Horoscope of Aleksey Navalny
Marsel Kamaletdinov
Professor of astrology: the answer to any question, help advice in any difficult situation. Make no mistake!
Alexey Anatolyevich Navalny
Born on June 4, 1976 on Friday at 22: 50 in the village of Butyn, the city of Odintsovo, Moscow Region .
The sky at the time of birth was in the constellation of Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter , but the owner of the mark was in 24 degrees of Aries in the 5th house near Ketu , that says , that in his life will always be a lot of obstacles and enemies, and the master of the sign of Aries ( the planet Mars) , located in the 8th house sign of Cancer , which also emphasizes the instability and precariousness of his position, and you can even say with great certainty , that this person is very difficult to hold the post of President of the Russian Federation!
According to the canons of Indian astrology, if this person wears a bracelet made of red coral on his right hand , he can make up for the missing strength of this planet , since Mars is twice weak (Cancer is a sign of the fall , and the 8th house is a mine) and wear clothes of a red-carmine color and at least twice a year on Tuesdays from 3 to 4 days - bury a bag of sugar in the ground .
Historically , it has been noted that whoever has a weak Mars , then many of these people are prosecuted and are in places of imprisonment - this rule applies to all people .
Jupiter in Aries (Alexey Navalny) gives generosity , the spirit of a fighter and destroyer of injustice , interest in the spiritual , honesty and dignity , such people can work for some kind of good cause , they are energetic , athletic , travel and often change their occupation , they make good teachers , they can have many children , such people can be patient and compassionate , valiant and disciplined .
Since Jupiter himself is in the 5th sector of the sky (house) , such a position for him is very pious and successful (it was not in vain that he survived after his poisoning by Putin) , such people make good teachers and advisers , because the 5th house in the horoscope personifies the mind and logic , these people are inclined to prayer , they can make a good investment , since the 5th house means successful speculation and trade deals , they are usually accompanied by good fame and they have great personal charm .
With respect to the position of the planets in different sectors of the sky, it looks like
more or less like this :
lord of the 1st house Jupiter in the 5th house:
a sharp mind and passionate character , failures associated with children , such people make good teachers and professional diplomats ,
Lord of the 2nd House Saturn in the 8th House:
this person suffers from difficulties in family relationships , needs to improve eating habits , has obstacles in commercial and financial activities , but may receive an inheritance or receive a gift of wealth , he may speak harshly and energetically ,
Lord of the 3rd house Saturn in the 8th house:
problems in marriage , participation in crimes , illness and death of relatives , low professional status and so on , beware of such an arrangement ,
lord of the 4th house Jupiter in the 5th house:
is a person in good health , loyal to God , able to give good advice , has the ability to invest in property , has well-educated children ,
lord of the 5th house Mars in the 8th house:
this person will have debts , respiratory diseases , he must be satisfied with a small number of children , his guru or employer will be unlucky , such people are irritable and easily lose faith ,
Lord of the 6th House Venus in the 6th House:
the uncle of this person is lucky , a person with this disposition will have a good opportunity to serve other people , there will be a chance to visit foreign lands , abilities in the field of medicine are possible , success in import and export operations ,
Lord of the 7th house Mercury in the 6th house:
a person with such yoga is likely to have periods when he languishes with love , probably having a painful marriage partner , susceptibility to sexual diseases ,
lord of the 8th house Moon in the 9th house:
this person will follow a renounced order of life , such people suffer from a marriage partner who may leave them and have children with someone else , they have difficulties in relations with their father , but inherit property , they may have aversion to following rules and regulations ,
master of the 9th house Sun in the 6th house:
this person may work hard in anticipation of success , but luck will not come to him easily , may serve religious people as well as serve the state , have disagreements with his father and be separated from his children ,
lord of the 10th house Mercury in the 6th house:
they are useful people , but they do not receive high pay , they can have a criminal streak , and they can also provide assistance to those in need ,
Lord of the 11th house Venus in the 6th house:
c tendency to quarrelsome and quarrelsome , predisposition to diseases associated with hearing , they are shy or not sociable , very good at serving someone ,
lord of the 12th house Mars in the 8th house:
in ancient texts describing this position, only good words are used ,
mentioned for example , as devotion to God , a kind heart and kind speech , not a large inheritance is expected , and time can also be wasted on studying useless things .
This is the whole list of his position of the planets at birth , but some things can be neutralized to the extent that , as the man himself will be improved and achieve harmonious development in the habitat .
The main pivot of its development is the planet Jupiter , which is in the fiery sign of Aries , as if preparing him for the struggle for justice and social equality , thanks to which the entire civilized world recognized him!
But , let's return to its roots , and it is primarily due to the Moon's birth , which nazhodilas 12 degrees Leo - this corresponds to 10 Magha star:
it is translated in Indian as - * strong * , represents people occupying an important and significant position in society ,
a demonic and bad star in nature , but apparently has a good impact , when located at the exit , but she did it at the exit (11 degrees 42 minutes of Leo) , the range of its activities ranges from 00: 00 - 13: 20 Leo .
Its symbol is the image of the royal throne room ,
she represents proud and significant people who continue the traditions of their families and have power over the masses and we see a rich person who has people who serve him and enjoy the joys of this world .
They are devoted to God and their elders , accept praise from kind people , are educated and respected , but susceptible to the temptations of the opposite sex , dislike certain people , are known for the perfect performance of their work , live in comfort , do some important work , and are physically strong .
Moon in the interval 10: 00-13: 20 Leo (very sexy , his speech is pleasant and sweet , he is arrogant and sins a lot) .
Still it is possible to emphasize , that his Moon is in the 9th house of Leo - home good luck and divine blessings!
Lucky , no matter what!
And now , with your permission, we will consider in what period of one of the planets he was born:
This is the period of the fictitious planet Ketu , which is considered demonic , but since its ruler, Mars, is weakened , then Ketu will not harm him much!
Ketu is the lord of travel and is probably 10 months and 8 days old from his 7 year old not full influence - little Alyosha traveled with his parents as a baby in diapers -
it was this period of his life that he lived under his influence!
Usually, the Moon (any mother) during the Ketu period loses health and strength, and for his mother this is also no exception .
The period of the planet under which a person was born - gives an imprint for the rest of his life and in the case of Alexei - he is an avid traveler and lover of distant countries!
But , here the Ketu period ended and from April 13, 1977, the period of beautiful Venus began for 20 years until April 13, 1997:
Venus of it is in a Taurus in 6th house and in conjunction with the Sun , suggesting that , he began working at an early age and desire for work instilled in him by his father , who taught him to weave beautiful baskets from the branches of various trees .
From April 14, 1997 to April 14, 2003 for 6 years
Alexei began a period of a planet and the Sun is said , that he began to have great leadership abilities, and not without the help of his father and most of the time often spent on the job , as the Sun is in the 6th house of work in the sign of Taurus .
The sun is in conjunction with Venus and during this period he got married and had a daughter in 2001!
The period from April 15, 2003 to April 15, 2013 for 10 years - can be called the period of the Moon:
it is located in the 9th house of fortune and under its influence is Mars , the owner of the 5th house of children (a boy was born) and Saturn , the owner of the 2nd house of money - this period was decisive for him - many residents of Russia and the international community learned about it .
Next 7 year period from April 16, 2013 on April 16, 2020 took place under the control of a weakened planet Mars in the 8th house of suffering and death - this time did not give him that , in order to become the mayor of Moscow and the Russian president .
But , now came the 18 year period of the Devil or, say , the period of the fictitious planet Rahu - from April 17, 2020 to April 17, 2038:
Rahu is located in the 11th house of arrived and friends (Libra sign) and this sign of Venus is hostile to him - it affects the 5th house of Mars , which is in the 8th house of death: on August 20, 2020, he was poisoned by a radioactive mixture called * newcomer * and affects him personally - opposition from the 11th house to the 5th house , where his Jupiter is located .
In such a situation, in India, a massive gold chain is usually worn on the right arm or leg, and yellow or orange clothing or sandy beige clothing is worn .
Jupiter is associated with gold and it must be constantly on his body .
Rahu also affects the 7th house of marriage (there was an attempt to poison his wife Julia) , but this venture failed due to the fact that the 7th house is the sign of Mercury and is associated with Gemini , and as you know , Rahu and Mercury are great friends!
Rahu also influences his 3rd house of Aquarius, which is ruled by Saturn , which is also in the 8th house of death - the sign of Cancer .
It is known , that the sign of Cancer - a water sign and is also to be expected of the discomfort in his life with the help of aqueous solutions .
The sub - Rahu period in its main period will last 2 years 8 months and 12 days , that is, until December 29, 2022 , but its most dangerous under - sub - period, which began from April 17, 2020 (4 months 25 days) to 12 September 2020 course took place , but there is a danger under the - under the - Saturn period from 22 January 2021 on 26 June 2021 for a period of 5 months, 4 days , as he himself Saturn is in the 8th house of death , but Saturn in friendship with favorable Venus , in a sextile with it and let's hope , that this period will be painless!
Usually, when the Rahu period begins , in India , and throughout Southeast Asia, a kilogram of barley is thrown into the water on the day of the planet that rules it - in this case, it is Venus and her day is Friday and Rahu himself is daytime , that is , on Friday from 3 to 4 pm, it is advisable to throw a kilo of barley into the running water and preferably into the river (in principle, his wife Julia can do this for him) .
But , what is interesting in this period of Rahu - is , he aspects the 10 power house of Virgo , ruled by Mercury, and as we know from the history of the relationship of these planets - they are friends , and this is clearly alluding to the fact , that during this period Alex Navalny can become the only worthy contender for the presidency of Russia, and this can happen after June 26, 2021 , when he will have under - under - the period of Mercury in the main period of Rahu!
Of course , Alexei Navalny pretty interesting person and he is not from liberals , but rather of the reactionary policies of Russia , but nevertheless change of power in Russia requires your consideration and I even know , that came to power , he will begin a policy of ruthless destruction of the oligarchic system , which leads so much to the impoverishment of the masses!
February 7 , 00: 11 , Odessa , Ukraine .
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