Horoscope For The Week Of December 13th to 19th, 2021
This week’s Astrology will feel transformative with two Sign changes, Venus going Retrograde on the same day as Chiron Direct and the Full Moon in Gemini. Also, the Sun will make the exact alignments as Mercury did the week before, causing fluctuations in our confidence.
Hey guys, we have a transformative week full of planetary Transits.
In this week’s Astrology, there are two Sign changes, one planet going Retrograde while another goes Direct, and a lunar event, so it’s a week that feels like a massive shift. Mars is going into Sagittarius, helping us act on far-reaching things we usually wouldn’t go after. Mercury is going into Capricorn, which should aid in becoming more organized with our communication and thought processes. Venus is going Retrograde for the next month to help us clean up our act in romantic situations plus finances. Chiron will go out of Retrograde after 5 months which should shed some light on our healing journey. Additionally, there will be a Full Moon in Gemini, causing us to look at what needs to be recalibrated in our lives.
On the 13th, we have two Sign changes Mercury is going into Capricorn, and Mars is going into Sagittarius.
Mercury going into the Sign of the Sea-Goat will put a more purposeful tone to how we think and communicate. With this Ingress, we try to use our minds and words in the most effective way possible. We become more conscious about our obligations and take them seriously. In other words, our focus goes on how we can step up to the plate, make sure we are accountable for what we say, and keep our promises.
And with Mars going into Sagittarius, this gives us the drive and motivation to go after what we want in a big way. Sagittarius adds a fiery dose of confidence to the already self-assured Mars energy so we will feel more open to taking risks on our goals that we usually are too cautious about trying. So, blending an action-oriented planet as Mars mingled with the feeling like it’s my lucky day Sign like Sagittarius will encourage you to go for the gold. And due to the fun-loving vibes of this alignment, we will have a huge urge to let our hair down.
There will be a separate post for each of these Sign changes.
From the 16th through the 18th, many planetary alignments will connect with the Sun, similar to what occurred with Mercury last week. The Sun will be making tense connections with Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, Mercury. Also, to Jupiter, which will be the saving grace because it’s harmonious.?
Energetically, we could experience moments of fluctuating confidence due to the Uranus alignment. The Uranus situation brings in many disruptions throughout the day, so most plans could be subject to change. Additionally, this alignment with Uranus could cause you to feel irritable if you aren’t able to be yourself around others. Venus’s connection with the Sun could cause us to feel like everyone owes us attention, making for some dramatic moments if you don’t get your way. Lastly, Saturn and Pluto put a harsher spin on things as it tends to cause situations where you feel like you’re treading water (Saturn) or dealing with dominant individuals (Pluto.)
Let’s face it; there are just times when you don’t want to talk to anyone. With Mercury making a Square to Chiron, you’re going to need some space to deal with personal stuff. The next few days could put a nervous tone to the air, so try to ground your energy if you’re feeling pins and needly. The vibes of this Transit could result in not feeling as if you are coming off like intended because energetically, this alignment makes it hard to express yourself.
The next day on the 19th, Chiron will go Direct, the same day Venus goes Retrograde, and the Full Moon in Gemini occurs, causing Sunday to feel transformative.
Chiron is considered a dwarf planet but plays a significant role Astrologically in how we heal internal struggles. Since July, this celestial body has been in its regressive period, so try to look back at what you could have worked on to become more self-reliant. So As this planetoid goes forward, we still have the shadow period to go through, but at least there will be more clarity on how we can navigate our healing process.
Venus will go Retrograde in Capricorn, which will allow us to take our love lives and career more seriously. Because this Retrograde is occurring in Capricorn, we will learn the art of accountability within relationships and money themes, plus how we can stop settling in romance along with career.
Another big event on that same day is the Full Moon in Gemini. This is the last Full Moon of the year, so themes about how far we’ve come with Gemini in our lives will be up for a review. With this lunation, it’s about making the necessary edits to things that prevent us from being flexible. So, we will look at the situations that need to be refined or removed. And this Moon has a more effortless tone to it than some of the previous lunations we’ve had in the last two months so it’s not as stressful compared to the others.
There will be a separate post for Chiron Direct, Venus Retrograde, and the Full Moon.
Even though the 19th has an edgy tone, we at least have an easy alignment with the Sun in a Sextile with Jupiter, which helps things fall into place for a change. Sun-Jupiter in a harmonious alignment helps us feel hopeful, and like we can finally take the next steps without roadblocks. If you’ve needed some motivation to boost your self-esteem, this Transit is helpful for that. This is great for starting a path of personal growth or even tapping into spirituality no matter what you believe. Jupiter transits like this also tend to aid in luck, so hopefully, you guys are experiencing this energy.??
The Vibes For The Week
Even though the graph looks bare, there is a ton going on this week.??
Romantically this will be a busy 7 days due to Venus going into Retrograde and making alignments to Pluto along with the Sun. Relationship situations will be amplified for a while, but at least with this energy on the graph, its fun, flirty, and a time to be passionate with your partner or person of interest.
Socially, it’s an active week with some of the communal energies coming up on the graph. Even with all of the edgy alignments to the Sun, we still have some sweet spots for getting together with loved ones, so there are some fun moments to be had this week.
We have some low-grade emotional sensitivity due to the heavy alignments and all of the Astrological events occurring, which puts more pressure on us. This week is a mixed bag in terms of emotions, so there could be triggery moments where you don’t feel like yourself and just need some alone time.
Mentally, we have a fair amount of activity, which mostly means we could be more scattered than usual and can only focus on small things in our lives rather than large-scale issues.
And there are some good luck vibes as we get to the weekend thanks to our pal Jupiter teaming up with the Sun in an alignment that I hope takes the sting out of the air on Sunday. This could at least bring optimism to a rough day and also the potential to bring in something fortunate.
Hopefully, we will feel more effortless vibes this week rather than the harsh energies.
Transits For The Week
This is another high octane and transformative week ahead, so at least we will feel motivated to make the necessary changes around circumstances that are no longer useful.
This Week's Transits December 13th to 19th:
- 12/13 Mars in Sagittarius: Going After What You Want In A Big Way
- 12/13 Mercury in Capricorn: The Art Of Effective Communication
- 12/13 Mercury Semisextile Mars: When Being Honest Goes Wrong
- 12/16 Sun Semisquare Saturn: Feeling Burnt Out?
- 12/16 Sun Semisextile Pluto: Dominating Others To Boost Your Ego
- 12/17 Sun Sesquiquadrate Uranus: Being Disruptive When You Cant Be Yourself
- 12/18 Mercury Square Chiron: Overthinking That Makes You Feel Worst
- 12/18 Sun Semisextile Venus: Creating Drama When You Don’t Get What You Want?
- 12/19 Chiron Direct: How To Heal Past Disappointment
- 12/19 Sun Sextile Jupiter: Feeling Lucky Enough To Take Risk
- 12/19 Venus Retrograde: Taking Your Love Life And Career Seriously
Use this week to go after what you want in a big way and channel the Mercury in Capricorn energy to create a better game plan for yourself.
-Later guys