Hopes & Dreams:                  
Motivation Ingredients
Winter Sunrise Eastern Pennsylvania Derek DiGiacomo (c)

Hopes & Dreams: Motivation Ingredients

There is no going back. We can learn from the past but things can't be undone, unseen, untasted; you get the idea. What we can do is reflect and dream. Reflect and focus on today and that will enable a tomorrow. Speaking of dreams, has anyone asked you what your hopes and dreams are? How about what sparks joy? Sharing answers to those fundamental questions can help deepen relationships and give better connection to our fellow human beings. That could be a family member, friend, co-worker, business partner or trusted close relation. Think about it, knowing what motivates someone else we interact with on a day to day basis can result in amazing things driven by motivations in synch!

In the business world it could help discover untapped talent that is bottled up. In a tightly wound world of job descriptions, titles, objectives and key results, I wonder where there could be an ocean of miss-matched roles to hopes and dreams? What if we could hit the off button on some of alignment challenged items? Could that increase the "innovation ingredients" at our disposal because the weight of such things are no longer present? Having been exposed to such an environment, I believe it truly does. I hope you get the opportunity to hit at least the mute button and take the time, listen, share and care.

Thank you and what are your hopes and dreams? -Derek

It is impossible to say no to anything so wonderful...Thank you for being here...-Derek DiGiacomo

We should connect for a good coffee chat on this topic



