Horizon on cloud vs Horizon cloud

** Horizon on cloud **

If you want to manage you hybrid horizon invironments through single plan or you want to give the horizon cloud experience to your horizon on-prim infrastructure. Here is the solution.

Existing Omnissa Horizon 8 pods can be added to 'Horizon Cloud Service – next-gen' with help of Horizon edge gateway applience. By installing this horizon edge gateway applience in the on-primses, you can enable the connection between horizon universal console and the on-prim horizon components like connection server, UAG.

This enables the consumption of Next-gen Horizon Control Plane services and features such as subscription licensing and, depending on your license entitlement, monitoring via Omnissa Intelligence for Horizon.

**Horizon Cloud **

Auto deploy Horizon Edge services on the any of the Cloud provides mainly "Azure and AWS" or any of the following clouds.

cloud supports Horizon Edge service :

  • Microsoft Azure
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Google Cloud
  • Oracle Cloud
  • Alibaba Cloud
  • Dell EMC Cloud

This deployment will come up with the auto-horizon edge deployment in the selected cloud provided above.

A Horizon Edge Deployment is automatically created when you select to deploy a new Horizon Edge to a new cloud-native provider. It contains:

  • A Horizon Edge Gateway
  • Unified Access Gateways
  • Load balancing for the Unified Access Gateways


