We’ve all heard the saying, “Hope for the best but expect the worst,” right? We generally know what that means; aim for the best case scenario and be ready for the worst. However, why and how does that work? We decided to delve deeper into it.

Since both hope and expect are technically synonyms, we’ve defined both below to differentiate the two thanks to Google:

Hope – want something to happen or be the case.

Expect – regard (something) as likely to happen

See the difference already?


When we hope for something, we want it to happen but know there’s a chance it doesn’t. We hope a relationship works out for the better but acknowledge the fact that many don’t. We hope our business becomes a billion dollar business but realize that not many do. We hope our favourite basketball team wins the NBA Finals but then remember our favorite team is the New York Knicks.

The common theme here is that we acknowledge there’s a chance it won’t happen.

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean we have to go into every situation with a cloud hanging over our heads, it just means that we shouldn’t rule out a cloud over our heads once the situation has ended. You can imagine what it’s like for the outcome to be in your favor just don’t be too upset if it isn’t.


When we expect something, we’re anticipating it and believe there is no chance that it doesn’t happen. We expect to catch the train and don’t have a backup plan if there isn’t another one for an hour. We expect to get offered that job we interviewed twice for and mentally prepare to quit our current job for it. We expect the Knicks to win…ah, just forget it.

The common theme here is that we don’t acknowledge there’s a chance it won’t happen.

When we enter any situation, we automatically assume the best is going to happen which is dangerous. If the best case scenario occurs, we’re content. But if it doesn’t, we’re disappointed, frustrated and angry.

Living your life hoping for things instead of expecting it is the way to go. If you hope for everything, you’ll be genuinely happy when it happens. If it doesn’t happen, you’ll be a little upset but you’ll get over it quickly. If you expect everything, you live your life sometimes content and sometimes disappointed.

With all of that said, let’s get one thing clear; this doesn’t mean you should hope for things and not do anything about it. If you want a new car, hope for one but go put in the work. Then, when you get it you’ll have earned it and will appreciate it more.


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