Is There Hope for Your Automatic Call Distributor System?

Is There Hope for Your Automatic Call Distributor System?

Almost every call center has an automatic call distributor system. Surely that means its future is secure?

Well, no. Not if those systems can’t deliver the service customers want. 

Technology has changed call routing a lot. Some businesses use it to offer a service that gets better every day. 

How up-to-date is your automatic call distributor system?

ACD Systems

Let’s talk about Edwin Land. You might not have heard of him, but you’ve heard of the business he founded in 1937. 

Land’s business had huge success after he created an innovative new product – a market-leading product. 

The business was successful for decades but fell apart in 2001. They had to declare bankruptcy. The business just hadn’t managed to keep up with the industry they’d once led. 

That business was called ‘Polaroid’. I’m sure you’ve heard of them.

Why are ACDs like cameras?

So, why are we comparing Polaroid cameras to your Automatic Call Distributor System? Well, Polaroid’s problem was digital photography. They didn’t think it would uproot them. They were very, very wrong.

They believed that their product was the beginning and the end. But they weren’t listening to their market. 

And that’s the basic problem call centers are having.

Is your automatic call distributor system fit for purpose?

Customer service is more important than ever for your business.

Service makes customers more loyal. It makes them talk positively about you to their friends. It makes them spend more and more with your business.

But their expectations are increasing. According to Deloitte, customer expectations are the key driver of call center growth.

What are the key drivers of growth in your call center


Ideally, you want to give customers the easiest possible experience. The right agent, the best outcome and not too much waiting around. Your automatic call distributor system can be a major help with that.

First things first...

In a moment we’re going to think about industry-leading call routing techniques.

But first, let’s remind ourselves of what a good integrated automatic call distributor system can do.

Whenever babelforce speaks to call center professionals, they tell us that the call and process flows we describe would be fantastic. But surely they’ve not affordable - or even possible - right?

They are, in fact, totally possible and very affordable. Our whole purpose is to help businesses integrate their systems and automate processes across them. When we talk about best-in-class call routing, we know it’s doable. In fact, we know it’s easy.

#1 Personalized call routing

When you say ‘call center’ what do most people picture? Perhaps a giant gray room filled with very bored agents?

It doesn’t matter that that’s not true - it’s what people think. So the idea of personalized service is a total novelty to them.

one-third of customers who stopped using a business in the last year did so because personalization was lacking


So, starting simple. When a customer calls, you know who they are because their number is stored in your CRM. (We’re going to assume you’re already using babelforce to integrate your systems.)

You can see things like their purchase history and how long they’ve been a customer, and you can use that data to inform your call routing choices.

Crucially, you can send your agents real-time notifications that help them to start an informed conversation. 

#2 Continuity call routing

First Contact Resolution is very important. Obviously. 


Whatever you do, you are going to get repeat callers - so you’d better plan for them.

Actually, these are some of the most important calls to handle properly, because these are your most annoyed customers. 

76% of customers get conflicting answers when multiple agents help on the same issue


Around one-third of call volume are the customers who didn’t get a good answer the first time

When your automatic call distributor system is integrated with CRM you always know who’s calling.

There’s a good chance you also know why they’re calling, because your integrated Helpdesk shows you their unresolved ticket.

Now, as you route their call, they don’t need to explain why they’re calling. You can route them straight to the right agent for their issue - or even the same agent who helped them before.

#3 Retention call routing

By now you’ve created an excellent customer service. What’s the next step? It’s time to think about the impact your call center can make on the business’s bottom line.

Customer retention is where you need to start. It costs 5-10 times more to attract a new customer than it does to retain an exisiting one. Plus, the longer they’re with you, the more they tend to spend.

You don’t need to make the case for retention – it makes itself.

Acquiring new customers costs 5-10 times more than selling to existing customers


So how does your automatic call distributor system help with retention? First, establish which customers are at risk of churning. There are a few ways to identify them.

Most businesses understand the point in a customer relationship when the customer is most likely to leave. That might connect with something like the end of a discounted subscription.

You could also hone in on particular customers who have signalled dissatisfaction, directly or otherwise. For example, focus on any who’ve had to call several times or given bad feedback.

You can target any risky customers once you’ve identified them. Then you can connect them with ‘advocate’ agents, with a focus on retention.

#4 Sales acceleration routing

Let’s raise the bar now with an ambitious leap into sales acceleration

In part, that involves using the techniques we’ve already talked about - but with sales as the end goal. Clearly, you’ll want to route prospects to your sales team rather than tech support.

And, if you can connect them to an advisor they already know, all the better.

Nurtured leads make purchases that are 47% more valuable than non-nurtured leads


You can also bring in skills-based routing, connecting your most valuable leads to your best sellers.

But wait… what happens if your high-value callers don’t reach an agent at all? Sometimes, the most important calls are the ones you don’t pick up.

If you can identify high-value leads, you may already have priority routing in place. Even so, call volumes may prevent them from reaching an agent in good time, so they might just give up. Does that mean the lead is lost?

Not if we can help it. Remember, your automatic call distributor systems is integrated with everything else – including your auto dialer

That means you can automatically schedule a callback to any missed leads as soon as an agent is ready to talk.

Between one-third and one-half of sales go to whichever vendor makes contact first. So when a prospect appears – but they’re gone before you can talk – you should make it a priority to call them back.

Great news for your automatic call distributor system

So is there hope for your automatic call distributor system? Yes indeed – provided you can keep up with your industry.

Back in the ‘40s, Polaroid was miles ahead of the curve. By the early millennium, complacency was killing it.

What are you doing to keep up?

babelforce is the world leader in call center integration. To find out how you can do everything we’ve talked about today – and more – get in touch now


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