would NOT serve the Almighty at the end of 7,000 years. Satan, the Adversary / Accuser as he is now known successfully tricked Adam and has ruled on Earth ever since.


4. In 3003 Must Be at Least ONE Human Being Free of Sin

It is a requirement of the Contest that at the end of the 7,000 years of man on Earth there must be at least ONE human being free of sin and serving Yah.

5. Satan in the Pit for 1,000 Years

Satan was sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit (Abyss) on 3 May 2003 and the Earth is currently ruled by 7 Demonic Masterminds assisted by the Spirits of over 100 Billion deceased Unbelievers (Ancestor Spirits / Demons) and billions of Satanic Messengers {Angels}.

6. Yahooshua {Jesus} Lived and Died Without Sin

Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {aka Jesus Christ} lived a life without sin and died a terrible death in order that every individual believer would have a simple and sure way to receive forgiveness from sin and have authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm.

7. Global Hydraulic and Tectonic Event Approximately 4,500 Years Ago Reshaped the Earth

Approximately 4,500 years ago the Earth was judged at the request of Noah and struck by an Ice Comet that struck the Earth, knocked it off its axis and orbit and flooded the Earth drowning all but eight people – Noah and his family.


8. Son’s of Noah Gave Rise to Three People Groups

The three son’s of Noah gave birth to three people groups, the Shemite Group (Europe, the Middle East, Russia, Asian Indian, etc), the Japhethite’s (Far East Asia) and the Hamites (Africa).

9. Three Monotheistic Religions Stem from Shem

The three major monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam flow from Shem and all attempt to worship Yah with limited success. Today all are corrupt and deficient and are leading people astray. Yah would have true believers remove themselves from organized religion.

The full ambit of what I believe is presented in great detail on the Website.


Critical Actions on First Belief

The following critical actions should be taken by any person who first comes to Belief, this will lay a foundation for a powerful life in relationship with the Almighty Creator. Refer to the “Article Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” on the Website. These same procedures can be applied at any time; however they are particularly effective when applied immediately after a person comes to Belief.

1. Seven Days of Grace

There are seven days of Grace from the moment of First Belief during which there is EXTREME Grace for forgiveness, healing, deliverance and learning. Wherever possible a new Believer should be supported to apply all the processes and components below during this period.

2. Immediately Seek Anointing

Immediately pray for infilling with the Spirit of Yah and pray daily thereafter for infilling – this is the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah.

3. Seven Day Water-Only Fast

Immediately embark on a Seven Day Water-Only Fast.

4. Worship Daily

Worship daily using the songs on the Website.

5. Shave the Entire Body Except the Head and Eyebrows

Shave the entire body except the head and eyebrows on the 1st, 7th and 8th day after coming to belief. Pay particular attention to symbolically shaving Tattoos and Piercings – page 31.

6. Full Body Anointing with the Blood of the Covenant

Full Body Anointing with the Blood of the Covenant (Red Wine or Red Grape Juiced prayed over to symbolically represent the Blood of the Covenant) on the 1st, 7th and 8th day after coming to belief.

7. Full Body Anointing with the Oil of the Spirit

Full Body Anointing with the Oil of the Spirit (Olive Oil prayed over to symbolically represent the Anointing of the Spirit of the Creator) on the 1st, 7th and 8th day.

8. Full Body Triple Immersion

Full Body Triple Immersion on the 1st, 7th and 8th days after coming to belief.

9. Spiritual Audit

Undertake a comprehensive Spiritual Audit and pray appropriate prayers.

10. Reading Anointed Books and Praying

Spend the rest of the week reading Anointed books and praying appropriately.

11. Receive Ministry and Counsel

Receive Ministry and Counsel from Anointed Believers IF they are available and do whatever else you find to do. You CAN do this on your own!

Seven Critical Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator

These activities apply whether you have previously believed or whether you have now chosen to believe for the first time – the emphasis will vary depending on where you are coming from. Refer to the Article “Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” on the Website

The seven steps are:

1. Decision

Decide that the Creator exists and decide to seek a deep personal relationship with Him or, IF you already believe He exists, chose to seek a much DEEPER personal relationship with Him.

2. Prayer

Pray a range of prayers intended to enable you to get MUCH closer to the Creator and be led by Him in every possible way, prayers like “show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it” – prayers that are intended to enable you to walk directly with the Creator and NOT rely on other human beings – see the Website.

3. Fasting

It is NOT possible to get really close to the Almighty without fasting, the detailed article contains basic guidelines on what to do and what to pray.

4. Cleansing

This Earth is controlled by the Satanic Realm and Demons. When one first comes to the Almighty one is highly contaminated. The abovementioned article discusses at length what is required to get to a place where you can draw close to the Almighty and hear Him clearly.

5. Worship

Worship is vital in drawing close to the Almighty, a selection of highly effective worship songs that will help you on your journey is offered in the abovementioned article – see also

6. Research

You are unique, your needs are unique, the value you can add to the Creator is unique, you need to investigate Him and His Kingdom for yourself and work with Him to craft your unique position in His service.

7. Action

Having done all the above it is now time for you to step out with the Almighty Creator and start being of service to Him and developing that deep personal relationship that you have chosen to pursue.

Each of these steps are discussed in detail in the abovementioned article. Growing close to the Almighty Creator is an iterative and progressive process of all of these points as you deal with your sin and come to a place of hearing Him more clearly and understanding Him and His goals for your life.

The Ten Commandments – Fundamental Guiding Principles for Serving the Creator


The correct interpretation and application of each of the “Ten Commandments" which are the benchmark for sin.

The MOST IMPORTANT COMMANDMENT is "love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {God, The LORD}, your Mighty One {God}, with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul, with ALL your mind and with ALL your strength

NOTHING is more important than this – if you do NOT believe in Yah you are NOT on the playing field and if your belief in Yah is superficial you are of NO consequence in the Kingdom of Yah and will be ignored for Eternity.

1. Yah is One

Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is ONE Mighty One you shall have NO other mighty ones beside Him -- broken through the worship of the Bible, Jesus, Mohammed, etc.

2. No Idols

No idols -- broken again with the Bible, the Pastor, the Imam, the Rabbi, the Church, the Mosque, the Synagogue, etc-- anything or anyone that comes between you and service to the Creator.


3. Name of Yah NOT in Vain

Do NOT take the Name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in vain -- broken because almost no one knows His Name, many say "Ja" or "Jah" for yes, have "Yahoo" email addresses, use false names, etc.


4. Keep Sabbaths

Relates to the seventh day of the week which is Saturday and the high Sabbaths of the Almighty.


5. Honour Parents

Few people today show their parents the honour and respect due them.

6. NO Murder

Abortion is outright murder as well as contraceptive methods that cause the fertilized egg NOT to implant.


7. NO Adultery

Adultery is a sexual tie between a man and a forbidden woman, that is a woman who already has a one-flesh tie with another living man. Sex between men is adultery.

8. NO Stealing

Much of the conduct of the world involves some level of deceit and misrepresentation -- this is stealing -- in particular the church lies wholesale about the Almighty, the Bible, the future of people AND takes tithes = theft.

9. No False Witness and NO Lying

The church and all organized religions lie constantly about the Almighty and His ways. All forms of lying are forbidden.

10. NO Lusting or Coveting

Most advertising works on the basis of stimulating covetousness. Pornography, etc.


Where are YOU Going?

The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, says: "It is time to choose -- will you be my Friend, or my foe? -- there is NO middle ground!"

Yah says further:

"Ultimately THE AIM of this entire experiment is to find those who will make the sacrifices necessary to become My FRIENDS -- NOTHING is more important"


"A Friend is one who is concerned about the well-being of the one they call friend and desires to treat that person as they would be treated -- HOW do you choose to treat Me?"

"True friendship is about what you can GIVE -- NOT what you can GET! -- what are YOU prepared to give Me (Yah)?"

"A true friend seeks to know ALL truth about the one whom they call friend AND to help others to know that truth -- Do YOU know the truth about me? Do YOU care?"

"In this age I (Yah) am MASSIVELY CONSTRAINED by the 'Rules of Engagement' in terms of what I can say and do EXCEPT through those true friends and true servants who will do the necessary work to KNOW my will AND proclaim it AND action it"

"There is NO greater love than that a man should lay down his life for his friend! -- Will YOU lay down your life for Me?"

"Technically a martyr is one who lays down their life for Me, NOT necessarily in physical death but also by sacrificing their comfort and well being in favour of doing MY will -- will you do ALL that it takes to serve Me and love Me as your friend, NO MATTER what it costs you? -- Will you be a martyr for Me by your way of living?"

"My true friends take time to spend quality time with Me daily and communicate with Me and consult Me constantly"

"Why Believe?

"Because if you do NOT you WILL find that when you die you are forced to serve and worship Satan for ever or at least until the day the winner of the 'The Contest' is adjudicated"

"Realize that serving Satan after you die could be a really HORRIBLE experience, particularly IF you regard yourself as a GOOD person!"

"Imagine what it will be like as an ancestor spirit (Demon) knowing the truth about the lies you believed and watching your loved ones making the same mistakes and believing the same lies that you believed and being unable to do anything about it!"

"Imagine what it will be like when you discover that you are irrevocably locked into the same dispensation that is behind the most barbaric and savage cultures on earth"

"IF you are a 'GOOD' person: when you die you may find yourself secretly hoping that Satan WILL lose 'The Contest' so that you can be cast into the Lake of Fire and utterly consumed in a moment of torment and terror, rather than being a participant in the progressive degradation of the human race into utter depravity, barbarism and perversion! -- and yet you will be POWERLESS to do anything about it!"

"The consequences of dying without a PROFOUND realization of my (Yah's) existence AND a DEEP life changing decision to serve Me is too ghastly to contemplate IF you take the trouble to REALLY understand the truth about the world you live in!"

"Imagine what it will be like to be a Demon (ancestor spirit) riding on your favourite grandchild and watching them participate in the same empty rituals and mouthing the same meaningless platitudes that you practised during your life and being UNABLE to warn them of the terrible destiny that they are locking themselves into!"



If you are an unbeliever, here is a prayer to pray NOW


“Father, Yah, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, I now recognize that you exist, I do NOT want to die as an unbeliever and end up as an Ancestor Spirit (Demon), therefore I choose NOW to believe in your existence and to ask you to save me. I ask this in the name of Yahooshua.

“I ask you to fill me with your Spirit, come and live in me Almighty Yah.

“Please lead me to people who can help me to learn about you and lead me closer to you.”


Please visit for much information about serving the Almighty Creator.




James Robertson

Emissary and Spokesman of Yah

Published 02 March 2020


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On Radio at 2 pm Eastern Standard Time every Friday in the United States weekly -- live Radio programme called “Creator Desires Relationship” which will discuss various topics relating to seeking a deep relationship with the Almighty. That is 7 pm in the UK, 8 pm in South Africa, 11:30 pm in India and 4 am Canberra Time (ACT) in Australia. The show will air live on W4CY Radio at


Recordings of all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available at: click on “The Show” and then “Podcasts” they are also available at


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