Horizons finding
My thinking was recently challenged when we had a guest speaker say (words to this effect), "we could talk about the future and plan for the future, but in reality we cannot see more than 2 years ahead with any certainty". I thought, that’s a bit depressing, what about my dreams, am I just wasting my time? I quickly realised that he was not talking about planning for the future as such, but more-so that it was hard to actually ‘know’ with confidence what would eventuate.
'I know', because 'I know' that there is more to this world than meets the 'eye of my mind', but I can’t necessarily see it right now, apart from in the spiritual (and i'm not going there), and other than in 'hope'.
Metaphorically, I have Google maps on my phone, with satellite views, and I can see where I am in relation to my current horizon (immediate destination). So I know the things I need to do to get to that horizon, which roads I need to take to reach that immediate goal, and what I food and drink I might need along the way so as not to physically stress myself.
But generally, ones journey does not end at that first destination; we reach one horizon and then we see another ahead of us. Will it be as pretty when we get there? Do we stop where we are because it's reasonably comfortable? Does it matter? What does matters is if our current horizon is not fulfilling our hopes and dreams.
Say for example, if I had a dream to be a leader in the area of technology enhanced learning (TEL), but there is no possible chance that this was going to eventuate in my current work environment, do I stop there? Do I just accept that fact? I hope not. I think I would say to myself, "self, there is more to me than this", and so I would start to prepare myself for the next journey. Sure, it may take me two years to get to that horizon, but that’s cool, I got there. Or it may be that I am now two years closer to achieving my yet to be realised dream.
Let's say, I do see myself as a leader in the area of technology enhanced learning, what would be some of the things I would need to prepare and put in my lunchbox to make sure I get there? Well I think I would be looking to get some form of formal educational qualification happening. That could be a Grad Cert in Higher Education, it could be a Masters of Education, it may even be a PhD or EdD. I would certainly want to pack in some written materials in there and some presentations at different conferences. I think I would also want to pack in some very high quality Professional Development, particularly with some recognised leaders in the field; Where I got to rub shoulders with others within the sector who are also looking to end up at similar destinations. So maybe, I would attend something like the ACODE Learning Technologies Leadership Institute run by the peek body for TEL in Australasia.
So looping back to my earlier premise, "we could talk about the future and plan for the future, but in reality we cannot see more than 2 years ahead with any certainty", but we can dream and we can lay the groundwork, so that when the opportunity does arise to head to that next horizon, we are well and truly prepared for the journey.
So, be curious, be adventurous, be bold, and book yourself in for the ACODE LTLI.