The Horizon of Sins
Careerconsortia has been there to support the local government for the best interest of the community and citizens. Many a times we thought our efforts would be appreciated and the government on our merit and our contribution their KPI would be treasured and supported.
However, we soon realize that the people values us more. Eventually we realized we were more serious than anyone else were because of a simple reason. We are fanatics to the cause we stood up for and the rest of them were observers, mercenaries, and workers who only sought to earn a living or to cut a quick deal.
Sad to say, the people were too concerned with their own individualities and not on the greater community at large. We need to understand, if there no one else to form an army to protect what is important, everything had already been compromised. Every good fortune that we could all enjoy would have evaporated.
Problem, problems, problems. From one to another, are they original problems or are they problems created by other problems. Are these problems people, and are these problems avoidable. Are the people creating the problems being identified as problems; or are the victims to these people being branded as the problem.
Everything being so entirely complex, and there is definitely a great deal of work and sophistication that needs to be delivered and can the governor of the country find the right people to solve these problems? Would it solve the problem to raise the price of getting such talents? And where such talents are unfounded does it mean that it will work by getting foreign talents who are abled to do the job? Or does getting them from third worlds help in lowering the budgets?
It would be easier to do a reporting to the public hiding away all these facts. In fact, this was realized many decades back or even thousand of years ago. It had always been deployed across the different nations and cultures and had been widely known. Those problems and the deception were the reasons why empires rose and fell. Because the people were not silly and neither were they weak. However the outcome is always less than ideal.
Of course there were civilizations that prosper eventually with the people being either extremely cooperative or being extraordinarily silly. But at least the entire civilization survived. In the context of where we are in this time and age, we are to decide for ourselves. Simply because we are in the age of Democracy.
Once again, Democracy will cease to be, if the substance of which is corrupted. Similar to data, corruption, degradation and nonchalance will mean the end of us all. Along with those traitors who sell their countries for personal benefits, they will be the leaders of us all into the next era of poverty.
Seeing and understanding the situation from our visions, we were able to anticipate all the problems that we are seeing today.