Hopi, a new hop to your communication style

There exists no relationship between ethnic groups, what exist is a relationship between their Languages, Culture, and a thought.

Well, to come to the point…

Now is the perfect time for me to reveal some hidden secrets in me.? Yes, you guessed it right, my communication style which I myself was not aware of.? It is like opening the 4th pane of the Johari window to reveal secrets of myself, which I myself don’t know and so is not known also to You the second subject and They the third subjects.

I always thought I was very analytical.?

But when I took some of the self-assessment questionnaire available in the market, it had a different viewpoint on me based on the inputs that I provided.

Well, they thought I was more Direct, which is an English Communication style which is decisive, competitive, independent, and confident and then I was also initiating, which would mean I was sociable, enthusiastic, energetic, and fun loving.

They also rated me to bear a supportive style and thought I was very calm, approachable, sincere, and gentle.

Also, I was somewhere Analytical, where they thought I may be precise, exact, and logical.

Now let us leave all the Market Ratings aside, I know it is really hard for anybody to glue themselves to a particular communication style but here we are a mix of different communication styles which helps us go well, mingling, mixing as well as be a true product of the Communicating Diversity.

But you see I had also my reservations too in a typical discussion on communication style.?

My interest was to know how easy it is for a non-native speaker of English like me influence a typical native speaker of English, be it on an individual basis or be it in a social, cultural, or in their societal framework.??

I thought I will share with you, my findings.?

So, in order to do that we should first understand what is Linguistic relativity or linguistic determination?

To reach linguistic relativity, it is all about how a particular language influences the reality around us.

To reach linguistic determination, it is about language and its structure limiting human knowledge and the human thought process.

In short it says a one-to-one translation of any foreign language be it Indo Aryan or Dravidian language to English is somewhat difficult. ?

And if that is the case, what is most difficult is a one-to-one translation from a language called Hopi to English.

What is Hopi?

Hopi well is a Native American language spoken in North America.

Western languages and most Indo Aryan or Dravidian languages view time as a flowing river carrying us through the present, away from past and to the future.

But Native Americans who speak Hopi has no concept of this. For them, or for the Hopi language speakers, there is no present, past or future tense.? They simply divide the world into manifested and unmanifested domains.

The manifested domain consists of the physical universe including present, immediate past and the future and unmanifested domain consists of remote past, future and the world of dreams, thoughts, desires, and life forces.

Simply put they follow phases of moon and movements of sun...

And hence, the Native speakers of Hopi language in America had real difficulty adapting to English speaking world in particular when they were asked to perform a particular job on time or to be on time for a particular job.

So let us from now on, don’t sympathize with the Hopi language speakers in North America, understand that their differences with the English-speaking world is manifested in well-known Hypothesis like the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, a discussion on that may not be imminent for us here but may be taken up in a subsequent session.?



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