Anticipation Stories (1)
Gustavo Vinueza
Quantitative Risk Analysis | Data, AI + ML Expert | Project Management | Teacher | Consulting | Remote Teams | Agile PM | Board of Directors | Startup ScaleUp | Analytics + Visualization + Data Science | QRA | C-Level
Finally, vacation time! It’s been already 3 years, and we were all excited. We took the red-eye to FLL and went straight to the rent-a-car agency. I am not going to divulge the brand of the agency, but it sounds like a brand of mayonnaise. I like to see my name on a billboard so we flied to the car area allowed, and found a good car. We accommodated the luggage, the car seats and the kids. Time to have fun!
But the journey lasted very little. When I showed my ID for finishing my paperwork, the clerk tells me:
Of course, with such a high-uncertainty scenario, we decided to switch the car.
The clerk immediately follows us, and with a marker, she writes in the car's window “Stop mm. Do not rent”. We ourselves had to unload and reload all the things, yes, including the grumpy kids, -it is already 7 AM-, and restart the trip. Of course this was a nuance compared with all the excitement, and it was quickly forgotten.
Now, big learnings for us #analytics people:
These are all #anticipation processes you need to design and deploy. Some of them would be very easy to implement and with little cost! The moment you have #actionables and #anticipation embedded in your processes, the customers will love you even more.